Bilderberg, which takes its name from the hotel in Holland where the first meeting took place in May 1954, meets Thursday, May 31 until Monday morning, June 4 at Westfields Marriott Washington Dulles in Chantilly, Va., a snob resort a short distance from Dulles International Airport.
Their “work” is completed on Saturday. Sunday is merely a farewell breakfast.
The Battle Plan
Mark “Rover” Anderson and I will arrive early so we can develop sources inside Westfields Marriott before the guards close off the resort at noon on Wednesday.
Monday, May 28
Check into the Crown Plaza in Herndon, Va. Haunt the crime scene at Westfield’s.
Tuesday, May 29
Chase the criminals.
Wednesday, May 30
Greet the criminals.
Thursday, May 31
Haunt the criminals.
Friday, June 1
Keep gathering information.
Saturday, June 2
Watch criminals play golf. David Rockefeller will 40-putt the first hole.
Sunday, June 3
Bid criminals farewell. Return to Days Inn in Arlington, Va.
James P. Tucker Jr. is the world’s foremost expert on the global elite. Tucker is AFP’s editor emeritus and the author of Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary.