Comrade Hillary

October 4, 2014 AFP 3

• Mrs. Clinton has some disturbing Marxist connections. By Victor Thorn — Americans must ask themselves a question: Do they want another president who is the disciple of a Marxist radical by the name of […]

Warning to Journalists

August 29, 2014 AFP 0

• Don’t let the truth slip in to your reports on Israeli invasion of Gaza or you’re fired! By Mark Anderson — Journalist Christopher Hedges is among the few influential American reporters who see a […]

INTERVIEW: Mark Anderson Speaks with Congressman Jones

August 14, 2014 AFP 0

• NAFTA, CAFTA have destroyed life for workers not only in America, but Central America, too. By Mark Anderson — WASHINGTON, D.C.—In an exclusive interview with this AMERICAN FREE PRESS reporter, Representative Walter Jones (R-N.C.) contends […]

Rothschild Influence Deep Within GOP

July 14, 2014 AFP 6

By Michael Collins Piper — Call it the “War Party,” the “New World Order” or the “Zionist Elite.” However you describe this element—with multiple ties to the Rothschild banking octopus and its predatory tentacles on […]

AFP Plays Role in Cantor’s Dramatic Ouster

June 22, 2014 AFP 0

By Michael Collins Piper — Information first developed and brought to national attention by AMERICAN FREE PRESS played a critical role in the effort by grassroots voters in orchestrating the primary election defeat on June […]

Putin Stymies Globalists

May 26, 2014 AFP 0

• Russia challenging “international system,” leaving one-worlders out in the cold. By Mark Anderson — In the wake of the late-April meeting of the Trilateral Commission (TC)—and with the 2014 Bilderberg meeting dead ahead in […]

Congress Wants Feds to Police Internet

May 20, 2014 AFP 1

By Mark Anderson — Senator Edward John “Ed” Markey (D-Mass.) appears intent on undermining free speech on the flimsy, worn-out “hate crimes” pretense. His Hate Crime Reporting Act of 2014, or S. 2219, would empower the […]

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