AFP archived stories

Who Towers Behind Trump?

September 28, 2015 AFP 53

The following detailed background on billionaire real estate developer, TV personality, author and GOP presidential candidate Donald J. Trump comes courtesy of an excerpt from Michael Collins Piper’s book, The New Jerusalem: Zionist Power in […]

N.C. Police Chief Ousted for Having an Opinion

September 28, 2015 AFP 6

• North Carolina lawman forced to retire after saying radical black activists were “domestic terrorists.” By John Friend — A police chief in a small North Carolina beach community has been forced to retire in […]

The Purge of Heroes Begins

September 26, 2015 AFP 3

• “New Barbarians” want America’s cultural icons erased. By Patrick J. Buchanan — With that kumbaya moment at the Capitol in South Carolina, when the Battle Flag of the Confederacy was lowered forever to the […]

The Population Control Conspiracy

September 19, 2015 AFP 8

• New book by Jim Marrs exposes deadly corporate agenda against humanity. By John Tiffany — Does the world need population control, or does it need corporation control? According to Jim Marrs in his new […]

Using Mass Migration to Commit Genocide

September 18, 2015 AFP 16

• U.S., Israel fulfilling Kalergi’s radical dream of mongrelized Europe, America. By Ronald L. Ray — World War III is under way. It is not a typical war, fought with guns and munitions on the […]

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