AFP archived stories

7 Nations on Neocon Hit List

December 9, 2011 admin 1

By James P. Tucker Jr. Some 10 years before the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington, D.C., top neoconservatives in the Pentagon orchestrated a major “policy coup” to start wars with multiple […]

Jewish Kids Face Abuse Epidemic

December 9, 2011 admin 0

By Dave Gahary According to an article in the November issue of the Jewish weekly Forward, New York District Attorney Charles J. Hynes “claims to have arrested an unprecedented 89 men on child sex abuse […]

Bankers Annexing Europe

December 3, 2011 admin 0

• How long before globalists impose their economic solutions on America? By Peter Papaherakles — After 2,500 years, the country that gave birth to democracy is ironically witnessing its collapse. Greece is no longer a […]

AFP Conference Speakers Rock the Boat

December 3, 2011 admin 0

By Victor Thorn ALEXANDRIA, Va.—On a brisk, windy, rainy evening on Nov. 16, 100 of AFP’s subscribers, READERSHIP COUNCIL members and distributors, joined by AFP staff, boarded the 240-foot-long Nina’s Dandy cruise ship at the […]

Flu Research Dangers Unreported

December 3, 2011 admin 0

By Frank Whalen – As scientists develop ways to modify viruses such as the H5N1, more commonly known as the bird flu virus, contention about reporting the detailed results is rearing itself in the biological […]

New World Order Lobby Promoting Gingrich

December 3, 2011 admin 0

By Michael Collins Piper Even though there was no evidence of it, the elite media announced that the presidential campaign of former House Speaker Newton Leroy “Newt” Gingrich was picking up steam and gave his […]

Hacking Hysteria a Precursor to Censorship?

December 2, 2011 admin 0

By Frank Whalen – As the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement continues to struggle along amid violent crackdowns on the part of local, state and federal authorities, those who decry the lack of immediate results […]

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