Racial Blackmail

September 1, 2014 AFP 9

• African-American radicals offer message to white America: Put white cop on trial and convict him or we’ll make blacks riot. By Victor Thorn — Despite clear, overwhelming evidence that on August 9, 2014, a […]

A Thorn in Their Side

August 30, 2014 AFP 14

• A candid interview with author Victor Thorn: AFP’s secret weapon against the New World Order. By Dave Gahary — Although AMERICAN FREE PRESS has a top-notch staff of writers who bring you the important […]

Bilderberg to Meet In Europe Again

August 30, 2014 AFP 0

• Early reports indicate secretive cabal may meet in Austria in 2015. By Mark Anderson — A five-star conference center in the majestic Austrian Alps may be the site of the 63rd Bilderberg meeting next […]

September 11 Back in the News

August 29, 2014 AFP 35

By Victor Thorn — It’s been nearly 13 years since the September 11, 2001 terror attacks, yet those devoted to 9-11 truth are still exposing an abundance of lies that were disseminated to cover up […]

Warning to Journalists

August 29, 2014 AFP 0

• Don’t let the truth slip in to your reports on Israeli invasion of Gaza or you’re fired! By Mark Anderson — Journalist Christopher Hedges is among the few influential American reporters who see a […]

Is ‘IS’ a CIA-Mossad Creation?

August 28, 2014 AFP 36

By Pete Papaherakles — The leader of the radical Islamic State (IS), Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, has been reputed to be a Mossad-trained operative whose real name is Elliot Shimon, the son of Jewish parents. This […]

Bankers Suck Lifeblood from Argentina

August 27, 2014 AFP 1

• Argentine people battling piratical plutocrats behind economic genocide of nation. By Ronald L. Ray — Paul Singer is not a nice guy. The Jewish billionaire head of Elliott Management Corp. and a few mega-rich […]

Currency Deals Threaten Supremacy of U.S. Dollar

August 26, 2014 AFP 6

• Swiss banks jump on China’s yuan bandwagon. By Bill White — Switzerland’s National Bank and the People’s Bank of China have reached an agreement to swap their respective currencies, meaning the trade between Swiss […]

Whistleblower Has NSA Quaking

August 25, 2014 AFP 0

• U.S. and western intelligence agencies fear Snowden has even more earth-shattering secret information to reveal. By Richard Walker — It’s been well over a year since media outlets first reported in June, 2013 on […]

Comments Are Now Available Under Every Article

August 23, 2014 AFP 0

Comments are now available under every article on this website. Please post responsibly. All posts containing SPAM will be deleted ASAP. AMERICAN FREE PRESS will never censor comments based on the political or ideological point […]

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