AFP archived stories

That Bloodbath in the Old Dominion

November 10, 2017 AFP Editor 0

Pat Buchanan offers sage advice for the GOP and a historical reminder, given Republican losses in this week’s Virginia elections.  By Patrick J. Buchanan The day after his “Silent Majority” speech on Nov. 3, 1969, […]

Globalists Seek to Scuttle Brexit

November 10, 2017 admin 3

The New World Order elite just won’t let the British put Britain first.  By Mark Anderson The British “Brexit” vote, cast June 23, 2016, provided a clear indication of the populist revolt that’s been simmering for […]

Democrats Behind Fake News Dossier

November 7, 2017 admin 0

The Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC have been tied to the bogus report on Trump’s “deep, compromising ties to Russia,” which even former FBI Director James Comey called “salacious and unverified,” that was released before […]

Cleaning House

November 2, 2017 admin 2

The rising tide of populism and America-first sentiments are finally gaining ground in U.S. politics, and as a result “America-last” senators and congressmen are being forced out of office. Recently, at least two have announced they […]

Rhode Island Tackles ‘Geoengineering’

October 27, 2017 admin 5

No longer dismissed as “conspiracy theory nonsense,” Rhode Island’s general assembly is concerned enough that geoengineering, or “intentional manipulation of the environment,” involves “hazardous activities that can harm human health and safety, the environment, and […]

Top-Tier Treason and the USS Liberty

October 24, 2017 AFP Editor 2

In his new book, Remember the Liberty! Almost Sunk by Treason on the High Seas, Philip F. Nelson has documented U.S. treason at the highest levels of government in a planned false-flag operation that called for Israel’s […]

Two Lost Thorn Books Back in Print!

October 20, 2017 admin 1

Great news: After some negotiation, AFP has made a deal to bring back TWO Victor Thorn books that were in desperate need of a publisher. American Free Press is now the only authorized publisher and distributor—in […]

Phil Giraldi Speaks Candidly With AFP

October 20, 2017 admin 5

Former Army intelligence and CIA agent Philip Giraldi confirmed recently there is indeed a limit to free speech in America—even amongst “conservatives.” When it comes to criticizing neoconservatives’ Israel-first policy, repercussions are swift. By Dave […]

Thanks, Mr. Trump

October 19, 2017 admin 3

Project 21, a conservative African-American policy group, is applauding the president for bringing jobs to inner cities and crediting Trump’s populist, America-first economic agenda with the lowest black unemployment rate in 17 years, down from 16.8% at one […]

City Insider Reveals Why Lee Yanked

October 12, 2017 admin 7

Former Dallas City Council member Sandra Crenshaw explains how a bevy of cultural communists worked to get the general’s statue pulled from its place of honor in Dallas. By Dave Gahary Sandra Crenshaw, a black, […]

Virginia Bans Electronic Voting Machines

October 10, 2017 admin 6

Virginia and Texas are re-evaluating their use of easily hacked machines and considering paper ballots, in large part thanks to tireless efforts of anti-vote fraud activists like Dr. Laura Presley.  By Mark Anderson Thankfully, the days […]

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