Free State Sheriff Stands Against Gun-Grab Laws

April 10, 2013 AFP 0

 • Sheriff Mike Lewis doesn’t agree with governor about firearms By Pat Shannan When a Maryland sheriff called a town meeting in mid-March to tell his constituents of his stand against Governor Martin O’Malley’s proposed […]

WEB EXCLUSIVE: N. Korea Too Smart For Obama

April 10, 2013 AFP 0

By Richard Walker If President Barack Obama continues to promise that diplomacy will be his preferred strategy in international affairs, the North Koreans will happily keep him to his word while they continue building nuclear […]

Will British Nationalists Scuttle EU?

February 13, 2013 AFP 0

By James P. Tucker Jr. Bilderberg luminaries are upset that growing nationalism in the United Kingdom is threatening their campaign for a “United States of Europe.” Even one of their own, Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti, […]

The Morphing of the Military

February 6, 2013 AFP 0

By Victor Thorn • Scientists Crafting New ‘Super Soldiers’ • Can psychiatric drugs reduce fear and pain while bolstering violent tendencies? With murmurs trickling through the grapevine that President Barack Obama’s newly-nominated United States Secretary […]

Racist Israeli Minister Resigns

December 26, 2012 AFP 0

By Ralph Forbes Israeli Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Avigdor Lieberman, a particularly nasty piece of work, was forced to resign on December 18 after being charged with fraud, just weeks before the Israeli […]

Globalists Want Obama to Push Climate Issue

December 19, 2012 AFP 0

By James P. Tucker Jr. WASHINGTON, D.C.—The  North American Group, a regional subgroup of the Trilateral Commission (TC), held its closely-guarded annual meeting in Washington November 30-December 3. Over the course of the weekend-long event, […]

Petraeus Set Up By Israel

November 20, 2012 AFP 0

• Familiar faces, institutions connected to woman who brought down CIA chief By Ralph Forbes The establishment media tells a tangled tale about the scandal that forced the resignation of David H. Petraeus as Central […]

Mainstream Media Hides Truth About McGovern

October 28, 2012 AFP 0

By Michael Collins Piper Media tributes to George McGovern—the 1972 Democratic presidential candidate who died on October 19 at age 90—do not mention a significant, little-known fact about the three-term United States senator from South […]

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