Arm Teachers; Save Students

June 1, 2018 AFP Editor 2

After 10 years of success, one Texas school superintendent stands firmly in support of his armed-staff model to protect pupils. While the media and other school professionals contacted him previously, he’s surprised to have not […]

Feds Betray America’s Vets Yet Again

May 29, 2018 AFP Editor 0

An Air Force veteran is fighting the VA for reimbursement of his unpaid emergency room bills, denied due to a “coding error.” Fortunately for the estimated 98,000 other vets who’ve also been denied benefits, he’s […]

Is U.S. Bellicosity Backfiring?

May 26, 2018 AFP Editor 0

With the Singapore summit now scuttled, North Korea issuing vaguely threatening references to nuclear war in response to VP Mike Pence’s incendiary remarks, and Mike Pompeo issuing outrageous “demands” of Iran, it’s looking more and […]

Israel Owns U.S. Foreign Policy

May 24, 2018 AFP Editor 4

President Trump’s “emotional” decision to denounce the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action involving Iran, based on known falsehoods fed to him by Bibi Netanyahu, is not making America great again in the Middle East. Who is […]

Memo to Trump: Defy Mueller

May 7, 2018 AFP Editor 2

Patrick Buchanan tells President Trump, Don’t testify. Ignore a subpoena, defy the courts if they compel you, but don’t testify. He explains, “The only institution that is empowered to prosecute a president is Congress,” and […]

Immigrant Caravan a Publicity Stunt

May 7, 2018 AFP Editor 0

The band of illegal immigrants entering the United States at the Southwestern border is being called a “propaganda ploy” designed to test U.S. resolve. How many of the “caravaners” are actually asylum-seekers from Central America?  […]

America’s Unsustainable Empire

April 24, 2018 AFP Editor 5

How long can America continue to expend our blood and treasure to sustain security commitments around the world? And how long should we keep trying to do so? Many would argue we should never have entered […]

Syrian Showdown: Trump vs. the Generals

April 6, 2018 AFP Editor 4

Yet again, President Trump’s appointees are disagreeing with him, this time on his desire to bring U.S. troops back home from the Middle East. “It’s time,” he says. Centcom commander Gen. Joseph Votel and Defense Secretary […]

U.S. Soldiers Sacrificial Lambs

April 2, 2018 AFP Editor 5

Make no mistake about this, says Phil Giraldi: “The American soldiers and airmen who are now based in Israel are the sacrificial lambs that will guarantee U.S. entry into a war that Israel intends to […]

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