NY Newstand Told Not to Sell Copies of AFP

October 22, 2011 admin 0

By Victor Thorn – On Oct. 12, Nazarius Cavan, a member of the AFP Distributor Program, contacted this writer to report that two New York City newsstand owners had been harassed and intimidated into removing, […]

What Are Obama’s True Colors?

October 21, 2011 admin 0

By Victor Thorn A series of photographs released by Andrew Breitbart from March 2007 shows then-Senator Barack Hussein Obama sharing the stage in Selma, Alabama, with members of the New Black Panther Party (NBPP). Standing […]

Corruption Plagues Obama

October 7, 2011 admin 0

By Victor Thorn – There is a sickness in the White House that leads directly to Chicago’s poisonous political machine. Criminality is such a part of Barack Obama’s business dealings—and those of his cronies—that corruption […]

INTERVIEW: New Jersey’s Swelling Tent City

September 30, 2011 admin 0

By Victor Thorn Five years ago, ordained minister Steven Brigham established a tent city for the homeless that is located only three-quarters of a mile from downtown Lakewood, New Jersey. Brigham recently sat down with […]


September 28, 2011 admin 0

All AFP audio interviews below are in chronological order from the present and can be listened to directly through your browser or can be downloaded in MP3 format. AUDIO INTERVIEW & ARTICLE: Firing of Professor […]

Wall Street Invaded

September 23, 2011 admin 0

By Victor Thorn Beginning on September 17, three organizations—Adbusters, Occupy Wall Street and U.S. Days of Rage-unleashed a campaign to radically disrupt, for two straight months, the heart of America’s financial sector, in New York […]

Truth About the Trans-Canada Pipeline

September 16, 2011 admin 0

By Victor Thorn Even the high-profile arrest of film star Daryl Hannah in front of the White House on August 30 didn’t adequately cast a light on a potentially disastrous eminent domain and environmental problems […]

Shanksville Resident Speaks Out About 9-11

August 27, 2011 admin 2

By Victor Thorn Has somebody actually located the spot where Flight 93—or a plane purported to be Flight 93—crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania on September 11, 2001? On August 10, this newspaper’s Washington, D.C. office received […]

WTC ‘Jumpers’ Phenomenon

August 27, 2011 admin 21

By Victor Thorn One of the most gruesome aspects of 9-11 occurred when newscasters reported that dozens of people inside the twin towers leaped hundreds of feet down, landing on the  streets of New York […]

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