By Michael Collins Piper
Some big name speakers—along with a host of great bands—are scheduled to appear at this year’s Freedompalooza held in southeastern Pennsylvania over the weekend of July 4 through July 6. This is the third consecutive gathering of this popular festival for patriots. Three days and nights of camping (if you like), music, chats around the bonfire and some hard-hitting, no-nonsense political discussion are guaranteed.
The host of Freedompalooza is musician Paul Topete who, along with his band, Poker Face, have become popular faces at patriotic gatherings across the United States.
The event will begin early Thursday evening (the Fourth of July) at 7 p.m. with musical entertainment and will wrap up Saturday afternoon.
The gathering will be held at the grounds outside Johnny Mac’s American Grill in upper Bucks County where Route 611 and Route 32 meet at the bridge over the Delaware River. The address is 9755 Easton Road, Kintnersville, Pa. 18930.
[Route 66 is accessible by the intersecting roads of Route 22, I-78 and I-276 (East-West Pennsylvania Turnpike). From Philadelphhia: Take Route 611 (Broad Street) North for approximately 45 minutes. From Easton: Take Route 611 South for fifteen minutes.]
Three days and nights of camping, music and chats around the bonfire, this is a family-oriented event. No hard liquor is permitted, but beer in cans is okay, accompanied with ID. The donation to help cover expenses is $30 for all three days or $15 per day, which includes parking. Free camping is included with admission and encouraged. Campers may arrive early and set up camp on Thursday night, July 4.
Food and drinks will be available from Johnny Mac’s, which also has sit-down dining facilities available. Outside food is permitted for campers, but the organizers encourage attendees to patronize the restaurant, which is making the use of its grounds available for the festival.
Confirmed speakers include:
• AMERICAN FREE PRESS’s own Jim Traficant, the combative, articulate, no-holds-barred former congressman from Ohio who was part of AFP’s investigative team at the Bilderberg 2013 meeting in England. If you’ve never had the chance to meet and hear Traficant in person, this will be a great opportunity.
• Former United States Representative Cynthia McKinney, the Georgia Democrat who rocked the establishment when she bucked the popular tide by calling for a congressional inquiry into Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty, and then caused an even bigger public frenzy by suggesting the official U.S. government version of the events of 9-11 wasn’t quite on the mark. Since leaving Congress, Miss McKinney is more outspoken than ever before. You don’t want to miss her first-ever appearance at Freedompalooza.
• Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, is not only one of the nation’s leading advocates for the rights of gun-owners and sportsman, but, more importantly, he is an unabashed advocate of the Second Amendment who refuses to compromise with those willing to bend to the demands of the gun banners.
• Jeff Christopher—the outspoken Sussex County, Delaware sheriff who has fought federal and state efforts to curtail the lawful, traditional powers of the office of sheriff.
• Susan Lindauer, the covert U.S. government asset falsely accused of being an unregistered foreign agent and thrown into prison, part of an effort to silence her from revealing inside knowledge about the Bush administration’s intrigues to engage the U.S. in the war against Iraq.
• Shawn House, the creator of hemp-seed pretzels (known as “hempzels”) and well known as a front-line figure in the effort to legalize hemp production.
For further details, see the Freedompalooza website, which will be regularly updated, or call Paul Topete at (610) 434-8775 or email: [email protected]
According to Topete, there are plans in the works to conduct similar Freedompalooza gatherings at other locations around the country, including Louisville, Kentucky, Austin, Texas, and Nashville, Tennessee.
Michael Collins Piper is an author, journalist, lecturer and radio show host. He has spoken in Russia, Malaysia, Iran, Abu Dhabi, Japan, Canada and the U.S.