Globalists Seek to Scuttle Brexit

November 10, 2017 admin 3

The New World Order elite just won’t let the British put Britain first.  By Mark Anderson The British “Brexit” vote, cast June 23, 2016, provided a clear indication of the populist revolt that’s been simmering for […]

Two Lost Thorn Books Back in Print!

October 20, 2017 admin 1

Great news: After some negotiation, AFP has made a deal to bring back TWO Victor Thorn books that were in desperate need of a publisher. American Free Press is now the only authorized publisher and distributor—in […]

North Korea Nuke Threat Is Multifold

September 27, 2017 admin 14

Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, the world’s leading expert on EMPs, says an electromagnetic pulse attack by North Korea could kill power grids, devastating the U.S. and its allies.  By Dave Gahary Nearly 25 years of […]

Killing Iran Nuke Deal Dangerous

September 18, 2017 admin 2

Russia, China, and Europe warn they will not punish Iran for abiding by treaty, and despite the fact President Trump has said he “personally believes” Iran has not kept to its part of the bargain, diplomats […]

Company Wants Employees ‘Chipped’

September 16, 2017 admin 6

Joining a high-technology office complex in Sweden, a Wisconsin company now says bio-chips can replace swipe cards, log in to computers, and order food. Distressingly, employees are lining up for the “convenient” implanted chip.  By Dave […]

A South African’s Warning

September 13, 2017 admin 6

Activist wraps up six-month tour of America to bring attention to genocide By Dave Gahary Springton, Pa. – To hear from a 46-year-old South African that his country is on the verge of complete collapse […]

We Have the Freedom to Starve

July 14, 2017 AFP Editor 0

“Anti-Semitic” and “racist” epithets are trotted out any time “establishment truth” is challenged or Israeli policies are criticized, in an effort to create in the reader a knee-jerk emotional aversion to a writer or publication. […]

U.S. Picks a Fight in Syria

June 21, 2017 AFP Editor 0

Not content to allow the Syrian war to wind down, the Pentagon and the CIA continue to escalate tension. Now, they’ve shot down a Syrian army jet bound for radical Islamic targets, which Russia declared […]

Is the West Facing a Forever War?

June 7, 2017 AFP Editor 1

Random killings of people on the streets, completely unknown to the murderer, has become the latest brand of Islamist terrorism now haunting the West with increasing frequency. When will imams worldwide join together to condemn this […]

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