Victory for Due Process on Campuses

June 5, 2020 AFP Editor 0

Accused will be presumed innocent until proven guilty, reversing Biden policy. By Donald Jeffries New guidelines recently established by the Department of Education struck a rare blow for fairness on college campuses. The update released […]

Big Government the Victor in Virus War

May 9, 2020 AFP Editor 0

By Patrick J. Buchanan “War is the health of the state,” wrote the progressive Randolph Bourne during World War I, after which he succumbed to the Spanish flu. America’s war on the coronavirus pandemic promises […]

Border Victory

January 13, 2020 AFP Editor 0

New stricter policies on illegal immigration are working. This front-page story of American Free Press Issue 3&4 is available online now for digital subscribers and in the mail to print subscribers.  By John Friend A […]

Major Victory for Americans’ Rights

April 11, 2019 AFP Editor 1

A rare unanimous decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in February condemned out-of-control civil forfeiture laws, a step toward reining in the burgeoning police state. By Dave Gahary The U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruled on […]

Trump’s Victories Cannot Be Denied

July 31, 2018 AFP Editor 0

American Free Press Issue 31&32 has been sent to the printer, and digital subscribers can read the issue online now. (Log in here if you’re a subscriber; click here to view options if you’re not yet […]

Victory for the Bundys

January 11, 2018 AFP Editor 2

Federal agents and prosecutors repeatedly lied and hid evidence during the Cliven Bundy legal proceedings, prompting Judge Gloria Navarro to dismiss the entire case with prejudice. The government is thus barred from prosecuting these patriots […]

Two Lost Thorn Books Back in Print!

October 20, 2017 admin 1

Great news: After some negotiation, AFP has made a deal to bring back TWO Victor Thorn books that were in desperate need of a publisher. American Free Press is now the only authorized publisher and distributor—in […]

A Thorn in Their Side

August 30, 2014 AFP 14

• A candid interview with author Victor Thorn: AFP’s secret weapon against the New World Order. By Dave Gahary — Although AMERICAN FREE PRESS has a top-notch staff of writers who bring you the important […]

Washington’s Iraq Victory That Never Was

June 17, 2014 AFP Editor 0

By Paul Craig Roberts — The citizens of the United States still do not know why their government destroyed Iraq. “National Security” will prevent them from ever knowing. “National Security” is the cloak behind which hides […]

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