By Paul Fromm
Since Nelson Mandela and the communist African National Congress (ANC) took over South Africa, more than 70,000 whites have been murdered and untold numbers have been robbed, raped and tortured.
But you will not hear about this in the Western media, which fawns over the black terrorists who now run the once-prosperous country.
Claudia Bryan is a South African activist living in London. Her grandmother owned a bakery in South Africa. One day six blacks entered the bakery and gang-raped her. They then tried to shoot her. The gun jammed. In anger they gang raped her again and the 70-something woman died. Robbery was not the motive.
One of the South African Family Relief Project volunteers, who drove this writer around Durban during a recent fact-finding visit to South Africa, related the experience of a co-worker. This man and his adult son were working on their boat at their home in an upscale area when two blacks came up the driveway and demanded the keys to the son’s car. When the father refused, the blacks shot him dead and fled.
Joulene Trichardt, my Johannesburg guide’s daughter-in-law, was one of the managers at a nightclub called Truth several years ago. The night club was open once a week for parties and dances. One night, four armed blacks burst in, firing handguns, and attacked the staff. They herded the managers and the disc jockey into an office. They beat one manager with a pistol and kicked Ms. Trichardt repeatedly when she disobeyed their orders to keep her eyes down and not to look. The bandits made off with the night’s proceeds—400,000 rand (roughly $40,000)—as well as the staff’s cellphones. They were never caught.
Every white person I met feared for his physical safety. Crime—murder, robbery and rape—is rampant. South Africa has the highest rape rate in the world and the second highest murder rate, making the country more dangerous than most parts of Iraq.
Most victims and perpetrators are black. Rapes are rampant in black schools, and parents often accept a small sum of money as financial compensation for their raped daughter rather than going to the corrupt or incompetent police.
The website “GenocideWatch.com” observes: “About 50 people on average are murdered in South Africa per day, of which at least 20 of them are whites (95% black-on-white murder rate). Please take into consideration that white people make up only 9% (4,500,000) of the demographics in South Africa, and therefore the white murder rate in South Africa is quite significant.”
For a bribe, police case files can be made to disappear and the case never comes to court. Traffic stops are often an excuse for a bribe. A hundred rand note ($10), my hosts told me, would usually make a traffic stop go away.
Worse, police are sometimes the perpetrators of carjackings and robberies.
One incident—the attempted kidnapping of a rich Chinese couple in an upper class area of Johannesburg—was captured on a cellphone and seemed to be perpetrated by police in the guise of stopping to question the couple. The video has gone viral on the Internet.
Over 70,000 whites have been murdered in South Africa since power was handed to the ANC. Over 5,000 farmers have been murdered. Many of these killings involve hideous torture. An old terrorist chant of the ANC is: “Shoot the farmer! Kill the Boer!” This song has been sung in recent times even by President Jacob Zuma.
The communist ideology of the ANC calls for the eventual seizure of many farms. So traumatized and beleaguered are South Africa’s farmers that farm production has slumped, and South Africa is now a food-importing country.
What is going on in South Africa is a slow genocide of the white population. The mounting homicidal violence against whites, the denial of access to jobs for whites and the erasing of their history and culture mean genocide on the installment plan. Could America be next?
Paul Fromm is the founder of CAFE, the Canadian Association for Free Expression. He is also the publisher of Free Speech Monitor in which he relates crazy governmental policies of which Canadian citizens are subject. Ask for a free booklist and sample OB 332, Stn B, Etobicoke ONT M9W5L3. $15 per year.
Obama’s African Legacy: Poverty, Crime, Terrorism
By Bill White
With his presidency nearing an end, Barack Hussein Obama may find his legacy in Africa. On the Dark Continent, Obama has done more to kill and impoverish black people and to expand Western and Zionist power than any American leader in recent memory.
Across the African continent, Obama and his advisors have targeted nearly every honest nationalist leader they can find, while consistently promoting corrupt cronies, who pocket all they can while bleeding their people poor.
Take Libya’s assassinated leader, Muammar Qadaffi, for example. Despite its tiny population, Qadaffi turned Libya into a growth engine for Africa. In 37 of Africa’s 53 countries, Qadaffi set up joint development banks, which were profitably investing in African infrastructure—something the United States, Britain, Russia and China have all failed to do in a meaningful way.
Besides subsidizing food, gas, education and housing for his own people, Qadaffi was making a minimum annual investment of $6 billion in African countries—a huge amount given the tiny size of Africa’s economy. More importantly, Qadaffi had set up a Libyan foreign exchange bank, which made a currency trading market in those 37 nations, allowing them to trade among each other. While Africa is not a nation, under Qadaffi’s influence it was acting like an autonomous economic entity.
This, of course, is why Obama, dancing at the end of strings held by international bankers, murdered Qadaffi and destroyed his banking system.
Obama acted like one of the old African chieftains, willing to sell his own people into slavery.
Or take Jean-Pierre Bemba, the Congolese leader currently facing trumped-up war crimes charges in The Hague. Bemba was elected president of the Congo with 70% of the vote. He and his staff held all-night meetings to brainstorm how to bring industry and information technology into their impoverished nation. Independently wealthy, Bemba was incorruptible, and so he had to go.
When Bemba intervened to stop members of the Central Africa Republic from butchering one another, some of his soldiers may have raped women. Bemba, a family man, had no involvement, but he wasn’t useful to the Western bankers, so he’s on trial in The Hague. In his place has come a network of Rwandan Tutsis.
Many Tutsis consider themselves Jewish. Israel does not concede this status to them, but the Mossad has been bankrolling Tutsi expansion in Central and Eastern Africa.
It is no surprise but Rwandan President Paul Kagame has recently taken up a cry more familiar to America’s manipulated and ignorant black masses—the cry of blame for the white man.
Like in every “liberated” African nation, from Libya to South Sudan to Nigeria, South Africa is also facing economic collapse and extreme violence; it is likely only years away from joining the other three in civil war. White people are being blamed for the problems there, and their property is being seized.
Remember Darfur? The Western powers would prefer that you forget it. It’s currently in the midst of a brutal civil war. Nigeria? Obama sent David Axelrod there to “change” the government. But Boko Haram isn’t going anywhere.
Everywhere you look in Africa, Obama has impoverished his father’s own peoples. And everywhere you look, global bankers are getting rich off white and black poverty—all the while blaming the white man for the problems there.
Bill White is a freelance journalist and publisher based in Virginia. He has also written articles for THE BARNES REVIEW (TBR) magazine. Bill is also the author of a new book entitled National Socialism: Yesterday & Today. Proceeds go to White’s legal defense fund.
It is distressing that Man’s inhumanity to one another is happening in South Africa, the U.S.A., and other nations. I,a citizen of the U.S.A.,applauded the historic transformation and also lived there for three years.
The many opportunities that white S.A. citizens had to share their accomplishments with all willing participants were stagnated due to their selfishness.
Even when, as I learned over there, so many of the non-European people earned education and training only to be denied employment! It was in their words ” A never ending game”!
The same situation is here in the U.S.A., but with more tricks being perpetrated through the extensive and ever growing use of employment screening businesses. It is dastardly factual that their is a very tragic earnings divide between whites and most of the other non-whites. Why? Don’t our credentials matter?
The answers must come from white males whom at all costs are striving to maintain control of their perceived lives while destroying others through their willful and evil actions.
Some of you commenters are vomiting the same hatred of genocide murderers throughout history.
You will not win; for God’s people will inherit the Earth and we will share the bounties and goodness with each other.
Your comment is totally out of touch. There is no white genocide in South Africa. The murder statistics are absolute fake statistics. AfriForum (The official white farmers association who drives the white farmers “murder” campaign) admits that activist like Steve Hofmeyr and Sunette Bridges (celebrities) are cooking up all sorts of fake news and fake statistics to support their lies. Everything is not like it is supposed to be but the situation in South Africa is a far cry from what these people wants us to believe.
The Veil of Secrecy Has Been Lifted….
After many decades of secrecy and operation in the shadows, we, the illuminated ones, must begin to form the young membership. More than ever the world needs an elite group of individuals j work to create the fate of the masses. They need us, but we must once again band together. What you see in the media today was not the original plan of our organization. It is not required that you are already super wealthy, or you are already an elite member of government or business….you must simply seek the light, and seek a world of knowledge that you realize exists, but is not sought after by the masses. You then become enlightened. You have made it to the ranks of the worlds most elite group. You have made it here because you chose to seek. Chose to seek the massive knowledge and power that is provided to those that wish to become enlightened. The path of enlightenment is not difficult, but it will not come to those who do not wish to find it. Never before have we sought out, in any outlet be it traditional print or digital media, a new membership, available to the public. But we now realize that the public is who seeks knowledge, and wishes to use it in a way that helps the masses become enlightened, and live in a way that enlightened ones do ! Now is the new era of the Illuminati! It is simple. You simply must commit. Commit to the plan of enlightenment, agree to further the cause of mans god given right to not live in the dark, to be free, and to live how he was made to live, enlightened. We require that individuals that want to join our branch of The Illuminati pay a small fee to be added to the membership records, and receive an official Illuminati membership certificate. Our goal is to operate as honestly and efficiently as possible. As you imagine, we like to operate in the shadows as much as possible.
The Farmer and the Viper
The Farmer and the Viper is one of Aesop’s Fables, numbered 176 in the Perry Index.[1] It has the moral that kindness to the evil will be met by betrayal and is the source of the idiom ‘to nourish a viper in one’s bosom’. The fable is not to be confused with The Snake and the Farmer, which looks back to a situation when friendship was possible between the two.
The story concerns a farmer who finds a viper freezing in the snow. Taking pity on it, he picks it up and places it within his coat. The viper, revived by the warmth, bites his rescuer, who dies realizing that it is his own fault. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Farmer_and_the_Viper
The Scorpion and the Frog
A scorpion asks a frog to carry it across a river. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung, but the scorpion argues that if it did so, they would both drown. Considering this, the frog agrees, but midway across the river the scorpion does indeed sting the frog, dooming them both. When the frog asks the scorpion why, the scorpion replies that it was in its nature to do so. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Scorpion_and_the_Frog
blacks: are 13% of the population, yet commit 52% of the homicide, and collect 2.5x more welfare than whites.
for every black killed by a white in america, there are 10.4 whites killed by blacks per capita. blacks have killed more whites in the last 9 years than the kkk did blacks in 86 years.
blacks killed by whites: 189. whites killed by blacks: 409.
“during the 2012/2013 period, blacks committed an average of 560,600 violent crimes against whites, whereas whites committed only 99,403 such crimes against blacks”.
“when it comes to a specific kind of assault.. Aggravated Assault. The rate for blacks is 200x higher against whites than it is for whites against blacks”
“In the United States in 2005, 37,460 white females were sexually assaulted or raped by a black man, while between zero and ten black females were sexually assaulted or raped by a white man.”
shot and killed by police: 259 black; 494 white.
the first slave owner in america was black.
the word “slave” is named after whites.
what did the pot call the kettle?
