By Donald Jeffries
The continuing protests across the country have left a wake of collateral damage behind them. It’s not just the untold property damage, burned buildings, lootings, assaults and murders. It’s an increasing amount of public condemnation and job terminations for those who dare to object. And legally brandishing a gun in self-defense can result in criminal prosecution.
Michigan State University Vice President Stephen Hsu was forced to resign recently, after his past online comments were sifted through thoroughly by triggered Graduate Employees Union (GEU) leaders. They were outraged that Hsu had openly discussed genetic differences between various races but were primarily motivated by his research on police shootings. Hsu concluded, as all statistics convincingly demonstrate, that police officers are not more likely to shoot blacks. “The victory of the Twitter mob will likely have a chilling effect on academic freedom on campus,” Hsu told The College Fix. University President Samuel Stanley agreed with the union. Over 500 Michigan State faculty and staff members signed a petition accusing Hsu of “scientific racism.” A counter-petition in support of Hsu and academic freedom garnered twice as many signatures, including of fellow professors from all over America. “To remove Hsu for holding controversial views, or for inquiring about controversial topics, or for simply talking to controversial personalities . . . would also set a dangerous precedent, inconsistent with the fundamental principles of modern enlightened higher education,” the petition read. Hsu rejected the notion he was promoting “scientific racism,” declaring, “I believe that basic human rights and human dignity derive from our shared humanity, not from uniformity in ability or genetic makeup.”
Hsu’s conclusion that “the race of the officer doesn’t matter when it comes to predicting whether black or white citizens are shot,” was met with predictable ire. “The GEU alleged that I am a racist because I interviewed MSU Psychology Professor Joe Cesario, who studies police shootings,” Hsu explained. “But Cesario’s work (along with similar work by others, such as Roland Fryer at Harvard) is essential to understanding deadly force and how to improve policing.” Cesario debunked the commonly held belief that police are more likely to shoot African-Americans. Cesario noted to The Wall Street Journal, “We had no idea what the data was going to be, what the outcome was going to be, before we did this study.”
University President Stanley laughably declared:

I believe this is what is best for our university to continue our progress forward. The exchange of ideas is essential to higher education, and I fully support our faculty and their academic freedom to address the most difficult and controversial issues. But when senior administrators at MSU choose to speak out on any issue, they are viewed as speaking for the university as a whole. Their statements should not leave any room for doubt about their, or our, commitment to the success of faculty, staff, and students.
A St. Louis couple made headlines last week, when they brandished firearms against a mob of Black Lives Matter/Antifa protesters who had broken through the metal private gate guarding their upscale community. Mark and Patricia McCloskey were widely condemned by leftist mainstream media outlets, and their claim that there had been deadly threats shouted at them was ignored in stories that persistently referred to the protesters as “peaceful.” The McCloskeys were instantly branded as “racist,” despite the fact Mark’s legal practice consists largely of defending indigent black clients. St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner, who is openly anti-white, declared, “I am alarmed at the events that occurred over the weekend, where peaceful protesters were met by guns and a violent assault. We must protect the right to peacefully protest, and any attempt to chill it through intimidation or threat of deadly force will not be tolerated. . . . Make no mistake, the circuit attorney’s office will not tolerate the use of force against those exercising their First Amendment rights, and will use the full power of Missouri law to hold people accountable.”
The McCloskeys, while defending their right to protect themselves and their home, issued a typical virtue signaling statement through their attorney, which stated, “The most important thing for them is that their images (holding the guns) don’t become the basis for a rallying cry for people who oppose the Black Lives Matter message. They want to make it really clear that they believe the Black Lives Matter message is important.”
In another even more recent case, a pregnant woman and her husband will apparently be charged with felony assault, after the woman pulled a gun on a black woman and her daughters, who had been verbally harassing and threatening them. The husband, who did nothing but argue back, was summarily fired from his position at Oakland University. Only white opponents of BLM seem to be facing employer and legal retaliation.
Donald Jeffries is a highly respected author and researcher whose work on the JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations and other high crimes of the Deep State has been read by millions of people across the world. Jeffries is also the author of three books currently being sold by the AFP Online Store.