Double-Cross at the Southern Border?

January 24, 2024 AFP Editor 0

By Mark Anderson EAGLE PASS, Texas—According to exclusive, reliable sources very close to the U.S. southern border—those whose views are rarely quoted by alt-media let alone the “legacy” media—the hard realities at the border are […]

Ukrainians Face Bleak New Year

January 11, 2024 AFP Editor 0

By Mike Walsh Any descent into madness is notoriously difficult to perceive by onlookers and goes unnoticed by the affected person. These are my thoughts as I witness the irrationality of the increasingly isolated Ukrainian […]

U.S. Weapons Stockpiles Plundered

January 10, 2024 AFP Editor 0

By Richard Walker Israel’s slaughter of innocents in Gaza is a war crime, and President Joe Biden had made America complicit by supplying the Israeli military with massive supplies of munitions, including “dumb” bombs and […]

Atrocity Yarns Keep Unraveling

January 10, 2024 AFP Editor 0

By Kevin Barrett, Ph.D. On Oct. 7, 2023, Gazans, led by resistance groups including Hamas, broke out of their concentration camp to inflict a monumental military defeat on their Israeli tormentors. Using extensive and detailed […]

Issue No. 1/2 2024 News You May Have Missed

January 9, 2024 AFP Editor 0

Biden Losing Latino Support A new poll from Suffolk University has found that former President Donald Trump is gaining ground among Latino voters, wiping out President Joe Biden’s lead among the typically pro-Democrat voting bloc, […]

Issue No. 49/50 2023 News You May Have Missed

December 14, 2023 AFP Editor 0

Biden Corruption According to redacted bank records released on Dec. 4 by the Republican-led House Oversight Committee, beginning in 2018, Joe Biden received direct monthly payments from Hunter Biden’s company, Owasco PC, which took in […]

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