Elites Seeking Global Pandemic Treaty

April 21, 2021 AFP Editor 0

By Mark Anderson On the cusp of the annual spring meeting of the International Monetary Fund in Washington, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, who headed the Federal Reserve Board of Governors under President Barack Obama, addressed […]

China Remains No. 1 Threat

February 25, 2021 AFP Editor 2

By Richard Walker Before he left office, President Donald Trump moved the center of gravity of America’s threat preparedness up several notches to take account of the fact that China is not only America’s biggest […]

Demonizing Russia; Emulating China

January 23, 2021 AFP Editor 1

By Donald Jeffries In 1989, two momentous events happened in the Communist world. The Soviet Union, considered our deadly enemy during the decades-long Cold War, saw its Berlin Wall torn down and its power collapse […]

Trump Pardons Infamous Spy

January 20, 2021 AFP Editor 2

Pollard’s release a New Year’s present for Israel. By Richard Walker Under cover of darkness, on Dec. 30, 2020, a private jet left the United States with a very special VIP on board and landed […]

How Bilderberg Stole Britain’s Sovereignty

January 12, 2021 AFP Editor 0

WikiLeaks releases trove of damning Bilderberg documents from early meetings. By Mark Anderson Starting in the 1950s, when the super-secretive Bilderberg group was assembled in the Netherlands, and well into the 1960s, industrialist Lord Henry […]

Netanyahu Tries to Box Biden in on Iran

January 6, 2021 AFP Editor 1

By Patrick J. Buchanan If Israel, as is universally believed and has not been denied, was behind the assassination of Iran’s leading nuclear scientist, questions arise: Why would the Israelis kill him? And why would […]

Mattis: Kill ‘America First’

January 5, 2021 AFP Editor 0

By Mark Anderson Former Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, a retired four-star general named to that position by President Donald Trump on Inauguration Day 2017, departed the position two years later, in January 2019, and […]

How Bilderberg Stole Britain’s Sovereignty

December 29, 2020 AFP Editor 0

WikiLeaks releases trove of damning Bilderberg documents from early meetings By Mark Anderson Starting in the 1950s, when the super-secretive Bilderberg group was assembled in the Netherlands, and well into the 1960s, industrialist Lord Henry […]

Israel Warns Biden on Iran

December 4, 2020 AFP Editor 1

By Richard Walker It was only a matter of time before Israel warned Joe Biden that if he resets the Iran nuclear deal it could lead to war. The implied threat came from Israeli Settlements […]

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