The Real Rick Santorum

January 6, 2012 AFP 0

While senator, he had plan to end free speech on college campuses By Michael Collins Piper In 2003, then-Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Penn.) cut a back-room deal with high-powered lobbyists to introduce legislation to limit freedom […]

Major Free Speech Victory

January 6, 2012 AFP 1

• The court decision has been hailed as a major victory for freedom of speech. By Dave Gahary The latest legal assault on the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights by United States-based pro-Israel […]

America’s War in Yemen

January 6, 2012 AFP 0

• The U.S. is interested in Yemen solely for its strategic location. Its oil reserves are due to run out in approximately five years. By Richard Walker — While much of the media focus has […]

Obama Yearns for End to Afghan Debacle

January 6, 2012 AFP 0

Lurking in the shadows are the two Siamese twin gorillas that have been behind all the wars and misery inflicted upon the Afghans since at least the 1970s—Big Oil and the ubiquitous Israelis. By Ralph […]

Bradley Manning’s Strange World

December 31, 2011 AFP 0

By Victor Thorn Drag Queens, Transsexuals, Cross Dressing, Homosexual Computer Hackers, Gays in the White House and Rebellion Against the Military’s ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ Policy What Makes Bradley Manning Tick? Did Bradley Manning leak […]

New World Order Lobby Promoting Gingrich

December 3, 2011 admin 0

By Michael Collins Piper Even though there was no evidence of it, the elite media announced that the presidential campaign of former House Speaker Newton Leroy “Newt” Gingrich was picking up steam and gave his […]

Hacking Hysteria a Precursor to Censorship?

December 2, 2011 admin 0

By Frank Whalen – As the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement continues to struggle along amid violent crackdowns on the part of local, state and federal authorities, those who decry the lack of immediate results […]

Another Georgia Frame-Up

November 18, 2011 admin 0

By Pat Shannan – TOCCOA, Georgia—Imagine four men, aged 65-73, being surrounded at their homes by teams of heavily armed FBI agents. The men are then dragged out of their houses and jailed as “terrorists,” […]

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