China’s Amazing Renaissance

February 19, 2019 AFP Editor 0

The U.S. should emulate major planks of the Chinese financial resurgence program before that economically booming nation leaves America in the dust. By Dr. Kevin Barrett The most serious foreign policy decision the U.S. faces […]

Let Us Prey

February 17, 2019 AFP Editor 1

Are evangelical politicians crafting U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East to fulfill biblical prophecy? You decide. By Philip Giraldi There are an estimated 30 million fundamentalist Christians in the United States, constituting something like […]

How to Start a World War

February 4, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Provoking an “incident” or a false flag would be the best way to keep the U.S. in the Middle East forever, for Israel’s benefit. Philip Giraldi warns that “the current lineup of administration hotheads is […]

U.S., Taliban Begin Peace Negotiations

January 25, 2019 AFP Editor 0

After Syria, President Trump looks to exact even more peace in the Middle East as evidenced by U.S. talks with Taliban officials to “complete the Afghanistan reconciliation process.” We would do well to remember the […]

Iran’s Revolution Turns 40

January 22, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Americans should realize the U.S. and Iran are fighting the same enemies and perhaps take a lesson from Iran at the 40th anniversary of its revolution. By Dr. Kevin Barrett America’s mainstream propaganda media keep […]

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