You are delusional mate. I have the true statistics verified by AfriForum. Yours are fake. Even Sunette Bridges and others have since updated their websites and documents with the correct data. Some even stopped the farm murder campaign altogether. Can you give me the names of the 70 000 people killed since 1994? Thought so for see those people do not exist. Fake news. Fake propaganda. Fake statistics.
The whole campaign was built on wrong statistics. I do not believe that it was on purpose. AfriForom and others have since realized the truth although some of them just carry on with the propaganda knowing that the statistics do not back their statements. How sad?
Basie Martins, you’re one delusional individual and proof that the liberal media propaganda machine can succeed on the weak mind. As for “fake” I doubt if you could distinguish a diamond from an empty Coke bottle. You probably shuttle between fenced establishments in the course of your daily routine, but still fail to see the reality of what life in South Africa has devolved to for white people. Just look around you and you’ll see that white people live in abject fear. How many white women do you see on foot in the open after sunset? It is not because they don’t have time for strolls, it’s because they feel unsafe. People fear experiencing car trouble when they drive in this country, and are frequently assaulted should they be in such a situation. I know/knew people who bore the brunt of violent crime. As a matter of fact I can easily produce AT LEAST 10 NAMES. Where do you get your murder statistics? The fact that you are Afrikaans speaking and white doesn’t redeem you from being challenged in the use of grey matter.
This is fake news! I am an Afrikaans speaking white citizen of South Africa and I can tell you now that this article (the section about the killing of white people in South Africa) is not the truth. It is false propaganda by white South Africans purely because of fake statistics. The real statistics proves that about 1% of all murders in South Africa is on white people. That is an average of a mere 169 people a year compared to almost 18000 black people a year. Truly folks, somebody gave the author of this article fake statistics!
Welcome to the uneducated racism board.
Too bad, we as whites sometimes seem to think we’re entitled to do as we please, ravishing and raping, killing to get our way, then when people give it back in kind some of us want to play victim, South African whites had it coming and have no one to blame but themselves, if you lord over people and deny them education and jobs just because you can and you want to keep control you’re asking to have your ass handed to you, no amount of blaming Obama will change those facts, you moved in to steal the resources and that’s the bottom line, getting angry because you’re getting what’s coming to you is a waste, it was fine when they were killing beating and brutalizing blacks but all of a sudden you’re angry because the same is visited on you? You deserve to be murdered and property taken, you stole it in the first place
It is no forking wonder you have polarity between the ‘races.’ You certainly have some weird people posting here. People are people, no what colour they are. You have good, bad and indifferent across the spectrum. STOP allowing your little dim-witted brains to be subverted to slave for, and serve the agenda[s] of the mega-rich and powerful. They spend fortunes to cultivate divisions between people … the better to rule and control the gullible.
It is a profound post-Christian message.
I heard Siberia is nice. Go and move there!
@Raymond Mays
unfortunately, other white countries have been subverted by the left, who are only interested in bringing muslim invaders into the country. if things don’t change quickly, we will all end up just like south africa or armenia.
Hi I would like to know if it is possible to for other countries to accommodate white south Africans. Specially for those who cannot afford to immigrate and those who’s lives are in danger.
I would rather live in another country and support that country for a better life style and safety for my family.
This is sad. Seriously where is the love? Hatefilled comments from both sides. Genocide is wrong no matter who it’s happening to. We could get along it would be everyone’s best interest. Sad after almost endless agony for this planet, I see everyone here is still a hatefilled being, who obviously can’t see character aside from color. Maybe by 2029 we’ll fix it.
Whites in SA should organize themselves and split from the blacks in SA. Make their own country. Leave the negers on their own. When whites settled in SA there were many parts that were uninhabited, so saying it was all negros land is a joke. Maybe the’ll claim the planet is theirs too one day …
FACT #2: Throughout 6,000 years of recorded history, the Black African Negro has invented nothing. Not a written language, weaved cloth, a calendar, a plow, a road, a bridge, a railway, a ship, a system of measurement, or even the wheel. (Note: This is in reference to the pure-blooded Negro.) He is not known to have ever cultivated a single crop or domesticated a single animal for his own use (although many powerful and docile beasts abounded around him.) His only known means of transporting goods was on the top of his hard burry head. for shelter he never progressed beyond the common mud hut, the construction of which a beaver or muskrat is capable. (21) (39)
Blacks are inferior to whites. Every smart man and a scientist will tell you that.
FACT #31: The rate at which Blacks commit murder is thirteen times that of Whites; Rape and assault, ten times. These figures, as given by the F.B.I. reports, vary somewhat from year to year but fairly represent the trend for the past decade. (27) (6) (13)
FACT #32: According to the justice Dept, 1 in every 4 Black males between the ages of 20 and 29 is currently in prison or on probation or parole. (32) (6) (3)
FACT #33: Though only 12 % of the U.S. population, Blacks commit more than half of all rapes and robberies and 60 % of all murders in the U.S. (32) (27) (6)
FACT #34: Approximately 50 % of all Black males will be arrested and charged with a serious felony during their lifetime. (27)
FACT #35: A Black person is 56 TIMES more likely to attack a White person than vice versa. (3) (32)
FACT #36: Black rapists choose White victims over half (54.9 %) of the time, 30× as of ten as Whites choose Blacks. (2) (32) (28)
FACT #37: The annual report from the Department of justice shows that when Whites commit violence they do it to Blacks 2.4 % of the time. Blacks, on the other hand, choose White victims MORE THAN HALF the time. (3)
FACT #38: In New York City, any White is over 300 TIMES MORE LIKELY to be assaulted by a gang of Blacks than is a Black by a gang of Whites. (32)
FACT #39: Many people argue that high Black incarceration rates show that police center enforcement at Black crimes and ignore white-collar crimes. However, Blacks commit a disproportionate number of white-collar of fenses as well. In 1990, Blacks were nearly 3 times as likely to be arrested for forgery, counterfeiting, and embezzlement as Whites. (32) (6)
FACT #40: Many people believe that crime is a product of poverty and lack of “advantages.” However, the District of Columbia, which enjoys the highest average annual salaries and is second only to Alaska in personal income per capita, leads the nation in just about every category of crime including murder, robbery, aggravated assault, and vehicle theft. D.C. also has the country’s strictest gun control, highest police costs per capita, highest ration of police and correctional of ficers per citizen, and highest rate of incarceration. Its permanent population is over 80 % Black. West Virginia, which has the nation’s lowest crime rate, suffers from chronic poverty and has the highest unemployment in the U.S. It also has the fewest police per capita. West Virginia is over 96 % White. (33)
FACT #41: 46 % of inner city Black men between the ages of 16 and 62 are unemployed. (27)
FACT #42: More than 66 % of the children of Negroes are born out of wedlock. Per capita, their illegitimacy rate is ten times that of Whites. (32) (27)
FACT #43: Blacks are four and a half times more likely than Whites to be on welfare. (32)
FACT #44: More than 35 % of all Black men in U.S. Cities are drug or alcohol abusers. (27)
The negro race is 200,000 years behind in development.
FACT #17: Among human races numerous studies have been made of the comparative weight of White and Negro brains with results that fell within the range of about an 8–12 percent lower weight for the Negro brain. Such studies have been conducted by Bean, Pearl, Vint, Tilney, Gordon, Todd, and others. (23) (27)
FACT #18: In addition to the difference in brain weight, the Negro brain grows less after puberty than the white. Though the Negro brain and nervous system mature faster than the white brain, its development is arrested at an earlier age which limits further intellectual advancement. (22) (27)
FACT #19: The thickness of the supragranular layer (the outside layer) of the Negro brain is about 15 percent thinner, and its convolutions are fewer and more simple, on average, than that of the White brain. (9)
FACT #20: The frontal lobes of the Negro brain, responsible for abstract conceptional reasoning, are smaller relative to body weight, less fissured, and less complex than those of the White brain. (9) (27) (23)
Dear Skantbrain,
You seem incapable of comprehending what is going on here. When this country was originally colonized by whites, population density of all races here was more sparse than your brain cells. You can just imagine how devoid of large scale human habitation this country was. Oops, my bad: no you can’t! When the blacks kill the whites off, they’re killing the host that feeds them. Kevin Carter’s Pulitzer prize winning vulture photo in Sudan vividly explains what it will look like in South Africa with whitey gone!
Well, it is a black country, originally belonging to the black inhabitants (including the Khoi and San in that description), so why shouldn’t they kill off the invaders? It’s their land and they can run it as they please, whites do not belong there.
Sorry to disagree with you, Thabo.
That we have a problem in South Africa I am in agreement with. The way I see it is that most acts of violence are perpetrated by black individuals. In the USA blacks committed 52% of all homicides between 1980 and 2008, despite composing merely 13% of the population. In South Africa this is far worse, and I do also agree is that blacks experience the lions share of the crime wave committed by their own countrymen. However, black murderers do not torture other black people to death as they do to white people in rural South Africa. What kind of person burns an 80-year old person with a clothes iron, pours boiling water on them, or disembowels a young pregnant woman? Or do you deny this?
Interesting piece. It is very sad what has happened to South Africa after apartheid ended. I have been think a lot about the Boers lately. I wrote a piece extolling Americans to band together in white identity and comparing us to the Boers. It may be read at:
White Genocide, fact or fiction?
20 May 2013, 20:00
“Almost 70 000 White People have been murdered by Blacks since 1994!” this is what activist Sunette Bridges Tweeted on Jan 13 2013.
This caused quite a remarkable online spat between Bridges and several other Tweeters, including Afrikaans singer Bouwer Bosch, who questioned her astonishing statistics. http://sondag.co.za/face-te-klap/
If 70 000 whites were murdered by blacks since 1994, it could have indeed been close to a genocide. For a time period of 19 years such a figure leads to an astonishingly high number of 80/100 000 white people murdered by blacks people yearly. (10.6 whites per day!)
Bridges is but one of the dozens of people who have been distributing their own statistics and Fear mongering, especially aimed at an International audience.
No wonder these armchair activists gets upset when their exaggerated statistics gets debunked.
A letter in the PE Herald confronted the issue of white “extermination” and concluded that no such thing exists. http://www.peherald.com/news/article/15058,causing quite an outrage amongst extremists.
Bridges and others have published various articles in which they stated the number 70 000 (murdered since 1994), but since the twitter spat Bridges mysteriously edited that figure, without making a public apology or ever admitting she was wrong.
However, if you search the internet you will find this figure of 70 000 being quoted everywhere. Bridges herself comments on a Rapport article on 30 December 2012, “Waarvan PRAAT jy? Is byna 70 000 blankes vermoor aan die hand van Swart mense ‘n mite?”http://www.rapport.co.za/Weekliks/Nuus/Verregses-is-ver-van-reg-20121229
After many people tried to illustrate the flaws in the 10.6 whites murdered per day theory, Bridges and other “Death counters” suddenly started with more accurate research: In her recent blog posting http://sunettebridges.co.za/a-year-from-hell-the-truth-about-south-africa/ A year from Hell, Bridges now comes clean with a more accurate figure, and strangely enough, it does correspond with previous research done into “white murders”:
169 murders in 365 days.
