For years, author, researcher, publisher, radio show host, and political activist Victor Thorn tackled the most intellectually dangerous subjects in the world while still living a humble life outside the public eye in rural Pennsylvania. On Aug. 1, Victor passed away. Now American Free Press is doing all we can to keep his ideas, his work, and his spirit alive.
By Christopher J. Petherick
On Aug. 1, 2016, AMERICAN FREE PRESS received the terrible news that renowned author, reporter, radio show host, publisher, and researcher Victor Thron was dead, the apparent victim of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Immediately, his supporters began calling into question the circumstances surrounding his death. Given that Victor was a powerful critic of the criminal Clintons, it was no surprise that many felt Victor had been “suicided.”
Victor’s family is adamant that he took his own life. They say he talked about it on a number of occasions. Still, it is not surprising that many people remain skeptical—especially when you consider the foundation of Victor’s life’s work, which he built upon questioning everything, accepting nothing as truth, and leaving no stone unturned.
With this in mind, we at AFP have been working to assemble much of Victor’s considerable contributions to our newspaper, no easy task considering that Victor wrote literally hundreds of articles for us over the years.
For details on what we have dubbed the Victor Thorn Legacy Project, please visit the special THORN website that we have set up to help us raise funds to complete the three-book series.
Many people are familiar with Victor’s books but have never seen his political and historical writings, the vast majority of which appeared in the pages of American Free Press newspaper issue after issue, year after year.
As Victor wrote several stories an issue for AFP and wrote for us for 8 years, we have enough material to compose a three-volume set of his best and most provocative writings. Simply called THORN, the final page count is estimated at 600 pages, 200 per volume.
Here is a partial table of contents of the subjects covered:
- The real Benghazi scandal
- The Obamacare scam
- Scientist killed to hide revolutionary fuel technology
- Obama’s alternative energy scams
- Protesting patriot ranchers speak to Thorn
- Mysteries surrounding the Sept. 11 attacks
- The Fukushima power plant disaster
- Why Soros wants to incite a race war
- The race hustlers profiting from conflict between blacks and whites
- Hillary Clinton’s incestuous ties to Wall Street
- How Hillary silenced Bill’s victims
- The establishment clampdown on conspiracy research
- University professor blasts the bane of political correctness
- The truth about race crimes in America
- The failure of liberal politics in Chicago
- The collapse of the Bush dynasty
- Literally hundreds and hundreds more!
The good news is that we are not asking for money for nothing. That’s not our style. Every person who donates to make this three-volume commemorative THORN set a reality will get copies of the THORN volumes, whether they are print or PDF versions.
We figure that we need to raise $25,000 to make this tribute possible.
Please click here for more details on how you can help kick-start this project
Help us make it happen by donating now. Click here for more information.
Christopher J. Petherick is AFFP’s editor-in-chief.