Will Arizona Find Any Election Fraud?

February 27, 2021 AFP Editor 0

By Mark Anderson Maricopa County, Ariz. has embarked on what appears to be a thorough “forensic audit” of the county’s voting hardware and software—manufactured by the Dominion Voting Systems company, whose name was connected to […]

DHS Bulletin a Propaganda Ploy

February 26, 2021 AFP Editor 0

By John Friend On Jan. 27, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), currently led by Alejandro Mayorkas, issued a National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin hyping “a heightened threat environment across the United States” following the […]

China Remains No. 1 Threat

February 25, 2021 AFP Editor 2

By Richard Walker Before he left office, President Donald Trump moved the center of gravity of America’s threat preparedness up several notches to take account of the fact that China is not only America’s biggest […]

Cancel Culture Run Amok

February 25, 2021 AFP Editor 1

Organized leftwing groups winning the culture war. By John Friend Radical leftwing activists and organized groups have been working tirelessly to shut down truthtellers and patriots from web hosting services, online payment processors, social media […]

Vaccine Hesitancy Remains High

February 24, 2021 AFP Editor 0

Healthcare professionals, average people wary of getting “the shot”. By Tilton Adler Reports of allergic reaction, severe complication, and even death following the injection of the Covid-19 vaccine have become more frequent in recent weeks. […]

Lab Origin for Virus Back on the Table

February 24, 2021 AFP Editor 0

Fox host says Fauci played role in funding “gain of function” research killed by Obama. By Donald Jeffries Candidate Joe Biden, along with all other Democrats, chastised President Donald Trump on a regular basis for […]

‘Conspiracy Researchers’ a Necessity

February 23, 2021 AFP Editor 2

But when they spread obvious falsehoods, you have to Question their motives. By S.T. Patrick “Conspiracy theorist!” is the bellowed cry of the modern era. It’s the new scarlet letter, the new “Treason!” Halfway through […]

Reassessing the Capitol ‘Insurrection’

February 22, 2021 AFP Editor 0

Were these ill-equipped, basically unarmed protesters really planning a coup? By S.T. Patrick There is a disconnect within the Department of Justice about the motivations of the Jan. 6 Capitol protestors. One U.S. attorney has […]

Red Plague

February 22, 2021 AFP Editor 1

Antifa still terrorizing Portland, Seattle. By John Friend The radical far-left terrorist organization known as Antifa continues to plague the cities of Portland and Seattle, hot beds of Antifa activity that have been responsible for […]

DHS Thinks All Libertarians Are Terrorists

February 19, 2021 AFP Editor 0

By Dr. Ron Paul The Department of Homeland Security recently issued a nationwide terror alert lasting until April 30. The alert warns of potential terrorist attacks from Americans who are “ideologically motivated” and have “objections […]

Vladimir Putin: Censorship Killing U.S.

February 19, 2021 AFP Editor 2

By Paul Craig Roberts At the World Economic Forum held in late January, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin called out America’s Big Tech monopolies for preventing free speech and attempting “to harshly and unilaterally govern society, […]

Are We All Enemies of the State?

February 18, 2021 AFP Editor 0

“Domestic terrorism” the new excuse to erode even more civil liberties. By John Whitehead This is how it begins. We are moving fast down that slippery slope to an authoritarian society in which the only […]

Dems Search for Domestic Terrorists

February 17, 2021 AFP Editor 0

By Phil Giraldi As has been feared, the new Democratic regime in Washington is already beginning to round up people that they are labeling as terrorists, and much more legislation to control groups that the […]

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