If you do a quick calculation, you will discover that this brings the murder rate to 0.46 whites killed every day. This equates to 3.6/100 000 whites murdered -per year.
A far cry from the 17/100 000 on the African Continent as a whole.
It is also less than the world average murder rate of 6.9/100 000.
It is almost similar to the rate of murder in Europe of 3.5/100 000 yearly. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate – As clearly illustrated the issue of White Genocide does not have any merit.
Our whole country is a target, and we must find our collective voice and inclusive solutions.
Comparing this to the rate of murder in our Country which is currently around 31.8/100 000, one can clearly conclude what others have been saying.
By far the likeliest victims of murder in this country will be the black population. In fact, if you do the calculation, only slightly more than 1% of all murders in South Africa are “black on white murder”.
Take into account that the white population is 8.9% of the total South African population. To conclude:
– Whites are 8.9 times less likely to be murdered than black people in this country.
– There is no way that a white genocide can be proven based on current statistics, and also the recent revelation that the 70 000 murdered since 1994, was a baseless rumour.
– We have a serious problem in South Africa, and I believe that one murder is one murder too many. Our black population suffers much more than whites do.
– If we stand together as South Africans, and stand up against this atrocious rate of murder against all our people, and not make it a “race exclusive” issue, we will be able to probably achieve more in combatting crime.
Were in 6000 years of recorded history have whites ever had a nation for just themselves???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
FACT is whites have NEVER had their own nation in all of history. We have been hunted down for our women since the time of Adam and we have been raped, butchered and enslaved by the dark races of Satan since he deceived white Adam & Even in the garden.
MANY MANY arab nations for all the arabs.
MANY MANY asian nations for all the asian.
S. America, Central America, N. America, Canada and alaska all for the indians.
Ignorant people say you europeans go back to europe your own country but the fact is europe was inhabited by blacks before whites migrated there from asia which the asians claim is all their land.
The whole planet belongs to all races but the white race.
Why has that been the case for 6000 years whites may ask.
Let me tell you who YOU are and who the real devils are.
Strong’s #119: ‘adam (pronounced aw-dam’). to show blood (in the face), i.e. flush or turn rosy in the cheeks.
Adam & Eve were your white ancestors. A white couple does not produce black, arab, asian or indian babies. They only produce white babies.
Gen 3:15 I will put enmity=hatred=racism between you (Satan) and the woman (White Eve), and between your ****offspring**** and hers.
Satan was a black angel in the flesh in the garden and he tempted Adam & Eve into having sex with him. That is where all the races today come from. They are white or black or a mix of the two genes.
God destroyed the earth by the flood to kill all the mongrels because Noah and his family were the last few pure blooded whites left on earth.
Many idiot preachers say Ham father the black race but that is a lie. Ham was white and married a black nephilim woman and that started the contasmination of the white adamic race all over again.
The bible says the nephilim after that time. The bible says, So it was in the days of Noah, so will it be when the Messiah returns”.
How was it in Noah’s day???
The attempt of Satan and his black children raped the white adamic race almost into extinction.
Now every christian white nation promotes race mixing between whites and black 24 hours a day every day for over 50 years now since that first movie called, Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner in 1967.
NO and I mean NO other nations on the planet earth promote their own genocide 24 hours a day using every form of media available. From TV to basketball and football magazines with white women and their black husbands on the front covers to posters in the mall to white children being taught in schools that if they do not mate with blacks they are racist and bigots.
This is all *By Design” and “NO Accident”.
It is to bring about the genocide of the white Adamic peoples of the world.
The world is being taught *The Great White Satan* and to hate all whites using every form of media.
We are the ONLY race targeted for genocide.
Anti-Christ is a code word for Anti-White because over 90% of the worlds christian’s are white people.
The BEAST empire that rises to power to BEHEAD christian’s are flooding by the millions into EVERY christian white nation.
With the anti-christ/anti-white muslims flooding into every christian white nation and all the black & white race mixing and all the promotion of non-whites to kill whitey.
I’d say a ***WAR*** is being waged against the white Adamic Christian population of the world.
Rev 12:17 Then the dragon/Satan was angry with the woman, and went off to make ***WAR*** on the rest of her children, those who keep the commandments of God and hold the testimony of (((Jesus))).
Over 90% of the worlds christian’s are white people.
Anti-Christ is a code word for Anti-White.
Jesus called a negro Canaanite woman a DOG and told her, “I come ONLY for the lost sheep of the house of Israel”.
The white Adamic seedline are the true Israelites of the bible.
The JEWS run the banks, the government and they run most of the worlds media. It is them who promote white genocide in every christian white nation.
Yes they look white and that’s how they get elected but they all have brown eyes.
You will not find a blue, green or hazeled eyes JEW.
They are contaminated white adamites.
Revelation 3:9 I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars.
These fake jews put the word JEW in the bible in the 1800’s.
None of the 1500, 1600 or 1700 bibles had the word JEW in them.
Like Satan they have successfully deceived the world into thinking they are the apple of God’s eye and the true Israelite’s of the bible.
to the femely of otis livingston your son is acting bad against russian american comune otis livingston mus be invistigated. if we will catch him he will go to jail and his famely too.
@Eloh Sadiq
So you’re saying the Somalian pirates who attack ships on the open ocean are also merely taking back technology stolen from them? Before the crackers in SA started allowing blacks into their cracker hospitals about 2/5 black children didn’t reach the age of 5, dying of dysentery. South Africa is an arid country, but supports over 45 million people, half of which came running from the north when Apartheid ended. Who feeds them, genius? I’ll tell you because you will never figure it out: cracker Free State farmers producing the corn producing their beloved mealiemeal porridge.
@black kidnapped african (whingeing with the full stomach)
Your ignorance is matched by your mastery of the English language, so let the latter be the judge of the content of your contribution: pitiful!
Honestly we don’t need white people to survive we was here way before them actually they come from us what a bad seed all they do is bring diseases etc.even the sun don’t like there nasty non color skin eeeew p.s it’s simply Black red Brown etc. Let’s all get together and handle this situation by any means necessary!!
Long story short all nationalitys come together as one and get rid of the enemy and trust me (faxs) you know who u are you done cause trouble all over the would your time is coming believe me !!!p.s you come from my Jewels faxs.mankind kind of a man Boy or Boy…..
FamerDave you are an ignorant cracker…Africans countries been around since the beginning of time and did not need Caucasians from the barren hills and caves of Europe for survivor…crackers like everywhere else in the world invade other civilizations bringing disease and pillage…stealing ….they have a right to kill every cracker in SA …they do not have any business being there with their white privilege off black people land and resources…I don’t feel any pity for invaders and criminals from Europe…
The problem with blacks is that they love the fruits of modernization, but both hate working for it. Just look at Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe for example. Though he’s forever renouncing- and spewing hatred toward European “colonialism”, the inside of his mansion looks like it’s been stolen from a European palace and before they were banned his wife was frequently flying to Europe on shopping sprees to spend all the money they steal from their impoverished countrymen. All blacks do this. The moment they get their hands on wealth, they lavishly splurge it out on only themselves in order to be notices. When it comes to performance and accountability, they fall infinitely short. When cornered to produce and be accountable, they turn to violence. This is what is happening in South Africa 22 years post-democracy. As we speak the universities are closed due to violent protests allegedly due to high enrollment/class fees but actually because they don’t perform. “Coincidentally” these protests ignited just before final year exams. This is fact because people protesting high cost do not burn down the academic infrastructure which would lead to even higher costs. All they do is want, want, want, but deliver absolutely nothing of value!
yeah, The rule of nature is to progress, without progression, you only get regression, regression means to loose all energy and vanish. Progression is the cruelest law in nature. The races that did not progressed, had to go into slavery or permanent extingtion.The truth is that the black race cannot cope in today.s modern world. They cannot compete.The whites in south africa had no alternative but to fight back in the days, they won and ruled the country, building a great country for the black people of south africa today. Now the Whites have no place to go… I lived in the Apartheid Era. There was NO violence like this from us on blacks. It is clear that we cannot live in harmony with black people.. they showed us this in history all over africa and killed all whites in the countries they reclaimed, they still all cry cause the had to modernise…and they could not.In their own country they kill us whites, but then they beg all the time for money from the whites in europe…. while the kill us here… nice… if you white, and believe in anything of africa… go there… see if you will find mercy… your money will just be stolen.
The whites in south africa wants a province in south africa, they fully deserve it for their part in building the country. We have no choice anymore… we will stand up … we will not vanish…we are a great nation that did great things… we are the boers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! come kill us …,,!!!!!!!!!!!
@barry joe
You not only laughed your fao, you also must have lyf brains out long time ago, because you don’t seem to have anything left to think with. What id!ots like you do not seem to realize/know/understand is that the whites did not force anything on the blacks. They developed the parts of the country where they settled whereas the blacks merely subsisted where they settled. Inevitably with South Africa being an arid country, when droughts came knocking, the latter found themselves migrating to white settlements where they could find food and shelter. The whites did not understand ritualistic torturing of cattle to appease forefather spirits or raping of goats and sheep as initiations ceremonies for sangomas (witch doctors) or harvest body parts off live infants, that these people brought to their doorsteps and tried to teach them their ways. The blacks though do not do in Rome what the Romans do. They start demanding benefits they never worked for and shove their sick culture down the throats of others, and turn to violence if their demands aren’t met. Where do you get the n0nsense you’re driveling? Are you on drugs?
Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.
What Is It ?
Hollow points, thousands of shells, night vision goggles, packs of dogs, fences, 24/7 camera in all directions, sleep lightly.
Killing danger before it kills you is ” Self Respect ” a part of humanity some among us have lost due to childhood and adulthood abuse by controlling, manipulative monsters allowed to be community leaders.
There is no crime if you cannot describe it, if that’s the rules they live by, then okay by the community leaders rules.
Or you can be a famous DRAFT DODGER and sneak off into Canada or the USA and abandon your community and become a political donor kickback artist and still be the; controlling, manipulative, psychopath that draws others to you like yourself and become whatever you want to call yourself, invent the lec-trick car, or hire servants to install solar power Chinese Slave made devises that will last several years, or get cash from the POTUS (WHO HONORS SOUTH AFRICAN WHITE GENOCIIDE) to hire aerospace engineers to make rockets, if you can keep away from anything scientific and not interfere with actual physicists.
Otherwise the Dragons will probably get you. If some angry victim/victims of your time doesn’t get you first
Paid in full by mostly WHITE WORKING CLASS Citizens of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
reading the comments on here I realize the right thing to do is kick the whites out , starve Europe out… Asians,blacks & indians must realize eliminating the people all together is best for the planet ,they are the enemy of mother earth .. some of piece of white sh*t are on here calling black people “negros” and don’t realize why people glad when you and people are killed …. wtf is a negro?
lmao…. is this really news? these people forced their language,culture and Jesus on others … this is the down side of being evil deal with it white people
“Zimbabwe was a test-run for South Africa. South Africa is a test-run for Europe. And the end plan is global communism.
