By Victor Thorn —
Hillary Clinton portrays herself as a guiding light of women’s rights, a cause she’ll undoubtedly exploit as a candidate when she officially announces her run for president in the 2016 election. Considering her role as an enabler and cover-up artist for her sexual predator husband, though, many critics are questioning whether Mrs. Clinton and her legion of feminist supporters are the true source of what Democrats called a “war on women” during the 2012 campaign season.
To bolster their point, strategists trotted out a graduate student named Sandra Fluke who complained that Republicans hated women because they didn’t want to pay for their birth control pills.
This controversial issue gained momentum on February 18 when Kathleen Willey, a former volunteer aide that Bill Clinton sexually harassed in the Oval Office, stated, “Hillary Clinton is the war on women,” during a televised interview.
Telling Megyn Kelly of Fox News: “Hillary Clinton ruins women before they can ruin Bill. . . . I found out firsthand how she operates. . . . Hillary choreographed every terror campaign that has been waged against women. Bill Clinton groped me in the Oval Office against my will, and I’ve been harassed and intimidated for years. . . . How could she be a champion of women’s rights and do what she does to women? Hillary needs to be exposed.”
Willey went on to describe how her car had been vandalized and even her pets mysteriously went missing, which she says was an attempt to bully her.
In this author’s book HILLARY (AND BILL) THE SEX VOLUME, the Clintons’ antics are exposed in graphic detail. Although this newspaper prides itself on being a family newspaper, it’s essential that readers realize what a debauched individual Bill Clinton is.
According to victim Juanita Broaddrick, Clinton “forcibly, painfully raped her” while nearly biting her lip off to prevent her from screaming. Later, Clinton, who was governor of Arkansas at the time, dispatched state troopers to procure state employee Paula Jones, who they escorted to a hotel room. Moments later, Clinton exposed himself while trying to strong-arm Ms. Jones into having sexual relations with him.
This theme of predatory behavior can likewise be found in Willey’s description of Clinton’s assault on her in the White House, on the same day her husband committed suicide.
“[Bill Clinton’s] sexual approach came out of nowhere and was forceful, almost to the point of an attack,” she said.
It goes without saying that an authentic advocate of women’s rights would try to have serial rapists arrested and imprisoned. Yet Hillary, concerned only with power and political expediency, established secret police smear campaigns against her husband’s victims. She formed covert spy networks, hired private detectives to intimidate women who threatened to go public and even urged her thuggish brother to “take out” one of Bill’s female critics.
Hillary’s tactics also extended to verbal abuse. She referred to women who were sexually assaulted by Clinton as “bimbo eruptions,” “white trash” and “cheap sluts.” Who could forget Hillary’s hit man, James Carville, who said of Ms. Jones, “Drag a $100 bill through a trailer park and you’ll never know what you’ll find.”
On February 17 and 18, this reporter contacted eight feminist and women’s anti-sexual violence organizations to elicit a response to this situation. Amazingly, not a single one of these groups agreed to speak about Hillary and Bill’s war on women. One of the only comments came from Marsha Roberson, director of communications for Futures Without Violence, which attempts to educate women on all forms of violence.
“We don’t tend to get involved with candidates or day-to-day politics,” Ms. Robertson stated. “It’s not like there’s a cover-up. This issue simply hasn’t risen to the level of priority yet.”
This same attitude arose from a staff member at The Advocates for Human Rights, an organization that ironically tries to strengthen accountability mechanisms against those who prey on females.
The woman who did not want her name used in our article told AFP, “We don’t comment on specific politicians or candidates.”
If her rationale applies across the board, anybody elected to public office could go on a rampage like Ted Bundy and they’d remain silent. In all honesty, why are these groups even in existence if they refuse to address the most prolific serial rapist in American political history, along with his handler wife who actively engages in vendettas against those who’ve suffered from his abuses?
That’s like saying an organization devoted to preventing arson doesn’t think it’s a priority when two dozen homes had been deliberated burned to the ground.
On the other hand, Laura Wood, a blogger known as “The Thinking Housewife,” issued this statement to AFP on Feb. 19. “Hillary Clinton’s the Chairman Mao of feminism. If Bill had been a Republican senator, he would have lost his career a long time ago. Instead, his bad behavior is viewed as a personal failing that has nothing to do with politics. The ends justify the means.”
Victor Thorn is a hard-hitting researcher, journalist and author of over 50 books.