In the first ever interview (19:12) of its kind, Dave Gahary speaks with the police officer responsible for arresting the “Dancing Israelis” on September 11, 2001, who were caught filming and celebrating while the World Trade Center burned and people died.
Sergeant Scott DeCarlo reveals the details of that day, details the Zionist-controlled mainstream media conveniently overlooked. DeCarlo has promised that this is his first and last interview on the subject, in the hopes of quelling ongoing interest in his role that horrible day.
8.5” x 11” over-sized saddle-stitched booklet, 60 pages, $10
Dave Gahary, a former submariner in the U.S. Navy, is the host of AFP’s ‘Underground Interview’ series.
Be sure to check out all of AFP’s free audio interviews. You’ll find them on the HOME PAGE, ARCHIVES & AUDIO section.
9-11 Cop Who Busted Dancing Israelis Speaks CD
30-minute CD, $15
Wake up. This was an inside job and America’s no. 1 ally took part.
Hi Jaroslav. You’re right about who did 911 but your evidence tends to make a mockery out of the word “investigation.”
Are you absolutely sure that your arithmetic connections are
indicative of that which you claim for them?
What’s this? 526 meters high antenna means what?
1368 feet high building and 3168 is Greek for what?
This is serious, Jaroslav. Why are you doing this comedy?
You couldn’t be trying to make a joke out of the 911 investigations, could you?
About Italians, have you ever wondered about where you got your stereotypical view regarding them? Could it be from the Jew-owned media? They write our text books, teach in our schools from the beginning through post doctorate, write and produce nearly anything we watch or read or hear, and they are in our governments to the hilt. When I think about all the inputs I’ve ever had regarding Italians, my two years in Italy notwithstanding, it came from Jew-owned media. That’s where I got most all of my worldview come to think of it. My stereotyping of the Irish has come from watching Jew-made Hollywood movies, too. You know what I never see in their media, anything that puts the Jew in a bad light! They don’t like to do that. They are the most deceptive and secretive people on earth.
and generally HERE:[www.worldwidewaco.wordpress.com/reichstag-911]
Peace TRUTH Justice
REPENT NOW PEOPLE AND PICK UP YOUR BIBLES, King James Version and as old as you can get, or GO STRAIGHT TO HELL! NO BS people, give your heads a shake and shake out the BS you have been brainwashed with and find God now, this is why the world is going to hell in a hand basket…GODLESS PERIOD!!
The U.S. Zionist-masonic flag has the same design, 9 rows of stars and 11 columns of stars, with 13 stripes, as the 13th house of zodiac. Such is the truth! The EU Zionist masonic flag has exactly the same meaning, where the CIRCLE with 12 stars is the black hole and the 13th house of zodiac!
Didn’t the Zionists encode the same pattern into the 9/11 attacks? They did! Flight AA11 had 2 pilots + 9 crew members = 11. Flight UA175 had 2 pilots + 7 crew members = 9 in total. Since both flights hit the Twin Towers, it is 9/11 and 20, the Maya Galactic vigessimal number! Flight AA77 which hit Pentagon had 2 + 4 = 6 in total; and Flight UA93 shot at Shanksville (Sha in Chinese = Light and Sun) had 2 + 5 = 7, the same pattern on the Zionist masonic U.S. flag! With the target year of 2013 as the END OF THE MAYAN calendar and Great Cosmic Year! The North Tower was 526 meters high to its TV antenna. It was attacked at 8:46 a.m. = 526th minute of that Zionist sacrificial Tuesday morning in Jew Yoke City, Battery Park, badly BATTERED on 9/11!!! WTC1 was 1368 feet high building. 3168 is Greek gematria value of Lord Jesus Christ. Bethlehem, as 2nd, and solar stargate is located on 31.68° latitude North, what is also 32.08° North. All time frames of 4 hijacked planes on 9/11 give summary of 32 hours and 08 minutes! And SQUARE (WTC1) + SQUARE (WTC2) + PENTAGON = 13 Bak’tuns and 13 Disciples on Last Supper at the 13th house of zodiac. But the Zionist masons also demolished WTC7, hence 20 x 13 and 2013 CE around.
Please, visit Google-Bloody Masonic Fingerprints Left On 9/11 Crime Scene,the true 9/11 Revelation.
Please, visit Google-Bloody Masonic Fingerprints left On 9/11 Crime Scene!!!
Google-Bloody Masonic Fingerprints left On 9/11 Crime Scene…