UN Gun Treaty a Threat

April 11, 2013 AFP 0

• Worldwide control of all guns is ultimate objective of UN weapons summit By Jeffrey Smith NEW YORK, N.Y.—The United Nations Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT 2013) concluded in early April with a […]

Free State Sheriff Stands Against Gun-Grab Laws

April 10, 2013 AFP 0

 • Sheriff Mike Lewis doesn’t agree with governor about firearms By Pat Shannan When a Maryland sheriff called a town meeting in mid-March to tell his constituents of his stand against Governor Martin O’Malley’s proposed […]

SPLC Releases Annual List of Worst ‘Haters’

April 10, 2013 AFP 1

• Senator Rand Paul, Sheriff Richard Mack, AMERICAN FREE PRESS, Jack McLamb accused of ‘extremism’ By Chuck Baldwin The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is at it again. In their typical obsessive hate-filled paranoia, the […]

Close Gitmo Now

April 10, 2013 AFP 1

• “War on Terror” icon—Guantanamo Prison—a costly mess The United States Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba has been called “the most expensive prison in the world,” costing U.S. taxpayers nearly $200M annually to maintain. […]

WEB EXCLUSIVE: N. Korea Too Smart For Obama

April 10, 2013 AFP 0

By Richard Walker If President Barack Obama continues to promise that diplomacy will be his preferred strategy in international affairs, the North Koreans will happily keep him to his word while they continue building nuclear […]

Top Globalists Meet in Berlin to Plot Strategy

April 10, 2013 AFP 0

• Interesting information emerges from AFP’s source inside the Trilateral Commission meeting By James P. Tucker Jr. The Trilateral Commission (TC), meeting near Berlin, March 15-17, devised a plan that would allow the International Monetary […]


March 27, 2013 AFP 1

AFP AUDIO INTERVIEW Sussex County, Delaware Sheriff Jeffrey S. Christopher has been thrust into an unenviable position. He’s being forced to defend, to the death, the oath he swore to the United States Constitution, against […]

Iraq: The Colossal Failure

March 27, 2013 AFP 0

• Ten years later, the worst imaginable scenarios have played out: Iraq wrecked, U.S. bankrupt During a March 14 interview, AMERICAN FREE PRESS spoke with Erin Evers of Human Rights Watch. In the past, she […]

Military Suicides Hit Epidemic Levels

March 27, 2013 AFP 0

• Unimaginable stress, irrepressible memories, psychoactive prescription drugs make lethal combination By Pat Shannan With what must be one of the strangest statistics in the history of wartime, the Pentagon has released the fact that […]

CPAC: From GOP Fringe Group to Neocon Powerhouse

March 27, 2013 AFP 0

• Prominent “conservative” group has tangled history By Michael Collins Piper WASHINGTON, D.C.—This year an estimated 8,000-10,000 participants converged on the annual meeting in Washington, D.C. of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). That’s a […]

AUDIO INTERVIEW: Keith Johnson Interviews Ray McGovern

March 26, 2013 AFP 0

AFP AUDIO INTERVIEW AMERICAN FREE PRESS reporter Keith Johnson conducted an exclusive interview with Raymond L. McGovern, former U.S. Army infantry/intelligence officer and 27-year Central Intelligence Agency analyst from the administration of John F. Kennedy […]

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