AFP archived stories

AFP Plays Role in Cantor’s Dramatic Ouster

June 22, 2014 AFP 0

By Michael Collins Piper — Information first developed and brought to national attention by AMERICAN FREE PRESS played a critical role in the effort by grassroots voters in orchestrating the primary election defeat on June […]

Lakewood, N.J.: An Orthodox Final Solution

June 21, 2014 AFP 9

• Struggling to survive, throngs of homeless are pushed out of N.J.’s “Tent City” to make way for construction of massive “yeshivas” subsidized by taxpayers. By Dave Gahary — LAKEWOOD, N.J.—One of the more biting […]

Big Pharma Bribery Scandal

June 21, 2014 AFP 1

• China investigates world’s most powerful drug makers for rampant criminality. By Ronald L. Ray — The People’s Republic of China is infamous for a variety of corrupt business practices, but recently the communist government […]

Wall Street’s Plan to Control the Nation

June 21, 2014 AFP 0

• “Social Impact Bonds” are latest scheme to influence all levels of government. By Keith Johnson — Few have heard of social impact bonds (SIBs), yet they’re one of the latest and fastest growing schemes […]

Immigration Policy Promoting Collapse of America

June 21, 2014 AFP 0

• Shortsighted U.S. government policies on illegal immigration disregard massive numbers of dependent aliens, criminals, kids being given sanctuary at expense of U.S. taxpayers. Ronald L. Ray — The unending torrent of illegal aliens entering […]

EU Voters Steer Hard Right

June 21, 2014 AFP 0

• Anti-NWO European Parliament members head to Brussels with goal of tearing down EU. By Pete Papaherakles — Huge victories by nationalist, far-right and Euroskeptic parties in the European Union Parliament (MEP) elections have sent shock […]

Washington’s Iraq Victory That Never Was

June 17, 2014 AFP Editor 0

By Paul Craig Roberts — The citizens of the United States still do not know why their government destroyed Iraq. “National Security” will prevent them from ever knowing. “National Security” is the cloak behind which hides […]

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