AFP archived stories

Why Turkey Wants Syria a Vassal State

December 10, 2015 AFP 1

• Dangerously reckless NATO member wants war to hide criminal oil operations, ties with ISIS. By Richard Walker — Turkey’s decision to shoot down a Russian jet fighter confirmed its status as a reckless member […]

Can White Culture Survive Stealth Jihad?

November 30, 2015 AFP 5

By Victor Thorn — As thousands of Muslim refugees continue to pour into Europe, on November 3, Hansjoerg Mueller, a member of the populist right-wing Alternative for Germany political party, issued a dire warning: If […]

The TPP & GMOs

November 30, 2015 AFP 0

• How free traders are working with Big Ag to make “Frankenfoods” a dietary staple. By James Spounias — The good news is that 5,544 pages of the secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement were […]

Zionists Have Sights on Syria; U.S. Snubs Putin’s Plan

November 30, 2015 AFP 2

• Destruction of Syria would eliminate last hope of freedom for Palestinians. By Olga M. Marinova — Russians are reacting angrily to a neoconservative-and Zionist-sponsored hearing in Congress entitled “U.S. Policy After Russia’s Escalation in […]

Black Lies Matter

November 29, 2015 AFP 4

• As Mizzou unrest spreads, questions of fraud emerge about facts surrounding alleged racist stunts. By Ronald L. Ray — It is no accident that the mostly white, conservative heartland of America has become the […]

Trump Explains Deportation Plan

November 23, 2015 AFP 0

• “The Donald” calls for “Ike-like” illegal immigration eradication program. By Robert Romano — “12 million illegal immigrants, to send them back, 500,000 a month, is just not—not possible.” That was former Florida Republican Governor […]

GOP Elite Abandoning “Jeb” Bush

November 22, 2015 AFP 5

• As Bush’s chances fizzle, Republican handlers turn to Florida senator for White House bid. By Victor Thorn — Elite GOP planners banked on the likelihood that former Florida Governor John Ellis “Jeb” Bush would easily […]

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