AFP archived stories

Trump Criticizes Bankers’ Policies

August 7, 2018 AFP Editor 0

President Trump has unnerved the powers-that-be by breaking an unwritten rule: He’s questioning the decisions of the parasites at the Federal Reserve. He will potentially fill six of the seven Fed governors positions by the […]

Blame Deep State for New Superweapon

August 6, 2018 AFP Editor 1

Russian scientists have wed a massive nuclear bomb with torpedo technology and artificial intelligence, and one an expert in nuclear weapons, weapons of mass destruction, electromagnetic pulse (EMP), and cyber warfare is sounding the alarm. Dave […]

Jewish Man Guilty of Bomb Threats

August 5, 2018 AFP Editor 3

Remember the slew of bomb threats a couple years back against Jewish Community Centers and other targets, including transportation hubs, in multiple countries? Yes, the threats the ADL insisted were evidence of the increasing problem […]

Will Tribalism Trump Democracy?

July 31, 2018 AFP Editor 0

The issue of our age, writes Buchanan, is the “struggle between the claims of tribe, ethnicity, peoples, and nations, against the commands of liberal democracy.” Is America “a unique people with our own history, heroes, […]

Trump’s Victories Cannot Be Denied

July 31, 2018 AFP Editor 0

American Free Press Issue 31&32 has been sent to the printer, and digital subscribers can read the issue online now. (Log in here if you’re a subscriber; click here to view options if you’re not yet […]

Did Tariffs Make America Great?

July 28, 2018 AFP Editor 0

Pat Buchanan offers an American history lesson to remind us what made America the world’s greatest economic power in the first place. He explains it was economic patriotism that put America first, that made America […]

U.S. Policies in Latin America Stupid

July 26, 2018 AFP Editor 1

News today is “something like an adventure,” says Phil Giraldi: Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is ruling by decree and ignoring the National Assembly while his people suffer due to the failing economy, and Ecuador’s president […]

Is Putin’s Russia an ‘Evil Empire’?

July 24, 2018 AFP Editor 2

Can the war-mongering neocons hell-bent on continuing conflict with Russia and attacking Trump as a “traitor” answer Buchanan’s question posed here? “Where, today, is there a vital U.S. interest imperiled by Putin?” By Patrick J. […]

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