May 4, 2015 AFP 32

Sign up for AFP’s FREE email newsletter to get updated stories, important news alerts and special offers. Just click the link below and follow a few easy steps. As an added bonus, get a FREE […]

Sandy Hook: Still Looking for Answers

May 3, 2015 AFP 28

By Victor Thorn — When serious investigative journalists confront a particular case, it’s imperative that they rely on critical thinking and logic rather than emotionalism and blind acceptance. With this extremely simple premise in mind, […]

‘Hated’ SPLC Attacks AFP, Again

May 3, 2015 AFP 5

One of the crude and ghastly Jewish mouthpieces of the increasingly irrelevant and vilified Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has reared its nasty head to attack a syndicated columnist  whose articles appear in this newspaper, […]

Black Cops Killed Black Baltimore Criminal

May 2, 2015 AFP 5

The races of the six Baltimore police officers have been released . . . confirming what many knowledgeable observers have been speculating since the charges against the cops were unveiled. If all the cops responsible […]

Will Washington Kill Us All?

April 26, 2015 AFP 0

• U.S. foreign policy has to fundamentally and totally change. By Paul Craig Roberts — Did you know that Washington keeps 450 nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) on “hair-trigger alert”? Washington thinks that this makes […]

How We’re Losing the Culture War

April 25, 2015 AFP 3

By Patrick J. Buchanan — The Republican rout in the Battle of Indianapolis provides us with a snapshot of the correlation of forces in the culture wars. Faced with a corporate-secularist firestorm, Governor Mike Pence […]

Citizens March Against Monsanto

April 25, 2015 AFP 1

• Americans plan huge march against Monsanto even as Congress kowtows to hated corporate leviathan. By James Spounias — Republican Congressman from Kansas Mike Pompeo is at it again. Pompeo and G.K. Butterfield (D-N.C.), along with […]

How the West Is Killing Christianity

April 25, 2015 AFP 6

•Western leaders abandon Christians to die in Africa, Mideast. By Richard Walker — Foreign wars and conflicts launched and promoted by the United States and its allies since 2003 have led directly to the widespread […]

AUDIO INTERVIEW: The Real Hillary Clinton

April 23, 2015 AFP 0

AFP AUDIO INTERVIEW How much do you know about the woman who will most likely be the next American president? If you haven’t read Victor Thorn’s “Hillary Trilogy,” odds are you don’t know much. Dave […]

Historical Book on Israel Censored in U.S.

April 18, 2015 AFP 5

• AHA refuses to run ad for tome on “special relationship” between United States, Israel. By Ronald L. Ray — Most people think of historians as quiet bookworms, squirreled away in corners of ancient libraries. […]

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