If ethnic Europeans become a minority in Europe, they will be faced with the accusations about colonialism in order to redistribute wealth. There is a lot of hatred by Blacks towards Whites due to the colonial past of Africa, I see it on many internet forums. While Whites have been brainwashed with multiculturalism and cultural Marxism, Blacks are still being brainwashed with racist revolutionary communist propaganda… so there will be a clash. Don’t think the mass immigration into Europe (and the USA) is co-incidental……it is social engineering deliberately planned by the elites to weaken nations. .”
“White South African’s battle for refugee status in Canada ended by appeals court” (but canada is taking tens/hundreds of thousands of muslims) armenian genocide take two
Why Whites stick around is beyond me. Apply for refugee status in a western country, or like the mudbloods do in Western nations all the time, overstay a temporary visa. Leave them to their own devices, quit producing food at all. I saw a report that the muds take the land that was “given”, read stolen from Whites, by the “government” of Zimbabwe and let the land go while only scrapping the equipment. If it’s not Whitey doing for them, they starve. Let them starve…
I hate the part whereby you call Africa a dark continent also I feel bad for what is happening to whites then you forget they came to Africa by choice and to extort from stupid people right ? The thing is you know no damn thing about what blacks as well suffer and suffered from them whites, the thing is how can they come to Africa and own 87 percent of South African land, my grand mother suffered apartheid if they had stayed in their civilized countries and left Africa alone things would of been better, I do not hate anyone but as well ask yourself why?
Killers do not like to be killed haven’t you noticed and stope writing big digits count how many Africans suffered as well.
You want the truth about Africa and the slave trade?
ISLAMIC SLAVERY And the “Black” Angle.
“Black” angle of Islamic slavery never discussed in the black community. The Islamic slave trade. Without which, the American slave trade would never have been possible.
And now blacks are hooking up Muslims and announcing their “solidarity” with their Muslim “brothers” without having one clue when it comes Islam’s history of Arab racism and the Islamic slave trade:
2015: Black Lives Matter Visits “Palestine”, Links Jihad Against Israel to Race War in US.
Opportunistic Jihadists and “Black Lives Matter”, a growing Alliance lead in by Christine Williams to Arab Social Media Gloats Over Cop Murders in Dallas by Ali Waked. “Jihadist mantra is “death to the Jews”. BLM mantra is “Pigs in a Blanket, Fry em’ like Bacon”.
Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat by Peter Hammond in conjunction with:
Article Islam as a Vehicle for Arab Supremacism by Hugh Fitzgerald for all those OnlyBlackLivesMatter thugs and all other Useful Idiots singing kumbayah with Muslims who have hijacked Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights narrative.
The Berbers and Islam as a Vehicle for Arab Supremacism by Hugh Fitzgerald.
What Does the Religion of Peace Teach About…Slavery and Sex Slavery by The Religion of Peace.com.
The Legacy of Jihad by Andrew Bostom.
Stanley and Livingstone 1939 (You Tube)
Here’s a good documentary to go along with the movie:
David Livingstone.
Racially Incorrect Facts on Slavery: African Slave Traders by Jack Kerwick. (Note: See related links in articles; The ‘First Slave’ – the Case of John Casor. The Black Slave Owners by Joseph E. Holloway.)
Slavery: Racially Incorrect Facts by Jack Kerwick. Truths That Obama and BLM Revile. (Related leftist propaganda: The Police Hunting and Killing of Black Men Stops Today by Trey Ellis.)
The History Channel’s Unhistorical ‘ROOTS’: The Lie That Won’t Die by Jack Kerwick. (Or Wow. White Folks are Wicked.)
Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa by Ilana Mercer.
Europeans Abolished Slavery; Africans/Muslims Still Practice It: The Black Lives That Don’t Matter To The Left by Ilana Mercer (FrontPage Magazine)
Slavery Convictions in Mauritania: Real Reform or Deliberate Deception? By Stephen Brown. World’s worst slave state sends two slaverholders to jail while releasing two ani-slavery activists.
African American Slavery Beginnings by Dr. Joseph A. Bailey.
The ‘Same God’ Question by Ralph Sidway.
Read the article by Hugh Fitzgerald, People Are the Same the World Over and The Vast Majority Myth by William Kilpatrick where they expose the fact that not everyone, everywhere loves the kind of “freedom” America is based on.
Islamic Hate for the Christian Cross by Raymond Ibrahim.
Was Islam Really More Tolerant Than Christianity? By Danushka Goska.
How Islam Erased Christianity From History by Ramond Ibrahim.
Islamists Project Islam’s Worst Traits onto Christians by Raymond Ibrahim.
Muslims Project Islam’s Worst Traits onto Israel and the Jews by Raymond Ibrahim.
In Memory Of The 50 Million Victims Of The Orthodox Christian Holocaust. Compiled by Rev. Archimandrite Nektarios Serfes.
RAVISHED ARMENIA , the original 1919 movie also known as [ Auction of Souls ]
You Tube video: The Arab Muslim Slave Trade Of Africans, The Untold Story. Where the author, in an interview, cites The Legacy of Arab-Islam In Africa: A Quest for Inter-religious Dialogue by John Alembillah Azumah. And gives an ass kicking comment about reactions from the politically correct left who will criticize the book but who won’t be able to dispute or debunk a single word of it and a brief history of the Islamic slave trade.
Daniel Greenfield Moment: Palestine is Colonialism.
And women: From Jihad Watch: Lesbian CNN Political Commentator [Sally Kohn] Defends Sharia.
The Western Journalism report’s title says it all: “Here’s A Contender For ‘Dumbest Tweet Of The Year’ When A CNN Lib Says THIS About Sharia Law“. The title referenced a tweet by CNN’s Sally Kohn that defended Sharia law.
One wonders whether Kohn realizes what will happen to her in an Islamic state that enforces Sharia, given that she is openly gay. The Religion of Peace site reports:
Islam and the ‘Sexual Ethics’ of Jihad Slavery by Andrew Bostom. See reference to Traveller page 1.
You show the typical “entitlement syndrome” symptoms. Your very body is covered by western “White” clothing, your body is transported in “White” vehicles, you watch “White” television, you survived your childhood due to “White” hospitals and meds, and yet here you are biting the hand that fed you. May your wish be granted and the whites leave you to your own devices. May they ignore your begging pleas for help when you’ve destroyed your resources and are delivered to the harsh mercies of nature.
Like your fellow entitled cousins, you are the epitome of hypocrisy.
Glen, please be advised that Gene is probably not black. take note of his grammar & formatting – do you ever hear racist ignorant blacks write or speak like that?
he might be a troll – just doing this for some perverse kind of fun/ out of boredom. he might be an agent, here to disrupt /discredit / derail / incite /…
“An agent provocateur (French for “inciting agent”) is a person who commits, or who acts to entice another person to commit an illegal or rash act or falsely implicate them in partaking in an illegal act. An agent provocateur may be acting out of their own sense of duty or may be employed by the police or other entity to discredit or harm another group (such as a peaceful protest or demonstration) by provoking them to commit a crime, thereby undermining the protest or demonstration as a whole.”
/similar to False flag.
“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.” ISRAEL COHEN (1912. 3 years b4 armenian genocide. 8th century j_ws betrayed visigoths and opened the gates to muslims, 12th century Byzantine J_ws supported the invading armies of Seljuk Turks, 14th century j_ws support the invasions of the Ottoman Turks the final conquest of Constantinople.. 1915 muslim genocide of christian armenians. 1917 Bolshevik genocide of 65 Million Christians. ~2010-present zimbabwe. ~2012-present south africa. present – rapefugee invasion of europe. 100% rapes oslo. canada liberal party selling $15B weapons to saudi arabia. canada removes passport restrictions with mexico. germany ‘can’t find 600,000 refugees’. “To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?” -Kevin Alfred Strom. “Watch out for those dogs, those people who do evil, those mutilators who say you must be circumci$ed to be saved [from… sin, dirt, aids, curvature of the spine, etc…]” Philippians 3.2)
Gene..poor Gene here in South Africa blacks tribal and politics are killing one another and I’m talking about the past month not years ago.They have always done that for status and cattle not land as the tribes kept on chasing other tribes off their land and killing them. The Zulus now Matabeles in Zimbabwe were chased by local Zulus to Zimbabwe where the Shonas now a few years ago killed thousands of them. WTF are you talking about?
I live here I see them rob and rape other blacks daily hijackings murder the Tsotsi’s the MuRussians the scum of the earth.
Your’e a typical black idiot.
Pity the only few good ones that believe in the Lord feel the brunt of it.Zuma the c.nt president fired his finance minister the Rand plummeted then he appointed another one and fired him. Now he is getting the hawks ((like CIA) to invesitgte him because he refuses to let billions be spent on Jets,nuclear power stations from the Russians that we cannot afford and the more and more and more.
Imagine how embarrassing it is to have a president with over 700 charges of fraud and theft against him and he has already been found guilty on some.(got away with the young girl he raped though).
You are dreaming pal.I live here.
Total nonsense. American whites have very similar tendencies with Arab Muslims. A tendency to play the victim and a love of mindless hatred to sustain that victimhood.
this is africa boet like it or not
My thoughts exactly. Those damn Negroes hate us so much, well who’s going to feed those animals once they kill us all off? You know who? NO ONE! All those who hate us will live in the most vile conditions once whites are all gone. Who sends the aid to black and brown countries? Whites do, that’s who. I agree, LET THEM STARVE. When Europeans arrived in Africa they were already starving and killing each other off. I look at it like this; The Lord is bringing HIS WHITE CHILDREN HOME and then hell will be unleashed on these subhumans. Look at the average black IQ. They can’t even keep up and running what whites built in Africa. I’m an American senior female and it disgusts me when blacks say they built my country. For shits sake, they were freaking COTTON PICKERS. Negroes in America teach their chilluns that blacks invented cars, phones, electricity and so on. They teach their black monsters that Shakespeare, Mozart, and Beethoven were black. Oh, and Jesus was a grunting vile Negro, too. If I thought Jesus was a groid, I’d never step foot inside a church again.
One more time: Let the groids freaking STARVE! And fu*k you all you damn filthy Jews for bringing us to this point. Jews, even your own encyclopedias used to say that there was more Hebrew blood in Europe than there was in Israhell. Jews are edomites and they KNOW IT and THAT is why they hate the true Hebrews, the white race. Yes, we might be gone, but this earth will be a living hell for blacks and most dark-skinned sub humans. You can take this next sentence to the bank: China or any other Asian country will NOT FEED YOUR UGLY FACES NOR WILL THEY GIVE YOU AID.
Then they prevent ‘immigration’ of others; when they out right stole the land to begin with. It’s not enough until Christian whites own everything, is it?
