Public Input Session Includes Calls for Stopping Pandemic Treaty

By Mark Anderson

“The Covid-19 [mRNA] gene therapy injections failed because they did not prevent symptoms, infection or transmission, and caused significant injuries, chronic illnesses and deaths that far exceed safety signal standards.”

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That partial statement was given by citizen Paul Gee of California during an online public comment and “listening session” on May 2, organized by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to take the public pulse regarding the pending world pandemic treaty and updated International Health Regulations.

Despite the World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations (UN) seeing any vaccine skepticism as a form of disinformation, plenty of such “disinfo” was shared with them at this public comment session.

The Office of Global Affairs (OGA) of HHS is the U.S. negotiating body working with delegates from WHO’s other 193 member states, May 27 thru June 1 in Geneva, to produce an expected—but reportedly contentious—pandemic treaty at the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA).

The OGA held a listening and public-input session April 11, as well as on May 2.

As of AFP’s press time, the treaty negotiators had until May 10 to have the treaty’s components basically in order, in preparation for the WHA.

This writer also commented to the HHS May 2 input session, as did noted WHO watchdog James Roguski and Justin Bryce of Interest of Justice, who took strong issue with the WHO’s medical science and the climate science tied to medical matters. A Sovereignty International member, other treaty opponents, as well as treaty supporters and those with more neutral views, also spoke on various issues, such as needing improved world sanitation. Every speaker had to pick no more than three provisional agenda items.

This writer limited remarks to agenda item 11.4, titled “Immunization Agenda 2030,” since it was most relevant to the treaty and the associated International Health Regulations that many believe will be more onerous than the treaty.

This writer’s comments follow, in part:

The WHO has made it crystal clear [at a recent press conference] that it wants to vaccinate “everyone, everywhere”—thus indicating mass vaccinations have become a monopolistic centerpiece of global health with painfully little said about alternatives. Yet, we’ve reached a point to where we know the novel mRNA injections have caused widespread harm and more deaths than media and government care to admit. We’re told to trust the science, but any science that simply comports with Big Pharma’s profiteering plans is pseudo-scientific corporatism, not impartial science.

Gee added:

No new [mRNA] injections should be considered without full double-blind clinical testing lasting 8-10 years for each new proposed therapy. Emergency Use Authorization for medical countermeasures was not justified for Covid-19 and should not be considered for future medical events.

The HHS Office of Global Affairs should, therefore, cease and desist all negotiations on the WHO Pandemic Agreement and on any amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations.

According to the announced format, OGA had no intention of directly responding to the public remarks. Nor did they disclose how many people signed up to speak via Zoom compared to how many were allowed to speak in the two-hour morning speaking window. An undisclosed number of other people dialed in just to listen. The deadline to sign up to speak was moved from April 26 to 29, which suggests overall input was heavy.

At WHO’s online press conferences before and immediately after the most recent listening/speaking session, WHO officers made it abundantly clear that vaccines are overwhelmingly the super-dominant drug of choice to combat a host of diseases, including malaria and meningitis, as well as the next pathogen expected to be the cause of the next pandemic. The current candidate, they insist, is H5N1, or avian “bird” flu which, WHO officials claim, does not easily transmit from animals to people, but, if it does, officials claim it will be more deadly than Covid.

At the May 3 press conference, WHO treaty negotiators took a break from deliberations and announced if and when the treaty is consummated during the WHA, then the process begins to seek the pact’s national-level adoption.

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Thus, AFP readers need to ring their senators’ phones steadily to make sure the Senate seriously and properly conducts its constitutional advice-and-consent role regarding the treaty. Please call any senator via the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121. This article and other sources can provide talking points.

Reportedly, only 60 nations need to adopt the treaty before it may be sent to Congress and parliaments.

“Adoption is the beginning of the process, not the end,” WHO negotiating body co-chairman Roland Driece claimed at the May 3 press conference.

Mark Anderson is a roving writer for AFP. He invites your thoughtful comments and story ideas at [email protected]. Mark’s radio show “Stop the Presses!” runs at, Wednesdays from 2 to 3 p.m. EDT.

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