• Congress fails to kill president’s social engineering program.
By John Friend —
In a welcome victory for conservative values, the United States House of Representatives recently voted in favor of an amendment that would kill one of the worst examples of the Obama administration’s overreach into the affairs of local governments. However, just as this newspaper went to press the amendment was defeated in the Senate, due to stiff opposition from liberal Democrats and spineless Republicans, by a vote of 60 to 37.
The Senate version of the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD) appropriations legislation included the amendment proposed by Senators Mike Shumway “Mike” Lee (R-Utah) and Richard Craig Shelby (R-Ala.) that would have prohibited federal funding and implementation of THUD’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) regulation. For the past two years in a row, the House has passed an amendment to the THUD appropriations bill that is similar to the Lee-Shelby proposed measure.
Although that amendment was defeated today, language was approved that prohibits the federal government from using any of the funds made available by the act “to direct a grantee to undertake specific changes to existing zoning laws as part of carrying out” the AFFH rule. In other words, the federal government cannot usurp local zoning rules.
Rick Manning, the president of Americans for Limited Government, stated, “[T]his limiting language will provide municipalities and counties a small, legal foothold to resist HUD [Housing and Urban Development] coercion to condition the community development block grants on submission of HUD-approved local zoning plans.”
The AFFH regulation, which has been widely criticized by conservatives and limited-government advocates, increased the power of the federal government, allowing it to essentially dictate local zoning policy in an effort to artificially create equality in housing and access to community resources. Using race, income, and other social data from the U.S. Census, federal bureaucrats will be allowed to interfere with local zoning policies in order to implement their radical egalitarian agenda, effectively reshaping neighborhoods to match their utopian vision of multiculturalism —and there is nothing local residents can do about it.
“There is zero excuse for allowing the federal government to dictate local zoning policy via community development block grants to impose racial and income zoning quotas on cities and counties,” Manning recently stated. “Zoning ordinances only determine what can be built where, not who lives there. People can move wherever they want, and rent or buy. Real housing discrimination, that is, denying housing on the basis of race, has been illegal for decades.”
It should be clear to all that the Obama administration’s radical Marxist agenda to systematically engineer local communities through federal regulations and policies, such as the AFFH policy, will ultimately result in failure and a further degradation in the living standards of the productive middle and working class.
“Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing is not about expanding the poor’s access to housing; it’s about expanding the federal government’s reach into local municipalities,” said Manning.
John Friend is a California-based writer who maintains a blog.
Turning America Into One Massive Ghetto
• Since sane people won’t move to bad neighborhoods, feds will bring bad neighborhoods to you
By Kevin Jackson
Since most white people are too afraid to say it, I will say it for them. These cities, run by blacks and Latinos are cesspools. Black and brown took beautiful cityscapes, and made them into the most filthy places in America.
The side effect of white people leaving is that many of our cities have failed. The inmates were now running the asylum, and they were giving away the farm. With no tax base, cities were mostly left with unemployed crackheads, and thus can’t balance the books—that is, when Democrats like Ray Nagin, Kwame Kilpatrick, Marion Barry, et al. were not actually cooking the books.
Nobody who wants to live to life-expectancy would live in one of these urban sewers, which is why Democrats are scheming to move the sewer rats to the suburbs. As the New York Post reports:
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“Hillary’s rumored running mate, Housing Secretary Julian Castro, is cooking up a scheme to reallocate funding for Section 8 housing to punish suburbs for being too white and too wealthy.”
The Post said: “The scheme involves super-sizing vouchers to help urban poor afford higher rents in pricey areas, such as Westchester County, [N.Y.] while assigning them government real-estate agents called ‘mobility counselors’ to secure housing in the exurbs.”
“Castro plans to launch the Section 8 reboot this fall, even though a similar program tested a few years ago in Dallas has been blamed for shifting violent crime to affluent neighborhoods. . . . It’s all part of a grand scheme to forcibly desegregate inner cities and integrate the outer suburbs,” the Post concluded.
All this is part of Agenda 21, whereby the city idiots are moved to the suburbs to offset the voting of the sane people. Consider where the map of America is red, which is 98% of the country. Outside of cities, you can hardly find a Democrat. Like the Muslim horde the Democrats are bringing from war-torn countries, the Democrats see bringing minorities from gang-infested neighborhoods to you, complete with dope dealers, rapists, murders, and worst of all . . . liberals!
Kevin Jackson is a national speaker, a radio show host on Salem Communications out of Tampa, Florida, and a frequent guest on a variety of other national radio shows.
The housing initiative is to prevent people like this author from keeping people from moving to neighborhoods based on their race.