Fire of Freedom Ignites in Europe

November 28, 2013 AFP 0

 • Increasing numbers of vibrant, Old World nationalist groups continue independence struggle By Ronald L. Ray Since the worldwide financial crisis of 2008, caused by avaricious investment and banking houses, longstanding ethnic tensions in several […]

Psy-Ops Standard Fare for U.S.

November 20, 2013 AFP 0

• CIA, Mossad have been dabbling in mind control for decades • Secret U.S. documents reveal infatuation with “brainwashing” By Michael Collins Piper Recent articles in AMERICAN FREE PRESS about “mind control” have led some […]

Rally at the Alamo for Gun Rights

November 20, 2013 AFP 0

• Police brutality against gun-carrying U.S. veteran spurs massive rally at icon of American freedom By Mark Anderson SAN ANTONIO, Texas—A pro-gun rally held at the historic Alamo by the new group Open Carry Texas […]

French Populist Party Grows in Power

November 3, 2013 AFP 0

• National Front finds being “anti-Muslim” better for business than being “anti-Semitic” By Pete Papaherakles An election victory in southern France for Marine Le Pen’s National Front (NF) has mainstream parties concerned that NF could […]

Females Leading Fight for Gun Rights in U.S.

September 26, 2013 AFP 0

• Bevy of brave gals battling for right of self-defense for all women By Keith Johnson Many of the patriotic American women who’ve been pushing back against the enemies of the Second Amendment can also […]

Free Speaking Students Under Attack

September 21, 2013 AFP 0

• Conservative, Christian, politically incorrect students being targeted by thought police By Keith Johnson Young, constitutionally-minded American students are on the front-lines of an ongoing battle to preserve our cherished First Amendment right to speak […]

Infamous ‘Nazi Diary’ Turns Out to Be a Dud

August 16, 2013 AFP 0

• Researchers want to know how much material has been excised from philosopher’s manuscript By Michael Collins Piper When it was announced that major portions of the long-lost diary of former high-ranking Third Reich official […]

The Weird World of John Hagee

August 8, 2013 AFP 3

• “HAGEECON” 2013: Bevy of Christian, Jewish Zionists want more war with Islam in Mideast By Michael Collins Piper Barack Hussein Obama came under heavy fire when more than 4,000 people showed up in Washington, […]

Has Massive WWII Gold Hoard Been Found?

August 7, 2013 AFP 19

• “The biggest economic discovery in history . . . worth “$100 trillion” By Dave Gahary A man claiming to have in his group’s possession the legendary treasure known as “Yamashita’s Gold,” consisting of over […]

The Real Mandela

July 30, 2013 AFP 34

• Truth about South African icon at odds with public portrayal By Pete Papaherakles As South Africa’s 95-year-old Nelson Mandela lies in the hospital, the worldwide media portrays him as a larger-than-life heroic figure and […]

School Abandons Chipping of Students

July 25, 2013 AFP 0

• You can beat Big Brother: Student Andrea Hernandez inspires peers, parents, people across the world By Mark Anderson In a dramatic development, the huge Northside Independent School District (NISD) in San Antonio, Texas announced […]

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