AFP archived stories

Meddling Violates Monroe Doctrine

May 25, 2019 AFP Editor 0

American imperialism is on vivid and hypocritical display in South America, where the recent coup attempt was simply the latest in a long history of foreign coups supported by the U.S. military-industrial complex. By S.T. […]

Hillary’s Collusion Delusion

May 24, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Although “Russiagate” is now synonymous with “hoax,” Hillary Clinton continues to push the “Russia Did It” meme. Did Hillary and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow just invite China to interfere in the 2020 presidential election? “[H]ey, let’s […]

Picking Candidates via ‘Victim Points’

May 22, 2019 AFP Editor 0

What is “intersectionality,” and why is so important to the brainwashed left-leaning voter? By S.T. Patrick Trying to decipher what makes a Democratic nominee for president viable enough has become as difficult as correctly keeping […]

Trump’s Yemen Blunder

May 21, 2019 AFP Editor 1

President Trump’s recent veto of a congressional measure intended to pull the U.S. out of Yemen confirms the president’s seemingly unchecked power to wage war without congressional approval. Yet Congress cannot amass the the two-thirds […]

Who Wants This War With Iran?

May 21, 2019 AFP Editor 2

While the neocons are loudly banging the drums of war on Iran, Pat Buchanan points out: “The ayatollah’s analysis—a war is in neither nation’s interest—is correct. Consider the consequences of a war with the United […]

Sheriff Joe Is Back, Still Swinging

May 20, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Did the FBI spy on Sheriff Joe Arpaio just like they spied on Trump? In this interview, published in the most recent American Free Press the 57-year veteran lawman has choice words for mainstream media, […]

Trump Risks War Over Iran Oil Embargo

May 14, 2019 AFP Editor 0

President Trump’s Israeli petroleum gambit imperils his re-election chances and invites war. By Dr. Kevin Barrett Has the White House gone insane? On April 21 The Washington Post reported that the Trump administration is ending […]

Deep State Conditions Public for War

May 8, 2019 AFP Editor 4

News flash: It’s America, not Russia, that is the real danger to world peace. By Paul Craig Roberts The Russian embassy in Washington has prepared an accurate 121-page report, “The Russiagate Hysteria: A Case of […]

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