AFP archived stories

Argentina Snubs Bankers; Stabilizes Own Currency

December 21, 2014 AFP 2

By Bill White — Argentina may come out victorious in a battle with international moneylenders, as its central bank has stopped bleeding foreign currency reserves. Moreover, black-market prices for Argentine pesos have moved dramatically toward […]

Racist Police or Media Slander?

December 13, 2014 AFP 6

• Mainstream media must have ulterior motive in focusing on rare cases of white police shooting black people while ignoring the massive number of black-on-white crimes. By Patrick J. Buchanan — We have found the […]

Crash the Dollar?

December 13, 2014 AFP 8

• U.S. interventionism has China, Russia allying to prevent WW3. By Olga Belinskaya — “Russia and China are pushing the U.S. into a currency crisis,” squealed The Washington Times on November 18. The article went […]

A Russophobic Rant from Congress

December 10, 2014 AFP 1

By Patrick J. Buchanan — Hopefully, Russians realize that our House of Representatives often passes thunderous resolutions to pander to special interests, which have no bearing on the thinking or actions of the U.S. government. […]

FOCUS on FERGUSON: A Special AFP Report

December 8, 2014 AFP 0

Find out what the mainstream media won’t report. Pick up your seven-page special PDF report on the police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri for only $1.       In a series of […]

Is Your Town ‘Too White’?

December 8, 2014 AFP 7

• Not for long if feds get their way. By Tarrah Baptista — Federal bureaucrats believe they know better than you what your neighborhood should look like. It’s all part of a major initiative called […]

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