Freedom of Religion Non-Existent in China

September 18, 2012 AFP 0

By Victor Thorn Imagine if 2M Christians, Muslims or Buddhists were detained in the United States in prisons, labors camps and “reeducation” centers. The voices of protest would be deafening. Yet in China, some estimate […]

Government Spying

September 5, 2012 AFP 0

• Secretive N.Y. eavesdropping unit admits spying on Muslims in America a huge waste of time & money By Victor Thorn After squandering millions of taxpayer dollars and subjecting thousands of Muslim Americans to surveillance, […]

Free Julian Assange!

August 28, 2012 AFP 0

• UK, U.S., Sweden conspire to imprison Wikileaks whistleblower By Victor Thorn For a few tense moments during the week of August 19, British officials threatened to have police storm Ecuador’s embassy in London in […]

Feds Stockpiling Ammo

August 28, 2012 AFP 0

• Is D.C. prepping for widespread unrest? By Victor Thorn Is the federal government, which is tasked with protecting the United States inside the confines of our borders, preparing for a domestic war in the […]

Secessionist Movements Grow Across U.S.

August 28, 2012 AFP 0

By Victor Thorn With dissent higher in this country than it has been in decades, a number of secessionist groups are asking the question: Would certain states or territories be better off if they seceded […]

A Brave New World

August 14, 2012 AFP 0

• Humans enter exciting, scary new era of medicine By Victor Thorn In this week’s edition of AMERICAN FREE PRESS, we are featuring an in-depth look at what we are calling a Brave New World […]

Dust Bowl 2012

August 1, 2012 AFP 0

This Drought Has Worldwide Ramifications By Victor Thorn For six years during the 1930s, America suffered such severe drought conditions that the Midwest portion of our country became known as the Dust Bowl. Coupled with […]

The Men who Covered-up for Jerry Sandusky

July 30, 2012 AFP 2

By Victor Thorn Why did so many individuals cover-up for serial pedophile Jerry Sandusky, including those within The Second Mile (TSM), the Pennsylvania State Attorney General’s office, and a leading official at Pennsylvania State University […]

Patching Up the Infrastructure

July 24, 2012 AFP 0

• Time for talk has passed; major problems need addressing now How Can We Avoid the Next Catastrophe? By Victor Thorn Every year the U.S. government appropriates in excess of $1T of taxpayer money to […]

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