Do you really expect anyone (except white supremacists) to care? When your legacy is:
Prevention of Illegal Squatting Act
Population Registration Act
The Immorality Amendment Act 21 etc…
“I can say that the majority of the white people in the country were born there and many don’t have ancestral right to live elsewhere.” Really how interesting;
“3.5 million non-white South Africans were removed from their homes, and forced into segregated neighborhoods, in one of the largest mass removals in modern history.”
Because when the Euro Christian imperialists took the lands over, they managed to remove millions of people from their native homes and then revoke their citizenships. Why should anyone cry over karma?
Native Africans are fighting back against their brutal colonizers and modern oppressors, who despite being a tiny fraction of the population still own the majority of wealth and land.
“People talk like first generation blacks were so intelligent we could have just handed it over to them and all would go on like normal . . . when actually first generation Africans could not climb stairs and had to work only on first-floor of homes, they could not read, write or do any mathematics, they knew nothing about the world outside their own tribes, but some here speak like whites should have just left and taught them NOTHING, they would still be hunting dogs to eat and know NOTHING about farming. But instead of learning and changing things they just return to tribal murderers and kill their only chance at learning . . . well now that all the white farmers are DEAD, they are now starving . . . GO FIGURE!”
Which is funny, because if you had any Africanist knowledge of history you would know, African tribes/kingdoms/empires had written language, mathematics, agriculture, metallurgy, astronomy, etc. There is nothing for you to “hand over,” you can’t steal someone’s house and sell it back to them.
Euro colonists in Africa are so devoid of reality, it’s unbearable.
Basil Davidson’s Africa should clear up that horrible case of ignorance.
AND DO NOT come to Australia Christian whites, we have enough imbeciles STOPPING aboriginal land/human rights at every front; you are NOT welcome. You barbaric ancient creatures sicken me.
As an Irish-Australian, I couldn’t care less what happens to any of you; you are getting back exactly what you give and what your ancestors gave.
You may not have been bitten in the arse, but you’re surely talking through it. Perhaps you should rather keep reading the MSM tripe you clearly want to believe.
I don’t know where you get your “rape/murder” statistics for South Africa, but blacks were treated very well in this country by their so-called oppressors. In fact some today are longing back to what YOU call mistreatment and humiliation:
We were better off under apartheid‚ say EC villagers
You should perhaps get your head removed from your backside and try to understand what’s really going on around you.
What came first: the chicken or the egg?
Bladerape-torture-mutilation known as genital mutilation known as circumcision is my specialty. Satanic ritual abuse is also a good way to describe it. Reptilian/predator/wolf/snake/demon/vampire there are many words to describe those creatures who suck the life out of children, but the one they call themselves is doctor: (to falsify); origin: “church father.”
“Snatched on their way to school then castrated or decapitated: Horrifying rise in child human sacrifice in Uganda at the hands of witch doctors.” let he who is without sin cast the first stone “When the ‘gentle child’ was asked about what should happen to his attacker, he replied: ‘He should be killed.’”
Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Exo. 22:18
“The reality of pain memory (and birth memory) is confirmed by a mother whose premature baby was shunted for hydrocephalus without painkillers and while paralyzed with curare. Large incisions were cut in his scalp, neck, and abdomen and a hole drilled in his skull. She writes that 10 years after the operation her son will still not allow anyone to touch his head, neck, and abdomen in the areas touched during surgery. The mere sight of the hospital provokes in this child violent trembling, profuse sweating, screaming, struggling, and vomiting.”
—American witch doctor
Rupture of the Lung
The medical literature details cases of circumci$ed babies whose lungs have burst as a result of intense crying. In one case, at Georgetown University School of Medicine, a 15-day-old baby with severe respiratory distress was circumci$ed. He turned blue, started breathing frantically, and cried incessantly. Finally, doctors discovered that the crying had caused the baby’s right lung to burst. A drainage tube was inserted and the baby was hospitalized for 19 days.
Rupture of the Stomach
In Richmond, Virginia, a healthy two-day-old baby was prepared for circumci$ion by denying him food for five hours. Terrified, the baby began crying hysterically as soon as the circumci$er strapped him to the restraining board. After half an hour in this position, the baby vomited. Doctors pumped his stomach. The circumci$er proceeded to amputate the baby’s foreskin without anesthesia using a Gemco clamp. The baby cried vehemently throughout the 90-minute ordeal. After the surgery, the baby refused to feed. His abdomen became distended and doctors discovered that his stomach had ruptured, requiring emergency abdominal surgery and the insertion of a feeding tube. After 25 days in the hospital, the baby was released. This baby had a perfectly normal stomach when he was born, but the trauma, excruciating pain of circumci$ion, and his prolonged crying caused his stomach to burst and spill its contents into the abdominal cavity.
All races can and do commit violence and violent crime upon others as has been seen throughout history.
Physical factors that can influence violence include genetic disorders, genital mutilation known as circumcision. psychopathy, alcohol, meat, hallucinogenic drugs and certain prescription drugs, mind control (MKULTRA), vaccines, and brain injury. Failed and absent parenting such as resulting from alcohol, drug and substance misuse and mental health problems.
Another possibility for those who commit violence are reptilians and other non-humans who appear in human form and can be of any race, age, male or female, income group etc, but are all very evil.
Metaphysical/spiritual factors could result in violence include Satanism, demonic possession and those whose consciousness(es) is/are of evil.
Evil entities such as demons and their more evil masters continually demand greater suffering to release spiritual energy (they have none of their own) and they of evil voraciously devour for their survival as parasites devour their hosts.
Societies and cultures that mutilate their people’s genitals particularly those of children from an early age in a process called circumcision both male and female have been shown to exhibit much higher levels of crime, antisocial behavior, violence.
Studies have shown that problems of crime, antisocial behavior, violence have also increased due to criminals who as babies and infants who were denied human skin on skin contact and eye contact such as by being held close to their parent’s/carers chest and resting the baby’s/infant’s arms and legs on their parent’s/carer’s arms when the baby/infant was distressed. Studies have shown the lack of human contact results in greater mental health problems later in life.
Circumcision is Mother/Child Trauma Brainwashing
Circumcision Should be Stopped
‘From the start of the 17th century to the early 19th century, between one half and two thirds of all the White colonists who came to the New World came as slaves, and the white slaves were treated much worse. Whites were the first people to stop slavery in modern times, whereas slavery still continues in Africa. 16th – 18th century, Africans enslaved 1.5 million White Europeans in the Barbary Slave Trade.
When the Trans-Atlantic slave ships docked at African slave markets to buy slaves, they bought slaves who were already slaves. It was Arab Muslims and Black Africans themselves who captured members of rival tribes and took them to the coastal slave markets to sell to the Whites and Jews. White people didn’t go into Africa and kidnap free black people.
African Muslims raided up the coastlines of Europe, particularly the British Isles but even as far as Iceland, kidnapping and enslaving White European Christians. The men were galley slaves, and the women were sex slaves. This was more brutal than working on a plantation or as a domestic servant.
Most of the American slave ships and American slave markets were run by Jews. But no one blames modern Jews. Because if anyone today says anything was “run by Jews”, they’re immediately dismissed as a crazy anti-Semite, regardless of whether or not it’s true.
Native Americans and Jews owned Black slaves. In fact, Jews were the biggest slave-owners in America per capita.
“In the pre-Civil War United States, 2% of white gentile households owned slaves. 40% of Jewish households owned slaves. Jews were 2,000% more likely to own slaves than white gentiles.” To this day.
In Mauritania slavery was only made a punishable offense in 2007!
Only 5% of the black slaves transported across the Atlantic actually went to the modern U.S. Most in fact went to Latin America to serve Hispanic slave-owners.
What’s the situation like in America now?
Blacks kill more than twice as many whites as whites kill blacks.
Blacks are 7-8 times more likely to be murderers.
40% of cop killers are black.
Police are 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black than to kill an unarmed black.
Black cops are 3.3 times more likely to fire a gun than other cops.
Black criminals commit 52% of homicides in the U.S., but are only 25% of those killed by police.
Blacks are 32% of welfare recipients.
Impressive numbers for a group totaling just 13% of the U.S. population.
And now we have the Black Panther Party in the street singing “black lives matter.” Who are they trying to convince? It wasn’t a whitey who slit Shanynthia Gardner’s four kid’s throats.
2016: Unarmed white Dylan Noble 19, shot dead by Fresno California police.
2014: Unarmed white Ronald Carden shot and killed—in the back and on the ground as he’s running away.
2011: Homeless Kelly Thomas beaten to death, killers walk free. “Now you see my fists? They are getting ready to f##k you up,”-Manuel Ramos
White Privilege® is having “slave” named after you.
#WhiteLivesMatter #StopWhiteGenocideInSA
Moral of the story: This is what happens when one race dehumanizes and brutalizes another race. Treat others the way you’d like to be treated until they give reason not to. However, murdering innocents of any race is not the answer.
Statistics from a left-wing anti-Apartheid report published in the early ’90s with the intent to incriminate the former National Party government in South Africa, placed the statistic on blacks killed in police custody over their full 20-odd year reign, at somewhere just over 70. The report even specu-ranted about the figure probably being close to 100 due to under-reporting. Today the so-called police force appointed by the ANC government is averaging between 600 and 800 deaths in police custody PER YEAR!
You though, are probably related to Jacob Zuma who doesn’t know the difference between 100 and 1,000,000, and cannot even pronounce figures exceeding the digits on his hands let alone comprehend them!
Glen Blignaut:
“Forgive and forget.”
Well, there’s your problem. Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.
Are you a goyim?
Time will tell. See what’s happening in Zimbabwe. We’re expecting a whole lot again to run across the border soon.
Google: Pastor Manning. This will shock South Africans.
The old perpetual lie. We all know it but we try and hope some sense will come but zero.
Well, guess what? Blacks are only doing what you scum snow nignogs can’t, so who gives a fu*k if 70K snow nig*ers are murdered. You snow nig*ers sure have thin skin. They got what they deserved.
Yes we do and also intended to forgive and forget, the fact that out of all the race groups in SA that want to change a lot of misguided blackS are the ones that don’t, and use the past as an excuse not to go forward for political power.
When the English in 1901 interned all Afrikaner women and children in concentration camps and 26,000 of those 70% were children that died, then the Afrikaner nation looked forward and started afresh . . . meaning that we forgave and forgot.
Not even 1% of that amount as far as ‘freedom fighters’ who were ‘people’ planting bombs and killing innocent civilians died during the struggle for corruption (because it wasn’t for freedom . . . just freedom to rob, steal, murder, and rape).
The white South Africans voted to give all in South Africa total freedom, but now South Africans don’t have freedom of speech even.
Give me a break and enjoy your day.
On Sunday 16 December 1838, while laagered near the Umslatos River or Hippo Pool, they were attacked by more than 30,000 Zulus, being outnumbered more than 60 to 1.
