More Than Meets the Eye to Matt Gaetz Story

By Donald Jeffries

Those who were expecting Donald Trump to surround himself with more independent people the second time around were overjoyed when he nominated Matt Gaetz as attorney general. However, a media smear campaign quickly ensued, and Gaetz shockingly withdrew his name from consideration, with Trump doing little to urge him to stay and fight.

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A woman known as Mel, or Village Crazy Lady, on Twitter, produced the kind of investigative journalism that no reporter in the mainstream media ever does. She traced Gaetz’s problems back to a despicable individual named Joel Greenberg, a tax collector for Seminole County, Fla. Greenberg used the most underhanded means possible to frame his Republican primary opponent Brian Beaute for inappropriate relations with his students. It was all lies.

However, the forged letters from “students” that Greenberg sent to the sheriff’s office revealed his fingerprints all over them, and he was charged with stalking. When his cell phone was confiscated, evidence was found connecting him to a variety of crimes, including embezzlement, drugs, and prostitution.

It was then discovered that Greenberg had been a member of a “Sugar Daddy” web site, and had paid for sexual acts with minors, including the 17-year-old girl who would  come to be associated with Gaetz. When the Department of Justice charged Greenberg with trafficking a minor, he turned on his old friend Gaetz, claiming to have evidence that he had engaged in sex with a minor, in an effort to reduce his own sentence.

Gaetz would appear on Tucker Carlson’s show in March 2021. He described how former Justice Department employee David McGee and ex-Air Force officer Bob Kent approached Gaetz’s wealthy father and tried to extort $25 million from him to make his relationship with an allegedly underage girl go away.

McGee had worked alongside former FBI agent Bob Levinson, who went on to do contract work for the CIA. Levinson was allegedly kidnapped while in Iran in 2007, and the FBI became involved, planning on using $25 million in funds from a Russian oligarch to buy Levinson’s release. The operation was overseen by none other than Andrew McCabe who, as deputy director, would be the loudest voice accusing Trump of Russian collusion.

The deal was shut down by Hillary Clinton when Barack Obama came to power. When McGee received information that Levinson—who had been reported dead—was still alive in 2020, he looked around for someone with the millions needed to buy his release. Don Gaetz fit the bill. The elder Gaetz wore a wire, and caught the attempted extortionist on tape.

After a random third party was charged with wire fraud, the extortion case involving the Gaetz family was simply dropped by the FBI. An emotional Matt Gaetz demanded that the FBI release the tape of the extortion attempt, which would prove he was telling the truth.

Although the FBI had asked Don Gaetz to wear the wire, it became clear that they wanted to use his meeting with McGee against his son. And, indeed, the following day, the FBI leaked the story about the allegations against Matt Gaetz to The New York Times. McGee and Kent denied everything and claimed that Gaetz was using it as a deflection from the charges against him. Kent and McGee attempted to portray themselves as having noble intentions, simply trying to rescue their friend and colleague.

Candace Owens, who shared the impressive work of Village Crazy Lady with her huge audience, said:

Matt Gaetz was a rare person who actually fought, and I would love to have seen him become the attorney general, and I wish that Trump, if he really wanted to deliver on his promises to drain the swamp, to get rid of the Deep State, that he would have put him in that position, fought like hell to keep him there, and allowed him to land some punches on the individuals who schemed against him and his father. Instead, we now have Pam Bondi.

Owens described how many MAGA supporters must feel about Trump’s mostly head-scratching choices:

I’m not feeling great about a lot of people Trump has suddenly picked. I mean, Seb Gorka? What? This guy would literally send every one of our children to die in Ukraine tomorrow. He’s a rabid lunatic. He once called Tucker a “Putin puppet.” … Neocons back in town, and it’s very concerning to me. Listen, I’m going to be one of those individuals who does hold Trump’s feet to fire. … No, we don’t want people like Seb Gorka. We don’t want people like Marco Rubio. This is not why we all fought to get him into office.

Matt Gaetz as attorney general held great potential, for finally going after the Deep State criminals, and draining the swamp. Gaetz was on record as wanting to possibly abolish the FBI. As his case demonstrates, the Deep State consistently wins.
