• U.S., Iran, UK, France, Russia, China, Germany agree.
By John Friend —
Despite the hysterical, irrational protestations of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his sycophants embedded throughout all levels of the American political and media establishment, Iran finally came to a respectable preliminary agreement over its peaceful nuclear program with the so-called P5+1 powers, which include the United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia and China, along with Germany.
Many are hailing the preliminary pact as a major victory in diplomacy and peaceful relations among all nations. It appears that, at least for now, cooler heads have prevailed and war has been avoided in the ongoing saga regarding Iran’s legitimate and legal atomic power program.
Iran and the P5+1 nations have been discussing the Islamic republic’s nuclear system for the past year and a half in Lausanne, Switzerland, seeking to find an arrangement that satisfies and accommodates all parties involved. If an agreement had not been reached, America, Russia and possibly even China would likely have been dragged into a world war—with Israel attacking Iran in an attempt to shut down the Persian state’s nuclear ambitions.
The respectable diplomacy and responsible statecraft have finally paid off. On April 2, negotiators reached an initial agreement regarding Iran’s nuclear program. However, the deal must be approved by Congress, where it is expected to face serious obstacles.
Specifics of the deal permit Iran to keep just 300 kg of its low-enriched uranium stockpiles, down from 10,000 kg prior to the deal. It also grants Iran the ability to enrich its uranium to 3.67%, far below what is required for a nuclear weapon. In order to build a nuclear weapon, uranium must be enriched to about 90%, rendering delusional the ominous, fear-based rhetoric proffered by opponents of the deal.
Additionally, Iran will only keep 6,104 of its roughly 19,000 centrifuges, which allow nuclear fuel to be extracted from uranium. The International Atomic Energy Agency will be granted access to all Iranian nuclear facilities, ensuring transparency and accountability.
Assuming Iran abides by the agreement, it will see various economic sanctions enacted in recent years against the Persian state lifted.
Unsurprisingly, Israel and its lackeys, who have an immense influence in shaping public policy in the U.S., are already working to derail or modify the deal. According to a recent report in Israel’s largest newspaper Ha’aretz, the Jewish state and its supporters are pursuing a two-pronged attack to undermine the recent agreement, including lobbying Congress “to pass legislation that would make it difficult, or even impossible, to approve a comprehensive deal” while also insisting that the White House must push for “improvements” in the deal that favor Israel’s interests.
John Friend is a California-based writer who maintains a blog.
Wake up America, there are 5 More things to be set in place and the world dictator will be seated in TYRE. As for Iran, they signed the Non PROliferation TREATY. Israel Has never Signed it. They have the Bomb the GOLEM, and others. If a Person Agrees to the EVIL WORKS of this World Dictator, they will be in Danger. If you reject these Evil works, You will have an Angel RESCUE you. The 6th and 7th Part of the Gospel Needs to be Known today so the Souls of Men can escape the Torments of HELL.
In addition to reporting, AFP stimulates intelligent well thought out discussions that substantially add to the readers’ understanding and knowledge.
Cease all United States foreign aid to nuclear armed Israel as sanctioned by United States law
With the declassification by the United States government of the report entitled “Critical Technological Assessment in Israel and NATO Nations” which gives a detailed description of how Israel developed its nuclear infrastructure, the U.S. now openly admits that Israel possesses nuclear weapons. Israel is not a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty and refuses to comply with the International Atomic Energy Agency regulations and inspections of Israeli nuclear facilities, we the people of the United States demand that the U.S. abide by the Symington Amendment and the Glenn Amendment (Section 102 of the Arms Export Control Act) which prohibits the U.S. government from providing taxpayer treasuries to nuclear armed non signatories. Cease all U.S. foreign aid until Israel abides by the NPT.
Enough with “Chamberlain surrendered.” What the World WISHES is that Germany had been given VIABLE/LIVABLE terms after WWI that would have NOT have paved the way for WWII. THAT is what the World wished for. It was the NEVER FORGIVE and NEVER FORGET establishment that created the Nazis. The rabid idiots attempted to eradicate Germany and THEY gave birth to Hitler. THAT is what rabid retards BRIBED by Israel wish to REPEAT with Iran.
BOUGHT and PAID FOR Israeltitutes like Tom Cotton, McCain, Graham, are 180° WRONG and should be imprisoned for treason. American Taxpayers give over $4 BILLION a year to Israel. How much of YOUR $4 BILLION is coming back to America as BRIBES to “your” politicians? The Stooges that fall all over themselves putting Israel’s interests AHEAD of America! The U.S. Congress is Jewish-occupied territory and the TRAITORS in Congress are not loyal to America, they are loyal to the parasite “Israel.”
“Pro-Israel Policy groups such as AIPAC work with unlimited funding to divert U.S. policy in the region (Middle East)” Jack Straw, Member of Parliament and former Foreign Secretary of the British Labor Party.
When the Congress is dominated by a foreign interest to the extent that its members act uniformly on a signal from a foreign government through its domestic lobby, the republic is as much as ended. Congress can declare or refuse to declare a war. Short of that, the Constitution states that foreign policy is exclusively the jurisdiction of the White House and the U.S. Department of State. Every member of Congress championing Israel’s agenda against Iran is in violation of the Logan Act.
The other problem is the BIG picture. and the BIG PICTURE is that USA needs to concentrate on its real adversary: Russia. Iran was just a distraction and one it was deemed more useful as a friend and not an adversary USA tried to make pals with it. SO this is NOT a win for the world in any shape or form.