Leftist D.C. Rag Admits Majority Supports Harsher Measures to End Invasion

By Antonius J. Patrick

An April 30, 2024 Washington Post article by Aaron Blake titled “Many Americans Support Mass Deportations and Harsh Methods, Polls Find,” is interesting on several fronts.

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First, a report by a leftist outlet that acknowledges a majority of Americans would approve of harsher methods in dealing with invaders—mass deportation, troop deployment, border walls, detention centers—suggests that the paper may be admitting there is a very real possibility of Donald Trump returning to the White House in 2025.

Trump has once again made the border crisis a main talking point of his 2024 re-election bid. The Post believes this approach has resonated with voters of all stripes—black, white, Asian and even Hispanics. The Post acts surprised that “attaching ‘mass deportation’ to Trump’s brand doesn’t seem like a distinct negative.”

The admission of Trump’s strength among voters on immigration, and the possibility that he may win this November, does not, however, mean that there will be any significant action to stop the flow of illegals. The Post and other leftist outlets know that the former president did virtually nothing in his first term to quell immigration.

It was only during the draconian Covid lockdowns that the border was finally closed. In addition, any executive actions taken by Trump to close the border will be met with multiple lawsuits paid for by pro-open borders neo-Marxists like George Soros and other well-funded activist groups.

The truth is, nearly all of Trump’s 2016 campaign promises about the border were never carried out. For instance, there was no new wall built; some existing sections were merely connected. The former president openly talked of amnesty for illegals and, in regard to deportations, Barack Obama actually deported more people than Trump.

Trump’s inaction was especially egregious since, in his first two years in office, he had majorities in both houses of Congress. It is true, however, that Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and other Republican legislators did all they could to thwart whatever good things Trump was trying to achieve for fear of being called “pro-Trump.”

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Besides his record on immigration, Trump has moved leftward during the 2024 Republican primaries. He criticized Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on his hardline pro-life abortion stand, dubbing him “Ron DeSanctimonious.”

Trump has also mostly abandoned his America-first foreign policy rhetoric, and was instrumental in helping to pass the latest Ukraine and Israel funding bill. He also promises to “end the war” in Ukraine by sending even more arms and materiel to counter Russia, risking further escalation.

Then there is Melania Trump, who has been inactive throughout much of the campaign. She recently hosted a fundraiser for a “conservative” LGBTQ group in an obvious attempt to portray her husband as more “tolerant” and to see if a few more votes could be squeezed out of that segment of society. Although not an official Trump campaign event, it was criticized by a number of MAGA supporters.

More than likely, the left understands this and will not be devastated if Biden loses. Most probably know that Creepy Joe is unsalvageable at this point, and a turn to Kamala Harris or another candidate is currently  deemed politically impracticable.

A Trump victory this fall could embolden the dormant Antifa forces that could once again go on a destructive rampage as they did during Trump’s last year in office. The president did little to quell the riots back then, and the left is betting he will not do much about any civil unrest in a second term.

While many on the left may have no real objections to a return of Trump since he did not carry out many of his campaign promises the first time, why does he remain popular among Republicans? Most do so because they see him as their only alternative to another four years of Democratic extremism. As they did in his first four years, liberals may get almost everything they want and can blame everything and anything on Trump.

Another reason why the Post article is of significance is that it shows that Americans’ concern over the border has not waned, but has intensified to the point where they would support more severe measures to deal with the crisis.

Whether Trump wins, it is unlikely he will be able to “close the border on [his] first day in office,” as he has promised. As is almost always the case in every political, economic and social crisis this nation faces, the solution will not be found in Washington.

If Americans truly want the immigration problem to be solved, they need to look at alternatives other than what the Uniparty is offering. Ultimately, political de-centralization, where local communities and regions determine who, how many, and from what ethnic/racial background they can accommodate or assimilate is the only logical approach to the issue. If they want none in their communities, then they should get what they want.

Secession, therefore, not only for immigration control but for the litany of troubles that confront the country, must be embraced. While secession has been demonized ever since the War for Southern Independence, America’s founding was itself a break away “secessionist” movement from the British Empire.

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