AFP archived stories


September 16, 2014 AFP 0

AFP AUDIO INTERVIEW Former Arizona Sheriff Richard I. Mack, best known for his landmark victory lawsuit against the Clinton administration’s illegal application of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, more commonly referred to as the […]

Were Journalists Spying for the U.S. and Israel?

September 14, 2014 AFP 3

• Two Americans allegedly executed by IS militants may have been more than just mere journalists. By Ronald L. Ray — Videos of two American journalists working in Syria were released recently that purportedly showed […]

Massive Solar Storm Near Miss

September 13, 2014 AFP 2

• The final effects of a giant solar flare are being felt today on Earth, but experts warn a direct hit would spell the end of civilization. By Dave Gahary — On September 10, a […]

U.S. Army Preparing for Civil Unrest

September 5, 2014 AFP 7

• Feds unveil Army manual that permits use of troops on “rebellious” Americans. By Keith Johnson — The paramilitary response to the race riots in Ferguson, Missouri is a stark reminder of the ever-blurring distinction […]

Racial Blackmail

September 1, 2014 AFP 9

• African-American radicals offer message to white America: Put white cop on trial and convict him or we’ll make blacks riot. By Victor Thorn — Despite clear, overwhelming evidence that on August 9, 2014, a […]

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