AFP archived stories

GOP Hits Rock Bottom

July 21, 2014 Chris Petherick 0

• Black Democrats paid to vote Republican. By Victor Thorn — Campaign dirty tricks are as old as politics itself, but few compare to the underhanded tactics used by 36-year incumbent William Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) […]

Opening the Gates of Hell

July 21, 2014 Chris Petherick 1

• Obama immigration policy unleashes possible national apocalypse. By Michael Collins Piper — Once again, Congress—and the Obama administration—seem unable to act in the face of a major crisis largely of their own making. The […]

Rothschild Influence Deep Within GOP

July 14, 2014 AFP 6

By Michael Collins Piper — Call it the “War Party,” the “New World Order” or the “Zionist Elite.” However you describe this element—with multiple ties to the Rothschild banking octopus and its predatory tentacles on […]

U.S. Financial Train Wreck Imminent

July 14, 2014 AFP 0

By Victor Thorn — By 2008, President George W. Bush had executed a piledriver on the American economy, sending it into a death spiral. Six years later, despite an $831 billion stimulus package and nearly […]

Flying Saucers and the NASA Space Program

July 12, 2014 AFP 0

• U.S. testing “UFO” technology for possible mission to Mars. By Pete Papaherakles — The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has announced that it will attempt to launch a flying saucer into the Earth’s […]

Christian Evangelicals Turning Backs on Israel

July 7, 2014 AFP 0

• Blind support for genocidal policies of Zionist state no longer a prerequisite for salvation. By Ronald L. Ray — Zionists are worried. For decades, conservative evangelical Christians have been among the most fervent backers […]

‘Reshoring’ Movement Brings Jobs Back to U.S.

July 7, 2014 AFP 0

• “Reshoring” succeeds in bringing more than 600,000 jobs back to United States; helping reverse decades of “offshoring.” By Keith Johnson — The tide may be turning for those Americans who have lost their livelihoods […]

Ex-Rep. Reveals Dirty Secret of D.C. Politics

June 27, 2014 AFP 0

• Bob Ney details why Congress fears the Israel lobby. By Michael Collins Piper — A notorious Orthodox Jewish influence-peddler manipulated accusations of “anti-Semitism” to force a powerful member of Congress to give a lucrative […]

Naysayers Miss the Point

June 25, 2014 AFP 0

• 15% national retail sales tax could liberate the 99% from slavery. • Texas, Florida job market thrives after spurning state income tax. Rep. Jim Traficant — Naysayers keep coming out of the woodwork. They […]

Eric Holder’s Vendetta

June 25, 2014 AFP 0

• Patriotic Americans targeted by new task force created by U.S. Justice Department. By Victor Thorn — On June 3, United States Attorney General Eric Holder announced that he would revive a task force comprised […]

The Growing Movement to Impeach Obama

June 25, 2014 AFP 1

By John Friend — SAN DIEGO, Calif.—Roger Ogden, the founder and leading organizer of the activist group Stop Obama Now—San Diego, is easily one of the nation’s most dedicated, determined and hardest-working activists out there […]

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