USDA Food Stamp Outrage Exposed

February 23, 2014 AFP 1

• Department of Agriculture vows change after “food stamps for foreigners” scheme uncovered By Victor Thorn As hardworking American taxpayers struggle to pay their bills, a move by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) […]

U.S. Has Transformed Libya Into Danger to All Africa

February 23, 2014 AFP 0

By Richard Walker President Barack Obama and former French President Nicholas Sarkozy should have provided Libya with an “after sales agreement” when they ordered the destruction of the Libyan government and the assassination of former […]

Culture War Waged at Olympics

February 23, 2014 AFP 0

• Russia comes under heavy attack by standing up for Christianity and Russia’s children By Pete Papaherakles While the Sochi Winter Olympics are in full swing in Russia, President Vladimir Putin finds himself in an […]

Israeli Intrigues Linked to Gun Industry

February 17, 2014 AFP 1

• Powerful, shadowy Zionist holding company dominates American arms business By Michael Collins Piper Some AMERICAN FREE PRESS readers are wondering if they are on the wrong side of the issue of Zionism and Israel, […]

Euro Debt Spells Danger for Dollar

February 16, 2014 AFP 0

• Mexico latest country to join BRICs to replace dollar as world currency By Bill White Since the Bretton Woods system was established after World War II, the American dollar has been the backbone of […]

Hillary Presidency Frightens Some

February 16, 2014 AFP 0

• Spokesman for “Stop Hillary” PAC says we need to be wary of Mrs. Clinton By Victor Thorn According to the latest federal elections filings, Hillary Clinton has been able to amass $4M for a […]

Putin: Eastern Champion of Western Values

February 16, 2014 AFP 0

• Top financial criminals in Russia want Putin ousted By Ronald L. Ray A war against Western civilization is taking place, but it is Russia, in the East, that is defending cultural and religious traditions, […]

Pope Tackles Vatican Gay Network Charges

February 16, 2014 AFP 0

By Victor Thorn This won’t be your same old Vatican anymore, at least if Jorge Mario Bergoglio, better known as Pope Francis, has anything to say about it. As Time magazine’s 2013 Person of the […]

AFP RADIO: Sandy Hook, Fallacy or Fact?

February 12, 2014 AFP 0

AFP RADIO AFP reporter Keith Johnson dissects what he considers to be the fallacies in Professor James Fetzer’s “Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook Was An Elaborate Hoax.” ARCHIVES

AUDIO INTERVIEW & ARTICLE: War With Iran Imminent?

February 9, 2014 AFP 0

AFP AUDIO INTERVIEW The former Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security and Special Assistant to the President on the National Security Council, both under President George W. Bush, believes the current […]

Robber Barons Party in Switzerland

February 8, 2014 AFP 0

• World’s top kleptocrats, plutocrats, financial autocrats vow to ‘reshape world’ at major confab By Keith Johnson It’s a wrap for the 44th annual World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, where the wealthiest robber […]

Save a Palestinian, Boycott Israel

February 8, 2014 AFP 0

• Academics seek action to stop genocide of Palestinians By Ronald L. Ray Boycott. Divestment. Sanctions. “BDS” may be the three peaceful actions which can stop Israeli crimes against humanity in Zionist-occupied Palestine. That, at […]

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