Good News, Bad News in Obama’s SOTU

January 31, 2014 AFP 0

By Mark Anderson President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address (SOTU) January 28 was a steady stream of domestic success stories and policy pledges that present the American people with a number of promising […]

Rand Paul Mingling With Big Money Elite

December 20, 2013 AFP 0

• Is senator selling his soul to internationalist wing of GOP in exchange for 2016 support? By Michael Collins Piper Buried on page A-13 of the November 2 edition of the elite media’s flagship newspaper, […]

Fire of Freedom Ignites in Europe

November 28, 2013 AFP 0

 • Increasing numbers of vibrant, Old World nationalist groups continue independence struggle By Ronald L. Ray Since the worldwide financial crisis of 2008, caused by avaricious investment and banking houses, longstanding ethnic tensions in several […]

Round Table Elite Meets

November 21, 2013 AFP 0

• Global plutocrats, fat cats, money-bags and magnates convene in Chicago By Mark Anderson The Business Round Table (BRT) is a plutocratic group that exerts its influence on critical United States issues such as raising […]

GOP Revolting?

August 2, 2013 AFP 0

• At a time when Republicans should be unifying for a possible conservative takeover of the Senate during next year’s midterm elections, not to mention vetting viable candidates to make a 2016 presidential run, the […]

Powerful Forces Promote Rand Paul

July 4, 2013 AFP 0

• Kentucky senator getting key financial, propaganda support from high-placed Bilderbergers By Michael Collins Piper More disturbing evidence suggests Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is getting critical high-level support from the establishment elite who seem to […]

NSA: Never Say Anything

June 27, 2013 AFP 0

For years, AMERICAN FREE PRESS has been ahead of the curve in regard to the surveillance state that’s been in existence under the Bush and Obama administrations. Whether exposing the Echelon global intercept program following […]

British Cabal Under Fire

June 27, 2013 AFP 0

• Prime Minister, Chancellor of the Exchequer asked to explain presence at Bilderberg meeting By Mark Anderson Not long ago, there was a near-total news blackout of the annual meeting of the Bilderberg group. This year, […]

Has the Resistance Been Co-opted?

June 21, 2013 AFP 0

• For all their talk about the Illuminati, the bankers, the elite, the parasites and the demonic creatures, none of the speakers once mentioned the role that Zionism plays in this By Pete Papaherakles Bilderberg […]

Weekend Patriot Festival Features Big Names

June 15, 2013 AFP 0

By Michael Collins Piper Some big name speakers—along with a host of great bands—are scheduled to appear at this year’s Freedompalooza held in southeastern Pennsylvania over the weekend of July 4 through July 6. This […]

Obama Unravels: Scandals Rock Administration

May 31, 2013 AFP 0

In a city where politics is considered bloodsport, a trifecta of recent controversies—the IRS targeting conservative groups, the DoJ secretly wiretapping journalists and lingering  unanswered questions about the consulate office attack in Benghazi, Libya—have plunged […]

The Israeli Link to the IRS Scandal

May 31, 2013 AFP 0

By Michael Collins Piper Jumping for joy, some patriots are now convinced that those who control the big media have “gone conservative.” The patriots point out that the traditionally “liberal” media is dumping on the […]

83-Year-Old Nun Faces ‘Death Sentence’

May 31, 2013 AFP 0

• Sister Megan Rice, two others looking at possible 30-year term in prison for protesting nukes By Keith Johnson An elderly Catholic nun is one of three anti-nuclear weapons activists whom the United States government […]

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