Flynn Exonerated?

September 28, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Has a newly uncovered memo, withheld by the Department of Justice prosecution in violation of the court’s discovery order, cleared Trump advisor Michael Flynn? By Donald Jeffries The attorney for beleaguered Gen. Michael Flynn claims […]

Will Court Agree to Exhumation?

September 23, 2019 AFP Editor 4

A researcher is convinced that the murder of Dorothy Kilgallen is linked to the JFK assassination. By S.T. Patrick Dorothy Kilgallen looked like your favorite aunt, prim and proper, the one who would wink at […]

Sanctuary Insanity

September 23, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Officials who are implementing sanctuary policies are responsible for robberies, rapes and murders committed by illegals. This “sanctuary insanity” made the front page of AFP Issue 39&40, in the mail to print subscribers and online […]

‘Gay Gene’ Study Shocks Liberals

September 22, 2019 AFP Editor 3

Are some people in fact “born gay,” as liberals maintain? Or is sexual preference more learned than innate?  Scientists published in Science magazine have recently concluded that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice, not a genetic […]

YouTube on a Banning Binge

September 21, 2019 AFP Editor 2

The world’s largest social media companies are under pressure from Thought Police. By John Friend Late last month, several prominent right-leaning YouTube channels were purged from the popular video-sharing site, largely at the behest of […]

Military Will Censor Free Speech?

September 20, 2019 AFP Editor 0

The special division of the Pentagon may be tasked with ferreting out “fake news”. By Dave Gahary The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the arm of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for the […]

A Crisis in the Electoral College

September 20, 2019 AFP Editor 1

The Institution was created to ensure that states with smaller populations aren’t left out. Are small states in danger if anti-Electoral College forces win? By S.T. Patrick The Electoral College, one of the longest-standing constitutional […]

Shutting Down Tulsi

September 18, 2019 AFP Editor 0

The DNC is working to keep Gabbard out of presidential debates. By Donald Jeffries The Democratic Party has clamped down on its only anti-war presidential candidate, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (DHawaii). In an attempt to trim […]

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