15 Questions for The Donald

August 18, 2015 AFP 10

By Victor Thorn — Since announcing his presidential candidacy on June 16, billionaire real estate mogul Donald John Trump has sparked a nationwide debate on illegal immigration, dismissed Senator John Sidney McCain III’s status as […]

10 Questions for Bernie

August 18, 2015 AFP 2

By Victor Thorn — United States Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernard “Bernie” Sanders (I-Vt.) has spoken out against the banking cartel, anti-American global trade deals and the military-industrial-banking complex. He also stands behind American workers. […]

The Seed of Corporate Greed

August 18, 2015 AFP 2

Is Monsanto the most evil corporation in the world? Many people say “yes.” By James Spounias — By a vote of 275 to 150, the United States House of Representatives passed on July 22, H.R. […]

Is Retail Apocalypse Coming?

August 8, 2015 AFP 0

By John Tiffany — While the White House continues to issue rosy remarks about the “recovering” state of the United States economy, a “retailmageddon” is hitting America hard. Major retail chains that have been American […]

Fetus Harvesters Caught on Tape, Again

August 6, 2015 AFP 2

By Tarrah Baptista — A group of activists recently released two shocking videos that show executives from abortionist Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) in business meetings discussing in the most callous terms the depraved practice […]

AFP in Texas for JADE HELM 15

August 5, 2015 AFP 4

By Mark Anderson — SEGUIN, Texas—This newspaper recently began an in-depth investigation into the widespread, nebulous United States military exercise named “Jade Helm 15.” According to the most convincing indications, the massive operation will focus […]

SuperBugs Can Be Beaten

August 5, 2015 AFP 0

• We are not helpless against this modern-day plague. By James Spounias — We’ve all heard of antibiotic-resistant “superbugs.” Friends, relatives and perhaps you have contracted methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) or other well-known microbial strains, […]

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