Is it Time for Ginsburg to Go?

July 16, 2016 AFP 4

• A democratic republic no longer exists when justices of the mindset of Ginsburg, who have never been elected, but serve for life, can impose these views, anti-democratically, upon the country. By Patrick J. Buchanan […]

Global Cities

July 13, 2016 AFP 1

• Water wars, transferring populations to urban areas, further industrialization of food production discussed at internationalists’ Global Cities Conference in Chicago. By Mark Anderson — CHICAGO, Ill.—Financial Times (FT), like The Economist and Bloomberg media, […]

Seeds of Brexit Planted in Iceland

July 13, 2016 AFP 0

• Across Europe, people want nations to regain sovereignty from globalist masters. By Natalia Castro and Robert Romano — The European Union (EU) thrives on the economic and cultural legitimacy its members reinforce, but since […]

Navy Preparing for Microchipped Sailors, Soldiers

July 12, 2016 AFP 3

• Government claims program is to help soldiers with stress syndrome; others fear ramifications. By Shane Smith — Reports have recently emerged that the United States Navy is researching the benefits and pitfalls of microchips […]

‘Gender Issues’ Tied to Soy Consumption?

July 12, 2016 AFP 0

By James Spounias — Roman statesman Cicero is noted for the popularization of the Latin phrase “cui bono,” which means “to whose profit” also known commonly as “who benefits.” Cicero used cui bono to alert […]

Fourth Amendment Gutted

July 6, 2016 AFP 1

• Four “conservative” Supreme Court justices join to undercut constitutional search & seizure safeguards. By Ronald L. Ray — The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) just dealt the death blow to the Fourth […]

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