Investigators discover white students not the culprits.
By John Friend
Fake “hate crimes” are becoming increasingly common, as American Free Press has extensively documented. Salisbury University (SU), a public university in Maryland, has a history of fake hate crimes going back to 2016 and the election of President Donald Trump, who is blamed by the left for all the ills of the nation. In April 2016, the campus was in an uproar following the discovery of a “racist” message and sketch drawn on a whiteboard at the university’s library. The sketch showed a stick figure being hung from a noose labeled with a racial slur. Below it, the culprits added the hashtag #whitepower. It was discovered within two weeks that a group of black students was responsible for the message and image, to the shock of many on campus. Yet once identified, the culprits were not prosecuted by law enforcement, as has become the norm when the perpetrators are not white.
A recent investigation of yet more “hate crimes”—this time a probe into racist graffiti sprayed on campus buildings—may turn out to be yet more examples of the fake hate crimes currently plaguing the nation.
In October and November 2019, spray-painted messages with racist, sexually explicit language threatening violence were found in Fulton Hall, on the Salisbury University campus. In late February 2020, more racist graffiti was discovered in Fulton

Hall as well as in Henson Hall, according to local news outlets. Salisbury University officials acknowledged that the FBI had been assisting campus police in the investigations and cancelled classes following the discovery of the graffiti in late February to offer students a “day of healing.”
University officials have said that a suspect has been identified in the recent vandalism case, but his or her identity has not been released. A representative of the university’s public affairs office told this reporter that school officials could not comment on the case, as charges are pending against the culprit.
Suffice it to say, if the suspect was a white American, the story would already be national news.
“The racist threats scrawled on walls and doors in our academic buildings caused a great deal of fear among members of our community,” university President Charles Wight said in a statement. “We hope that this significant development in the investigation helps to reassure the SU community and will rebuild our collective sense of security.”
Time will tell who is ultimately responsible for the racist graffiti spray-painted on the walls of various buildings at SU. Regardless, rest assured that social justice warriors on campus and the fake news media will use the incident to their advantage—no matter who the true perpetrators are. It has been the consistent policy of the controlled liberal press to refuse to issue corrections on its faulty reportage on fake hate crimes once they have been fooled into promoting the story online or on TV broadcasts.
John friend is a freelance writer based in California.
this happened on this campus back in 2016(april 28,2016: washington ex.)So the “day of healing” is B.S. SU is probably VERY skeptical of this one.