Victor Thorn’s Best Friend Bares All

August 22, 2016 AFP 24

A PERSONAL NOTE . . . FROM PETE PAPAHERAKLES On Monday morning, I received a phone call that completely turned my world upside down. Nothing could have prepared me for it. The call was from […]

Culture War Victories for America

May 30, 2024 AFP Editor 1

By José Niño In America it’s assumed that the country’s culture inevitably drifts leftward year-after-year no matter who is in charge in Washington, D.C. Try as they might, conservatives always get the feeling they are […]

Say ‘No’ to Victoria Nuland

February 9, 2021 AFP Editor 0

25 organizations urge Senate to reject Biden pick. By S.T. Patrick Twenty-five organizations have signed a letter asking the Senate to reject President Joe Biden’s nominee for undersecretary of state for political affairs, Victoria Nuland. […]

Will Biden Coast to Victory?

September 8, 2020 AFP Editor 0

By Patrick J. Buchanan Accused of being a serial harasser in 2019, Joe Biden did what comes naturally. He apologized for perceived past misbehavior, and, to appease his accusers, pledged to choose a woman for […]

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