As Bantjes wrote in his journal:
Sunday, December 16 was like being newly born for us—the sky was clear, the weather fine and bright. We hardly saw the twilight of the break of day or the guards, who were still at their posts and could just make out the distant Zulus approaching. All the patrols were called back into the laager by firing alarm signals from the cannons. The enemy came forward at full speed and suddenly they had encircled the area around the laager. As it got lighter, so we could see them approaching over their predecessors who had already been shot back. Their rapid approach (though terrifying to witness due to their great numbers) was an impressive sight. The Zulus came in regiments, each captain with his men behind (as the patrols had seen them coming the day before) until they had surrounded us. I could not count them, but I was told that a captive Zulu gave the number at 36 regiments, each regiment calculated to be “nine hundred to a thousand men” strong.
The battle now began and the cannons unleashed from each gate, such that the battle was fierce and noisy, even the discharging of small arms fire from our marksmen on all sides was like thunder. After more than two hours of fierce battle, the Commander in Chief gave orders that the gates be opened and mounted men sent to fight the enemy in fast attacks, as the enemy near constantly stormed the laager time and again, and he feared the ammunition would soon run out.
With the power of their firearms and with their ox wagons in a laager formation and some excellent tactics, the Boers fought off the Zulu. After three hours, the Boers had killed an estimated 3,000 Zulu soldiers and had only three of their men wounded, among them Pretorius. Jan Gerritze Bantjes kept his journal of the entire campaign and the Battle of Blood River. The Zulu withdrew in defeat, many crossing the river which had turned red with blood and thereafter known as the Battle of Blood River. The Boers celebrated the Day of the Covenant every year on 16 December and most of them credit the victory to God. After the battle, follow up attacks on the capital UmGungundlovu set the Zulu King Dingaan to flight with what retainers chose to follow him into exile.
Blacks had nothing and fought each other tooth and nail for territory women and livestock. Not a toilet not a fork nothing.
Now they say the whites stole ‘their land’ ha ha ha
They are murdering white families, boiling or burning women and babies or burning them with irons and more, the scumbags.
Winnie Mandela started the necklace killing method by putting a tyre around a person’s neck with diesel or petrol in and setting it alight. Killing mostly their own dissidents or people wanting to go to work when a boycott was on, mostly old black women. Thousands they care not for any but them self and will stand together and fight it out with each other to gt it all. Total corruption.
One cannot understand these beasts. They trap birds and throw them alive into a fire before eating them. Such is the sh*t here.
Chicken heads and feet (Walkie Talkies) they pop into their mouths and crunch, crunch; even the beak gets eaten.
They never had nothing. Could not write, did not know what a book was or soap. No pads or tampons. LOL and soap imagine.
Whites are neanderthals (literally) they can’t run $#!+; that’s why slaves are named after whites (slavs). The world is run by pedophiles in white capes and stupid hats—aka ‘doctor’ (etymology: ‘church father’). It’s all due to the satanic ritual child abuse we have Africans to thank for—Uganda witch doctors castrating boys. Whether you are a shill or actually black, we have a common enemy, and its name is doctor.
They fired the finance minister Nene because he would not allow the corrupt Gupta’s to continue their conniving with the ANC president Jacob Zuma in that apart form several other corrupt ventures they and Zuma’s son bought a Uranium mine for a pittance and colluded with Putin’s mafia government to build several nuclear power stations which South Africa couldn’t afford.
Really strange that in the preceding two years to this fact becoming public knowledge that South Africans suffered continues power cuts because of power stations being ‘unable’ to deliver enough power. This then despite the fact that we deliver cheaper stable power to neighboring countries. I have been warned once in a bar in Witbank when talking to Irish technicians at a restaurant ‘not to speak in a bar’ by a large well-dressed African male who also knew my name.
Nontheless, Duvha power stations one unit ‘ran away’ and exploded after the Irish maintenance job, and blew up spewing debris through the 10-story roof and over a one kilometer radius. Apparently the floor emergency stop button did not work and the controller wasn’t in the control room but having a ‘shower’ during the test. Can’t blame the Irish for that—they said we treat ‘our’ people badly in this country.
We have rapes of not only white patients but also a doctor was hit by a brick in the face and raped viciously by a black man at Pelonomi Hospital in Bloemfontein. I shudder to think what happens in the psychiatric hospitals as I already know what happens to white women at the police stations, and at large.
I was also told by two unknown black men in Stellenbosch that I should be ready to go to Robin Island the next day, and I was arrested the same weekend on no charge and luckily released the following day.
There is no chance of me getting out of South Africa I fear as I’m 56. However, I shall stand for my rights and the truth! Viva Internet! (I have more stories to tell; one appeared in Wikileaks, the woman with the red dress)
Die meisie met die Rooi hare-Volksblad.
[email protected]
Shouldn’t this ni*ger filth be on a ni*ger website?
Or better yet beating a ni*ger drum somewhere? If this ni*ger filth hates Whites so much why are they using our technology?
This must surely be genetic-based as well a culturally influenced. It is sad to see African nations who have assets a plenty just fall into abject poverty and decay. Is there an answer? I think not. The gene pool is too dissolute and weak after millennia of inbreeding to improve without significant out breeding to other gene pools. With AIDS so prevalent, there is little chance of that happening now. Africa, including South Africa, is simply doomed to failure.
“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”
BTW shills, whites WERE happy in Europe until you betrayed them, like when you opened the gates of Constantinople to invading Muslims. And again, 600,000 missing “immigrants” in Germany, 100% rapes in Oslo, 300,000 “immigrants” going to Canada. Philippians 3:2
Hospital murders: the hidden genocide of whites in South Africa which goes unpunished
Apart from the brutal torture and murder of elderly white farmers, this is just another form of the most cowardly form of genocide in existence! This is not some 2¢ opinion of some delusional liberal, but a true reflection of life of (mostly) impoverished whites in this country. Never during the full manifestation of Apartheid were blacks ever treated in this way. In spite of whites being a minority under the present regime in this country, these ongoing crimes against humanity goes not merely unnoticed, but ignored.
White genocide? All lives matter
DNA Proof of Racial Differences—More Facts Come to Light
Neanderthal Map
Also, glad you brought up Slavs, the origin of the word slave.
SCUM (“society for cutting up men”) is a book written by Valerie Solanas.
Africans have their own witch doctors raining misery down upon them “Rise in child human sacrifice in Uganda by witch doctors” it’s a kind of training, teaching people when they are very young to attack the weak for fun and profit—as they are now doing to Afrikaners.
Unproductive people are not scum—they are victims of mankind’s socialistic manipulators, just like productive people. Productive blacks are shown unproductive whites, being worthless, and productive whites are shown unproductive blacks, being worthless. Then they are brainwashed to hate each other’s race.
Everyone who wants white people to create their own society, and to hell with unproductive blacks, are victims, too. Your anger should be directed at your manipulators, and not your nation’s victims. People who turn into criminals because they support their criminal leaders are scum, not kind-hearted blacks. All productive and unproductive people need to support each other, regardless of their race. They are the smartest selection of their particular race, and they must survive, so they can re-populate Earth, after criminals destroy their society completely. Otherwise morons will breed up, and fill their world with filth.
A quality religion selects for quality people, and a degenerate religion selects for degenerate people. So upgrade your belief system if you want to live in paradise, and downgrade your belief system if you want to live in Hell. The Bible is quite clear on this point, so respect the Bible if you want to create Utopia.
So it’s karma when indigenous/blacks kill whites because whites killed blacks/indigenous. Wow, I thought Bantu education had evolved under Mandela. LOL. Sorry, history is just not that simplistic! And it’s voodoo when blacks kill blacks and whites kill whites. LOL. All whites are the same and all blacks are the same tribe. LOL?
The Zulu terrorized Southern Africa, killing Xhosas and other tribes, the Matabele and the Shona clashes, Uganda’s Idi Amin and Tanzania, Rwandan genocide Hutus murdered Tutsis. Bloody black civil wars that rage on to this day in Central Africa Republic, Mali, Nigeria, Congo, Somali, Sudan, Zimbabwe, etc, etc.
Karma for South African blacks necklacing African refugees, especially Zimbabwean refugees running from Mugabe. LOL? Oh, that’s voodoo, right?
Wake up from Bantu education, you are being deceived! The British are laughing at you all the way to the bank! Boers are not the British, the British are not Boers. Britain is communist, their WW2 ally was Soviet Union! WW2 genocides (besides the commercial obvious monetized by Hollywood) like the Holodomor, gulag killed millions. Communist genocide of Mao Tse Tsung cultural revolution killed millions. Africa does it’s own genocides on behalf of the colonizers. Extinction on a budget…what a bargain!
The Boers being killed in South Africa NEVER colonized anything! The British colonized and created apartheid LONG before the Boers INHERITED the system in 1948, LONG before it was even known as apartheid your black brothers were slaving away in BRITISH CARTEL OWNED mines of CECIL JOHN RHODES and the Jewish OPPENHEIMER family, mines they own to this day.
Queen Elizabeth KNIGHTED murderer Sir Robert Mugabe who killed thousands, blacks and whites! She probably found the Mau Mau uprising in Kenya orgasmic, just like King Leopold II of Belgium who killed over 10 million Congolese. Clinton about the Gadaffi murder: We came, we saw, he died.
Wake up, it’s a little more complicated. Study some factual history for a change, it helps to connect those blood stained dots of Africa.
Actually the one who commented “KARMA IS A BITCH” needs a love button!
It is documented history that ANY WHERE WHITES HAVE LANDED THE KILL THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE, the rest they enslave or indenture and the rape the land of its resources.
THEN THEY CHANGE HISTORY and make it look like it’s the indigenous’ fault.
When the tables turn on them, they play like they are innocent victims.
It’s a worldwide phenomena that has come home to bite them and their descendants in the ass!
Whites have 1-4% neanderthal DNA, blacks have none. If whites rape blacks, then where are all the white babies.
Pilfering: The story of one family’s £1.7million land theft:
“EXCLUSIVE – The extraordinary pictures that PROVE black British doctor who seized white family’s farm in Zimbabwe knows the Mugabes”
The White People (Boers) being killed in South Africa NEVER colonized anything! The British colonized and created apartheid! There were NO BLACKS in South Africa when the Dutch settled at the Cape in 1652! The British annexed South Africa when Gold was discovered, attracting Black migrant workers who came to work on Cecil John Rhodes and Harry Oppenheimer’s mines! Rhodes was a Brit, Oppenheimer a Jew, who monopolize South African mines to this day! They funded apartheid and they funded communist Mandela! Study some FACTUAL history for a change!
