AFP archived stories

Why More Muslims Won’t Condemn ISIS

April 17, 2016 AFP 2

• Are Western politicians deluding themselves by calling Islam a “religion of peace”? By Patrick J. Buchanan — “We are not at war with Islam,” said John Kasich after the Brussels massacre on March 22. […]

City University of NY Targeted by Zionists

April 12, 2016 AFP 1

• Efforts of students to promote open discussion about crimes of state of Israel earn ire of Jewish lobby. • 500,000 students affected by retaliatory funding cut. By Ronald L. Ray — The Zionist Organization […]

Carolina in Sights of Cultural Marxists

April 11, 2016 AFP 3

• Majority of North Carolinians reject uni-sex bathrooms, won’t kow tow to gender benders. By Dave Gahary — A slight change in the makeup of the City Council of Charlotte, North Carolina has created a […]

Shock Therapy Makes a Comeback

April 11, 2016 AFP 3

• How did society get to a point where causing brain damage is proposed as a viable therapy? By James Spounias — If you’ve seen the riveting scene involving electroshock in Milos Forman’s famous movie, […]

AUDIO: AFP Confirms Bilderberg Location

April 9, 2016 AFP 1

AFP AUDIO In order to confirm that all rooms were booked at what many suspect is the location selected by the Bilderberg group for their annual meeting, Dave Gahary called the front desk of the […]

Soros Behind Violence at Rallies

April 5, 2016 AFP 3

• Those disrupting Trump speeches are well-organized leftist agitators. By Patrick J. Buchanan — Donald Trump’s March 11 rally in Chicago was broken up by a foulmouthed mob that infiltrated the hall and forced the […]

Israel’s Influence: Good or Bad for America?

April 5, 2016 AFP 3

• Conference speakers analyze detrimental effect Israeli power has on U.S. By John Friend — While the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) met for its annual policy gathering in Washington, D.C., just down the […]

Trump Disappoints Fans at AIPAC

April 5, 2016 AFP 13

• Trump contradicts pro-U.S. policies by pandering to Israel at confab. By Mark Anderson — WASHINGTON, D.C.—Some Donald J. Trump fans may be asking: “Will the real Trump please stand up?” On the one hand, […]

GOP Establishment Created This Beast

April 4, 2016 AFP 0

• It’s wrong to blame Trump for anger of electorate. By Victor Thorn — For months, tired old GOP establishment hacks such as Republican operative Karl C. Rove, former Massachusetts Governor Willard Mitt Romney, Senator John […]

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