AFP archived stories

Health Concerns About Fracking

June 28, 2016 AFP 2

• How bad is process for extracting natural gas for health and environment? By James Spounias — Does the controversial use of fracking cause numerous problems to our health and planet? The answer is yes, […]

George Soros: Billionaire Terrorist

June 20, 2016 AFP 18

• Extremely powerful “nation wrecker” driving force behind New World Order. By Ronald L. Ray — The subject of George Soros, born Schwartz György, the super-wealthy slash-and-burn speculator and Jewish-Hungarian expatriate, is one always revealing […]

Exodus of Illegals Good for Economy

June 20, 2016 AFP 3

• But U.S. government refuses to admit illegal alien flight is actually happening. By Bill White — Almost one million illegal immigrants, 8.2% of America’s peak illegal immigrant population, have left the United States since […]

Trump Right About Judicial Bias

June 20, 2016 AFP 0

• “Mexican judge” has long history supporting radical anti-American group. • Judges consistently exercise cultural, racial, religious, social affinities. By Patrick J. Buchanan — Before the lynching of The Donald proceeds, what exactly was it […]

Hillary & Bill’s War on Women

June 14, 2016 AFP 0

• Mrs. Clinton ran “terror campaign” to silence husband’s many victims. By Victor Thorn — In March 2008, during a radio interview, Deborah Jeane Palfrey, otherwise known as the D.C. Madam, warned: “I’m not planning […]

Can Anybody Save the Whites?

June 14, 2016 AFP 17

• White males, now down to 31% of the population, have become the only Americans against whom it is not only permissible, but commendable, to discriminate. By Patrick J. Buchanan — “Something startling is happening […]

JUNE 8,1967: The Day Liberty Refused to Die

June 7, 2016 AFP 4

• Survivors, supporters meet in Arizona to honor the fallen. By Dave Gahary — MARICOPA, Ariz.—Hidden in the middle of the Sonoran Desert, surrounded by mountain ranges, the only city in the nation bordered by […]

Israel, Top Neocons Want Syria’s Oil

June 6, 2016 AFP 3

• Former VP, former CIA chief, Rothschild family take center stage in scheme. By Richard Walker — It should come as no surprise to anyone that the Israeli government continues to build illegal settlements on […]

Immigration Crisis Accelerates

June 6, 2016 AFP 0

• Western nations, U.S. government, United Nations making problem even worse. By John Friend — Immigration continues to be the most critical issue facing the entire Western world, as millions of so-called “refugees” and “asylum […]

How to Stop the Flood of Foreign Refugees

May 31, 2016 AFP 3

• If you don’t want a scourge of migrants, don’t let your government’s foreign policy create the problem. By Shane Smith — The great refugee scourge has been in the headlines for months. No one […]

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