British Apartheid Laws inherited by Boers in 1948:
1) 1892: Franchise and Ballot Act, limited black vote by finance and education
2) 1894: Natal Legislative Assembly Bill, deprived Indians of the right to vote
3) 1905: General Pass Regulations Bill, denied blacks the vote altogether, restricted them to fixed areas, inaugurated the infamous Pass System
4) 1906: Asiatic Registration Act, requiring all Indians to register and carry passes
5) 1910: South Africa Act, enfranchised whites, giving them complete political control over all other race groups
6) 1913: Native Land Act, prevented all blacks, except in the Cape, buying land outside reserves, effectively stole 87% of their land
7) 1918: Natives in Urban Areas Bill, designed to force blacks into locations
8) 1923: URBAN AREAS ACT, introduced RESIDENTIAL SEGREGATION in South Africa providing cheap labor for the white mining and farming industry
9) 1926: Color Bar Act, preventing blacks from practicing skilled trades
10) 1927: Native Administration Act, empowering the British Crown over all African affairs, instead of paramount chiefs
11) 1936: Native Land and Trust Act, complemented the 1913 Native Land Act
12) 1936: Representation of Natives Act, which removed blacks from the Cape voters list
13) 1946: Asiatic Land Tenure Bill, final apartheid legislation by the British, banned any further land sales to Indians
Your ignorance of South African history proves your (lack of) intellect. This country was populated by both European seafaring nations as well land migrants driven from fertile lands up-north by stronger African nations. Those originally indigenous to this land, have died out 100s of years ago. This notwithstanding, every bit of infrastructure in this country was not only established by the settlers of European ancestry, but also (only just) maintained by them to this very day. Through draconian BEE laws, blacks have walked into positions of employment in “white” organizations, peer-pats on the back to the popular “we have arrived” cheers of applause. Their incompetence in these positions are infamously legendary, the country currently on the verge of utter bankruptcy as a result. When the chickens hadn’t come home to roost, our currency was trading at ZAR0.71 = $1.00 in spite of the full onslaught of international economic sanctions. Today with the blacks at the helm, it is trading at ZAR15.40 = $1.00 with NO economic sanctions imposed! Not only must you be blind to not see how your “roosting chickens” have raped the resources of this once first world country, you have to be just as stupid as the president of this country (If you’re as ignorant as I expect you to be, his name is Jacob Zuma for your information).
“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”
THE WORD *SLAVE* – slav – Slavic whites.
100% rapes in Oslo committed by Muslims.
85,000 and counting whites murdered in South Africa, untold more raped and tortured.
300,000 immigrants going to Canada.
600,000 migrants missing in Germany.
1915 Turkish Muslims genocide 1.5M white christian Armenians.
712 *They Who Cannot Be Named* betray the Visigoth empire and open the gates to Muslim invaders.
16th – 18th century, Africans enslave 1.5 million White Europeans in the Barbary Slave Trade.
From the start of the 17th century to the early 19th century, between one half and two thirds of all the White colonists who came to the New World came as slaves.
Native Americans and Jews owned Black slaves too, but no one seems to assign a collective guilt to modern Native Americans and Jews for their slavery. In fact, Jews were the biggest slave-owners in America per capita.
Whites were the first people to stop slavery in modern times, whereas slavery still continues in Africa to this day. In Mauritania slavery was only made a punishable offense in 2007!
Less than 2% of Whites in America ever owned slaves.
Only 5% of the black slaves transported across the Atlantic actually went to the modern U.S. Most in fact went to Latin America to serve Hispanic slave-owners.
“The state of Israel must invent dangers, and to do this it must adopt the methods of provocation and revenge . . . And above all, let us hope for a new war with the Arab countries so that we may finally get rid of our troubles and acquire our space.”
—From the diary of Moshe Sharett, Israeli’s first Foreign Minister from 1948-1956, and Prime Minister from 1954-1956
USS Liberty, 9/11
“Why are we here today?” she asked.
“To make revolution,” they answered.
“What kind of revolution?” she replied.
“The Cultural Revolution,” they chanted.
“And how do we make Cultural Revolution?” she demanded.
“By destroying the American family!” they answered.
“How do we destroy the family?” she came back.
“By destroying the American Patriarch,” they cried exuberantly.
“And how do we destroy the American Patriarch?” she replied.
“By taking away his power!”
“How do we do that?”
“By destroying monogamy!” they shouted.
“How can we destroy monogamy?”
Their answer left me dumbstruck, breathless, disbelieving my ears. Was I on planet earth? Who were these people?
“In the 1950s President Eisenhower’s administration repeatedly demanded the leaders of the American Zionist Council register as “agents of a foreign government.” In November 1962 Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy’s Department of Justice ordered the American Zionist Council to register as a foreign agent because of FARA violations alleging it was being funded by the Jewish Agency for Israel and acting on behalf of Israel. Under pressure from the Israel lobby and the President Lyndon B. Johnson administration, the Department of Justice later withdrew its demand. The American Zionist Council was reorganized as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). In 1988 former Senator William Fulbright in the 1970s and former senior CIA official Victor Marchetti, unsuccessfully petitioned the Department of Justice to register the lobby under the Act.”
Federal Reserve
“The roots of the Nazis and their eugenics program lie in the USA (funded by Rockefeller) as revealed by Edwin Black, you can see the Nazi symbols, Fasces in your face now … 1,500 Nazi doctors and researchers under Operation Paperclip, some of them went into the nuclear industry in Los Alamos, but many of them were placed in key positions in hospitals and in medical research facilities, both in the United States and in Canada … along with heinous mind control ‘experiments’ that are based on the torture of children.”
Rupture of the Lung
The medical literature details cases of circumcised babies whose lungs have burst as a result of intense crying. In one case, at Georgetown University School of Medicine, a 15-day-old baby with severe respiratory distress was circumcised. He turned blue, started breathing frantically, and cried incessantly. Finally, doctors discovered that the crying had caused the baby’s right lung to burst. A drainage tube was inserted and the baby was hospitalized for 19 days.
Rupture of the Stomach
In Richmond, Virginia, a healthy two-day-old baby was prepared for circumcision by denying him food for five hours. Terrified, the baby began crying hysterically as soon as the circumciser strapped him to the restraining board. After half an hour in this position, the baby vomited. Doctors pumped his stomach. The circumciser proceeded to amputate the baby’s foreskin without anesthesia using a Gemco clamp. The baby cried vehemently throughout the 90-minute ordeal. After the surgery, the baby refused to feed. His abdomen became distended and doctors discovered that his stomach had ruptured, requiring emergency abdominal surgery and the insertion of a feeding tube. After 25 days in the hospital, the baby was released. This baby had a perfectly normal stomach when he was born, but the trauma, excruciating pain of circumcision, and his prolonged crying caused his stomach to burst and spill its contents into the abdominal cavity.
doctor: to falsify.
caduceus hermes mercurius god of trickery and thieves.
“To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?”
14 million Jews, 330 million Semites.
USS Liberty, 9/11, Sandy Hook, Boston Bombing, Dorner, Elliot Rodger, etc.
Where are the rock stars? Where are the boycotts? Oh yeah, only black lives matter.
The Boers need to to multiply, and take their country back. America is in financial collapse, and we won’t be able to interfere soon. Maybe when we default on our debt, and the banksters are out of business, the Boers can return to the rule of law again within their own country without our stopping them.
I hate any type of injustice and especially, genocide of civilized people. It goes unreported by the mainstream media. Good luck.
What is happening in South Africa is a shame and fits the pattern of worldwide white genocide. There are actually laws preventing humanitarian aid to whites. Even more shameful is that the mainstream media ignores it.
I agree with the comments here that whites should be relocated out of South Africa, and the blacks should simply be allowed to kill each other off.
You don’t know sh*t about South African History.
When the first Dutch settlers came to Africa, the only people living in or near the Cape peninsula were the Koisan (San People and the KoiKoi people) and they where nomads constantly moving where grassing was for there livestock. The other African natives were nowhere near the southern tip of Africa; they where thousands of kilometers in the interior of Africa. They only came down from the interior way after the Dutch settled here. So if you want to accuse people of stealing another man’s land, then all this actually belongs to the KoiKoi and San people.
As for raping and murdering—show me actual evidence where a white person raped a black person in this country. I can show you thousands of actual police reports and dossiers of white woman, children and babes as young as three months old that were raped and murdered by black people even to this day. It is happening and what is the government doing about it? Absolutely nothing, because the president himself is singing phrases like “Kill the farmer, kill the Boer” on live television.
We are in the process of establishing a fund for CDSA (Currently disadvantaged South Africans).
It is not a racist gesture, it is just a way to protect the White South African future.
Currently no white South African can apply for any job in government or in some of the major international companies even.
Did you know that Chevron, Shell and other petroleum companies now only allow black operators to own fuel stations? Bullying white people out of family businesses and giving it to the young inexperienced black businessman that got a loan from the government. They call them HDSA (Historically disadvantaged South Africans). Even though apartheid ended more that 20 years ago, the bulk of these applicants that get generous funding are barely 20 years old themselves.
So, the inception of CDSA.
This is not just to promote white business, but you must remember that something a few people know about happens almost every day. Affirmative action and broad based black empowerment forces business owners to appoint a black partner into a business that they didn’t even work for in a lot of cases. Due to the increased difficulty in finding large government tenders by these once successful white business owners, these businesses are now scaled down or closed down, resulting in lost jobs. And here I am talking white and black jobs. A lot of business owners do join up with black partners just to get the B.E.E. accreditation. I would rather join someone of any race because its beneficial to the business not because there must be 51% black ownership.
We work with young entrepreneurs that cant find work even with a degree or with years’ experience, and at the same time a 20 year old historically disadvantaged South African with limited business experience gets a R8 million loan for a business from the (NEF).
So we will be establishing a fund and are looking for investors to fund young CDSA entrepreneurs in South Africa in various industries and businesses. The fund will work on a loan structure and is repaid on an agreed interest rate. The current value of the RAND makes it easier to fund businesses privately for international investors, because your dollar is worth almost double than two years ago.
The other thing to consider is that this is only a temporary thing as we hope that racial issues and unfair business practice in South Africa will come to an end. The ultimate goal is to see white and black businesses grow, but in the meantime we need to save the intellectual property of what the white entrepreneurs can bring too.
Interested parties to join discussion on [email protected]
Google the following links:
Caltex South Africa, Liquid Fuels Charter, National Empowerment Fund South Africa, B.E.E. South Africa, E.F.F. South Africa, HDSA South Africa
The article doesn’t say 70,000 white farmers have been murdered. It says 5,000 white farmers have been murdered.
Your numbers say 60,000 white farmers at the end of apartheid, and 8,000 white farmers murdered? Do note that 8,000 is ~13% of 60,000.
Which means, according to you: Of the white farmers at the end of apartheid, about half have left the business because they no longer have the easy ride they are used to, and about one-eighth have been brutally murdered.
We live in the 21st century. I am neither black nor white. Irrespective of who we are, we all want to live in good homes, drive good cars and live a safe happy life with our families. Hence the economy and good quality of life is the most important. There is no black man, white man lands. The land came FREE when the earth was created either by whom we are taught to believe in which I do but have not seen called “GOD” or by SCIENCE.
In the early centuries, people were not educated and the social systems and justice systems were just evolving.
In today’s times education has provided us with an understanding to respect the fellow human being should they earn the right to respect.
Nobody has the right to take another human being’s life, irrespective of what color you are. If you behave like an animal, then imprisonment is where one belongs.
