Another Clinton in the White House?

August 3, 2014 AFP 0

• Dirty money, rampant mismanagement, influence peddling haunt presidential hopeful and underscore why many believe Hillary  must be stopped. • With millions in her war chest and the liberal media pushing for her to become […]

The New York Times: We Pushed for War in Iraq

July 22, 2014 AFP 0

• “Newspaper of record” says initial Iraq war reporting driven by “outside agendas.” • Public editor admits readers should be “wary” about what appears in pages of Times. By Michael Collins Piper — Just as […]

Washington’s Iraq Victory That Never Was

June 17, 2014 AFP Editor 0

By Paul Craig Roberts — The citizens of the United States still do not know why their government destroyed Iraq. “National Security” will prevent them from ever knowing. “National Security” is the cloak behind which hides […]

Seymour Hersh: Assad Innocent

May 3, 2014 AFP 0

• Investigative report demolishes claim that Syrian military gassed own civilians. By Pete Papaherakles — A renowned investigative journalist has revealed in a worldwide exposé, which received almost no attention in the United States, that […]

Obama Should Listen to Harry Barnes

April 13, 2014 AFP 0

By Paul Craig Roberts — Does President Barack Obama realize that he is leading the United States and its puppet states to war with Russia and China, or is Obama being manipulated into this disaster […]

Putin Addresses Realities of Ukraine Situation

March 22, 2014 AFP 0

In early March, when violent protests forced the collapse of the government in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin held a press conference to clarify and explain Russia’s position on the constitutional crisis. The following is […]

Powerful Israel Lobby Hosts Annual Confab

March 14, 2014 AFP 0

By John Friend — The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the most powerful lobby in the world, wrapped up its 2014 Policy Conference on March 4, where Iran’s supposed pursuit of nuclear weapons, as […]

AUDIO INTERVIEW & ARTICLE: War With Iran Imminent?

February 9, 2014 AFP 0

AFP AUDIO INTERVIEW The former Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security and Special Assistant to the President on the National Security Council, both under President George W. Bush, believes the current […]

Hillary’s Lust for Blood and Money

January 18, 2014 AFP 0

• U.S. policy expert says Mrs. Clinton has been on the wrong side of war issue for last 20 years By Victor Thorn As Hillary Clinton was close to securing the Democratic presidential nomination in […]

Israel’s Use of False Flags in Global Terrorism

September 14, 2013 AFP 6

By Michael Collins Piper Those who believe that Israel is behind the alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria—hiding behind a “false flag” designed to implicate the Syrian government—have very good reason to believe in such […]

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