The Wolf of War

March 28, 2015 AFP 4

• Wolf Blitzer, U.S. Ministry of Propaganda leading charge for war with Russia. By Paul Craig Roberts — President George W. Bush’s National Security Advisor Condi Rice warned Americans that Saddam Hussein’s (non- existent) weapons […]

Secrets of the New World Order Exposed

March 23, 2015 AFP 11

• British researcher provides incontrovertible evidence of the New World Order. By Dave Gahary — If you’ve ever wanted to examine whether the New World Order is real or just the stuff of conspiracy theory, […]

INTERVIEWS: Ukrainians Speak #2

March 23, 2015 AFP 3

AMERICAN FREE PRESS’s own Olga Belinskaya, a native of Donetsk in Eastern Ukraine, conducted a series of raw, unedited interviews with ordinary, peaceful people from Ukraine’s war zone, who told Olga what life was really […]

INTERVIEW: Black Days Coming for Whites

March 22, 2015 AFP 1

• White Christian Europe, America committing cultural suicide with immigration policies. By Victor Thorn — On the heels of recent reports stating that the number of non-white children under five years of age will surpass […]

Rotten to the “Common Core”

March 22, 2015 AFP 0

By Ronald L. Ray — The Common Core State Standards Initiative (CC) for primary and secondary education in public schools are the latest in a long line of bureaucratically imposed directives pushed by cultural communists […]

AIPAC, Netanyahu Sabotaging Iran Deal

March 22, 2015 AFP 5

By Mark Anderson — Under the watchful eye of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Senators Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) and Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) have introduced the Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act of 2015 (S. […]

D.C. the Enemy to World Peace

March 21, 2015 AFP 4

On February 25 and 26, Paul Craig Roberts addressed the 70th Anniversary of the Yalta Conference, hosted by the Russian Academy of Sciences and Moscow State Institute of International Relations in Moscow. The following is […]

Bilderberg 2015 Dates Confirmed

March 20, 2015 AFP 3

• Meanwhile, sheer irony abounds regarding ‘buzz’ over the Logan Act. By Mark Anderson — Amid rumors and various online reports that typically fail to quote specific sources directly, police in western Austria have directly […]

U.S. General: West Created ISIS

March 19, 2015 AFP 13

By Pete Papaherakles — General Wesley Kanne Clark, Sr., former Supreme Allied commander of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) during the war against Yugoslavia and presidential candidate, revealed recently on CNN that the Islamic […]

Amid Media Blackout, Lawsuit Challenges Banker Rule

March 11, 2015 AFP 6

• Outcome could decide if Canadians have monetary sovereignty. By Mark Anderson — A landmark Canadian federal appellate-court ruling could conceivably lead to the cancellation of Canada’s debt-based money system, and its repercussions are expected […]

Massive U.S. Aquifer Threatened

March 11, 2015 AFP 2

• Ogallala Aquifer could be poisoned by fracking wastewater well in Nebraska. By Ronald L. Ray — “Oil and water don’t mix.” That saying receives new meaning in light of a proposed disposal well for oil […]

Senators Offer Plan to Close IRS Forever

March 10, 2015 AFP 4

By Mark Anderson — Has the late, great JimTraficant’s flat sales-tax proposal outlived the former Ohio Democratic congressman and entered the legislative pipeline? This could be the case, as Senators Gerald W. “Jerry” Moran (R-Kan.) […]

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