The black man gave his labor and strength to build the country, the white man gave his intellectual capacity and vision. Both were needed.
As much as I have been a victim of racism, I rather tolerate that than have my family murdered.
As we speak today on the 16 February 2016, it is the white man in today’s times that has saved the black man from extinction, with the medical treatments for AIDS and EBOLA, not the Asian/Indians.
The past is gone, now it’s about which country will have the best economy so their citizens can live the best lives.
This is a terrible article that propagates racism and division between people, you should write about your own country!
What does that even have to do with 3 million European descanted South Africans being butchered because they’re a 6% minority? You’re such a vagina.
Tell me what Western country is over 90% white and isn’t comprised of shi*heads like you cowering at the thought of being “racist”? Are black people being lynched in America today? Are they doing shi* besides us having piggish piece of shi* cops that are fueled by the same media and government that you cower behind when it’s appropriate because you can’t form a single independent thought?
Not even Europe can be purely Europe anymore without being “racist” because you’re so unwilling to see that, due to your programmed thought process.
No disrespect to you, but that mindset is exactly what makes “white” people angry and become the thing you’ve been telling them they are for so many years.
All of these blacks need to go to jail then the death penalty.
To the blacks here who have honestly spoken your hatred toward whites: may God damn you to hell, where you belong. To the whites on here: get your message out. I pray for you and your families, for your children and for your nation home. May God heal your country. And if you wish to leave there, may you find peace and safety. I myself would not stay there at all. Let them starve and let them die at the hands of their own kind. People who are filled with that much hatred aren’t even human beings. They are demons.
Your one-sided deluded diatribe regarding Europeans illustrates the underlying genocidal attitude of your race against an ethnic minority less than 10% of the total demographic. This country is governed by YOUR democratically elected political ANC party (for over 20 years now). Your people do not even vote for a multi-racial party because it is all about “black” and “white” to your racist Xhosa, Zulu, and Tswana/Sotho so-called “tribes.” Your president is a vile polygamist who has absolutely no respect for women and is clearly not qualified to run a post office let alone a country. Still you’d rather vote for him before choosing non-black people to rule the country! In spite of your so chosen “black majority rule” being exactly to your liking, you are still filled with racist hatred toward people of European descent and still this country is riddled with “service delivery” protests and riots against the very same democratically elected government.
What right have you from East African descent to state that this country is only for black people? Who established this law, and on what authority? This is the only country on the continent with a motor manufacturing industry, and only barely thanks to the poor work ethic of the people from your tribes! When Fiat Uno cars were built here over 25 years ago, the “nasty Apartheid government” made the manufacturer modify the fully automated production lines merely so more of YOUR people could be employed, at the cost of making the product more expensive. When your incompetent countrymen land their new overpaid BEE jobs and they pull out in their brand new luxury European vehicles, they coin the term that they have now “ARRIVED”! Why do you feel so proud of owning technology created by people you clearly hate and despise, as is shown by the genocidal hatred toward their descendants? Or does this impart a feeling of power over the conquered victim? This hatred is generally not found in African countries north of South Africa! It is so ironic that in the country which offers more (European-descendant created) opportunity and wealth for black people than ANY other place on earth, the recipients thereof are filled with an insatiable racial hatred toward Europeans! When northern African migrants come to make use of these opportunities, even they are mercilessly murdered and driven out of the country under the so-called guise of “Xenophobia.”
Little I have mentioned here isn’t fact that can most likely be researched and verified! I have lived here for very long and I can provide more than 10 names of white people I personally know who have been murdered/maimed by black people! I know of no country in a non-war state where the average citizen can lay a similar claim! To me this proves without reasonable doubt that the article above is true, and conservatively so!
According to the selfish whites, the word compensation does not exist to Africans. It only applies to whites and whites only. Hence the government has to buy the land in order to compensate Africans for the land that was stolen and robbed during apartheid and the British regimes.
That all said, I am a white South African citizen. I was born in Zimbabwe, grew up there and have lived my adult years in South Africa. Yes, I know there are less poor whites than poor blacks—but don’t kid yourselves if you think all whites live in luxurious homes with maids and gardeners and have top paying jobs. Whites also beg on the streets, and many whites are struggling to keep their heads above water in these tough economic times. For many years (18) I lived in a multiracial neighborhood where whites were the minority, and I never felt unsafe because of my race Only in recent years did I feel unsafe because crime was worse and prostitutes had basically taken over the street I lived in and as a result traffic and noise increased until well after midnight, not to mention the litter and mess the prostitutes and the clients left behind. For my own sanity I moved into a a better neighborhood; it is a decent area, where there are people of all races, not just whites in a “leafy suburb” so to speak.
Personally, I don’t believe there is such a thing as “white genocide.” South Africa is a country with a high crime rate and all races are targeted when it comes to crime, and violent crime at that. Many commercial farmers are white, and farmers are generally easier targets because of their isolation. For those who say whites shouldn’t even be in Africa/South Africa, get real. Many whites can trace their ancestry back to the 1700s. We are citizens of the African countries we live in, and for those of us born in African countries, it is our birthright. People the world over have lived in different countries for generations that their ancestors were not originally born in, hundreds of years ago.
Times have changed. South Africa is doing its best to get over the past. Many people forget that white South Africans in 1992 voted in a referendum where they were asked if they supported F.W. de Klerk’s negotiated reforms begun in order to end apartheid rule and the result was mostly YES. However, there are a minority of people of all races that cling onto their bitterness of the past.
South Africa has enough problems right now without a minority of people (of all races) trying to pit white against black and black against white. Most of us (of all races) want to see a successful country, and to live alongside each other peacefully, but the often disastrous ANC policies and actions are doing South Africa no good.
But you black people hate us white people sooooo much but why do you use our products and services, why shop at our malls, as you have your own? I know the answer, it is because you are scared of your own kind and scared that they will kill you for some rama butter. So let’s go to white people to be save. I am sick of this country and allll the one track minded people!
ANC mass murder of Black people in the name of liberation
A few pictures:
Graphic photos of farm murders in South Africa
Good Whites need to leave and move back to Europe.
If we were as honest as we pretend to be in doing the right things, instead of attacking countries that do not allow the Federal Reserve to handle their money, we would put an end to countries like Mandela’s ANC white hate government that continues to rape and murder white people, instead of honoring them with taxpayer-funded visits from SODOM OBAMA.
Wake up America, know our enemies, remove them from our country or end them.
Zuma and Malema still sing “struggle songs” like Kill the Boer, Kill the farmer and Bring my machine gun.
Jacob Zuma is by far the worst president this country ever had. He and his government are stealing billions of rands that could be used for the good of the country, money supposed to be spent on health, education, safety etc. Their private houses have bunkers and high security areas. He stole billions during the arms scandal and he and his cadres have stole billions during the past 20 years.
Zuma maintains that South Africa is a good story (his words).
Goldfain’s new song about the Good, the Bad and Mrs. Hani
Goldfain’s new song about the Good, the Bad and Mrs. Hani
As I mentioned down below, I am a white South African born and bred, fourth generation. Some of my ancestors and relations have during the past two and half centuries, been slaughtered. In order to NOT becoming a statistic myself, I am armed day and night. That is not the way a peace-loving person should wish to live. I hear what TRY TO HELP says but again I would ask anyone reading this, ONE, where would one knock in order to determine if there is some country, perhaps like Australia, who would consider taking in an elderly white Christian couple who are still active but beyond “productive” economic age, yet can still be active if given the opportunity. TWO, to TRY TO HELP; I would ask, what action would YOU suggest regarding helping people like me? Suggestions.
May God help us.
My question is, what country would take an elderly gentleman and wife, who between them have hardly any income or capital. Who would take us?
May God help us.
They refuse you access to embassy? or to airport?
-post method: They are countries that can give you a visa using post office (you have to send your passport though, then they put visa stamp on it and send you it back, if South Africa government does filter mail to the embassy you are aiming at getting visa from, you may even contact some embassy in Europe by phone and explain them and ask for a visa from an European embassy using post office, but once again you may have to send your passport).
Other options:
– (cold war method) rush very early in the morning (before daylight) to the embassy you want to get a visa from (people working for the state tend to be lazy, especially in Africa *personal experience from my grandparent who lived in Africa for 50 years* ) you wont meet anybody. But you need to warn the embassy a few days before so they open their door before daytime and before the arrival of policemen or militia preventing you from getting inside.
– interposed method: if you can access one embassy (example: French) you may ask them for some assistance to get a visa for UK or Australia (all occidental ambassadors know each other in foreign countries, one may help you in reaching your destination)
– last method (if really your life is in extreme danger) consider leaving the country by yourself. DO NOT GO ON TRAIL (best way to get into troubles with thieves) prefer moving on boat to a destination such as Madagascar (not that far if you consider traveling on a good boat, but keep the coast in sight, so if you need some resupplying you can access the land, however be very careful, depending on the fishermen you will meet either on land or on the sea, it can be VERY dangerous, I am talking about rape/death, so make sure you have some men with you) once in Madagascar it may be easier to get a visa.
The natives will not starve, they will be evacuated to N. America, Europe and Australia to resume living off their white oppressors, when all whites have been genocided in S.A., according to the tribe’s plan. Pull your heads out of the sand; it’s getting late in the day.
I got first hand experience to trust whom are not worthy to be trust! And it is proven through the ages, the hand that feed the dog is the one who got bitten and SA feeds while their own kind is hungry and naked, without work.
May YHWH have mercy on those who straggle to make a living on farms for YOU to eat, “hopenlik” to night there is no murder on SA’s farms.
May YHWH’s people show mercy to our White “plakkerkamp” people and maybe today there is still a job for a white person.
Somehow we have to stand as a nation, for Zim’s hunger, pestilence and famine, is like a wave who came and overflow SA to drown her.
Look up North, a cloud of dust and death is in the order of the day and the hand that once fed and plant is looooong gone.
Unfortunately, the natives are killing the hand that feeds them and have no clue until one day they will wake up and have no one to cannibalize but themselves.
The tragedy to me is that there are a good many lovely black people over there, genuine, kind and humorous people, who are not violent criminals and who don’t support the ANC government. Mostly they don’t vote at election time because they fear the intimidation at the polls by the ANC and the ANC Youth League. They suffer from the violence and corruption as much as anyone. There has been little material benefit in their lives since 1994.
Please, who can help with funding to relocate those whites before it’s too late?
Too many Europeans don’t know what day it is, never mind what’s going on.
Now these many years later, Communists are in power and the savages are raping and murdering white people all over the country—and, just to illustrate how utterly biased the global Marxist press actually is, the tragedy that is present-day South Africa is ignored in the media.
Our world is not ruled by “property values;” never has been never will be. It is ruled by the sword. Always has been and always will be.
I have an aunt who lives in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. She was born in South Africa.
South Africa was a rich country then they killed of the BEST of their people for a stupid idea NOW LET THEM STARVE!
The USA was a super rich country NOW the blacks are trying t kill off the BEST of their people if they do win then LET THEM STARVE!