• Senator Rand Paul, Sheriff Richard Mack, AMERICAN FREE PRESS, Jack McLamb accused of ‘extremism’
By Chuck Baldwin
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is at it again. In their typical obsessive hate-filled paranoia, the SPLC has issued another baseless character assassination piece against anyone whom they consider to be right-wing. They call their hit piece, “The Year in Hate and Extremism.” Of course, only “right-wing” leaders are so characterized. According to the SPLC, left-wing leaders are always the voices of reason and goodness. Barf!
The SPLC article lists several conservative leaders as examples of “hate and extremism.” They include Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Representative Trey Radel (R-Fla.), former Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack, Matt Barber of the Liberty Counsel and ConservativeDaily.com’s Tony Adkins. “Even further to the right,” according to the SPLC, are Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes, Judicial Watch’s Larry Klayman, and, yes, yours truly.
[AMERICAN FREE PRESS is also classified as a “hate group” by the SPLC and has a whole section dedicated to us on the SPLC’s website.—Ed.]
The SPLC maintains that 2012 saw a dramatic increase in the number of right-wing “hate groups.” Of course, the SPLC doesn’t bother to name or locate these groups. Everyone is just supposed to take their word that they exist.
Back in 2010, the SPLC issued its list of 40 patriot leaders, people whom they consider to be part of the radical right. Chuck Baldwin is at the very top of the list. Others who made the list in 2010 include radio show host Stewart Rhodes, Mack, Devvy Kidd, Cliff Kincaid, Jack McLamb, John McManus, Daniel New, Larry Pratt, Joel Skousen, Edwin Vieira Jr., Andrew Napolitano and Ron Paul.
The SPLC is such a paranoid, extremist, ultra-liberal organization it would seem that only those who are the most biased and prejudiced in their liberal philosophy could even take them halfway seriously. Unfortunately, however, the SPLC is one of the most-often quoted sources by the mainstream media. Of course, most Americans realize that the mainstream media, for the most part, is itself extremely biased in favor of a leftist, internationalist agenda, so it is not surprising that they would gravitate to the left-wing paranoia from the SPLC.
However, even more unfortunate is the fact that the Department of Justice (DoJ) in Washington, D.C., also gives credence to the SPLC’s propaganda. This is the most disturbing part of the SPLC hysteria: The nation’s law enforcement agencies that receive instructions, bulletins, memos, briefs, etc., from the DoJ are watching the feds regurgitate the left-wing propaganda of the SPLC. This is why state police agencies end up characterizing conservatives as “extremist hate groups.” They got it from the DoJ, which got it from the SPLC.
That the DoJ has such a cozy relationship with this type of ultra-liberal organization should be cause for concern by all Americans. After all, justice is supposed to be adjudicated equally to all men—conservatives or liberals—according to the rule of law, not parceled out with the taint of bias and prejudice.
Chuck Baldwin is a radio show host and columnist and was the Constitution Party’s presidential candidate in the 2008 election.
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